Something's off in the Falls

Start from the beginning

"Hey girls."

"Hey," Lisa greets me back before taking her cue to leave and heading towards some random drunk chic.

"Elena! details! now!" Bonnie says after glancing toward Luke.

Bonnie's wearing a short red dress, with a sweetheart's neck and silver high heels. She looks beautiful with her winged eyeliner, light nude lip gloss and red nails.

"Okay, okay, okay. So, the blonde's an old friend of mine. His name's Luke. And before you ask yes he's single but I must warn you. He's a player." She looks at me as if waiting for me to continue.


"Who's the hottie with the leather jacket" She gives me a questioning look.

"What?" I look behind me to see a charming face. Whoever he is, he is totally my type. He has dark hair, piercing blue eyes, a square jaw and fair skin with olive undertones. His body is toned and lean but not overly muscular and bulky. He's wearing a black leather jacket, black shirt, and boots underneath darkened jeans that give him a badass look. Elena! stop drooling. 

"Something doesn't feel right here... Go talk to him, see what you can find out." Bonnie says knowing what I'm thinking.


"You agreed awfully early."

I chuckle before rolling my eyes and heading towards that smoulder-holder. He was already looking at me when I approached him.

"Okay, I am here what are your other two wishes." 

"Your number and a kiss." He responds instantly. Damn.

But I won't lose. I cannot bring shame to my name by losing this game.

"Your wish is my command," I say seductively before bringing his lips to meet mine. 

I can sense he wasn't expecting that and truth to be told neither was I but he asked for it... He stays still for a moment or two before kissing me back, our kiss wasn't as short as a peck but it wasn't a full-on make-out session either. 

"And for my number... here." I write on tissue paper and hand it to him while smirking. He takes it and asks "Elena Gilbert, isn't it? I nod.

"And who might you be?"

"Damon Salvatore," He answers and we shake hands. Salvatore?

"Salvatore? As in Stefan Salvatore?"

"I see my brother has already met you." Brother? But Stefan didn't tell us that he had one...

"Yeah... He is in my class." I say nervously. He smirks at my sudden shyness and I blush even more under his intense gaze. 

"Elena!" Bonnie yells and I turn to see her gesturing for me to join her but in reality she's just saving me from an awkward situation.

"Well, Mr. Salvatore it was a pleasure meeting you." 

"The pleasure is all mine Ms. Gilbert." He says before we part ways.


"Elena Salvatore, I like how the name sounds," Bonnie says teasingly. 

"Don't even get there, friendship is all I want." I give her the 'just-no' look. I just realized I had kissed Stefan's brother during our first meeting. It feels so weird!

"Oh come on, both of them are hot, both can't take their eyes off you and you're single." I can see 'playfulness' in her eyes and the way how she's trying to control her laughter.

"Are you shipping me with both of them at the same time?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says like there is nothing wrong with it.

"Bonnie Bennett!" I say with a little laugh.

"Okay, fine, sorry. What's Luke's fullname." 


"He's cute, how about Elena Whitlock? I like the ring of it..."

"Dude, why are you shipping me with everyone? I neither want to date a Salvatore nor a Whitlock or anyone for that matter."

"I'm just trying to distract you, but if you don't want to then it's okay we can ourselves have fun. Let us get some tequila shots and then hit the dance floor, shall we?"

"Sounds like a plan, but before we follow it, I need to go. Still haven't met Matt, Care or Stefan."

"Care's probably drunk flirting with some guy, Stefan's probably that guy and things will get awkward if you go see Matt."

"True... but Stefan asked me if I was coming to the party and it looked as if his answer depended on mine... I'll feel really bad if I don't even get to greet him... and I feel like we kinda were a thing, I mean we were getting somewhere but I just kissed his brother so I've to come clean to him..."

She gives me her 'you're-overthinking-and-being-too-nice-and-it's-not-the-time' look. She sighs in defeat.

"kay, fine, but hurry, I wanna drink and I'm not drinking without you." Awww. I smile and I can tell that she knows I mentally 'awwwed'.

I go towards the bar where I last spotted him. I turn around and jump in surprise as I see him right in front of me.

"I did it again didn't I?" he says with a smile. I nod and smile. Should I invite him to drink with me? I mean I kind of want to but Bonnie wouldn't like that...

"uh... I met your brother." I attempt to start a conversation but instantly regret it as his smile fades away.

"You did?"

"Yeah, he's here at the party..." I say and I feel as if he isn't looking at me anymore, as if he is looking at something behind me...

"Uh. I-. uh. I gotta go..." He says and I turn my face to see if anyone is behind me and when I look forward. Guess what? Mr. Salvatore is gone. I wanted to tell him about the kiss, but why should I tell him every detail of my life especially when he has this whole mysterious thing going around him.

I look for Caroline but go to drink with Bonnie after I fail to find her.

Since we're not planning on getting extremely drunk, both of us only drink a little just to loosen up a bit and get in the mood to dance. Bonnie and I dance before the place gets crowded and I lose her track but I keep swaying my hips according to the beat of the music and dancing.

I feel someone's burning gaze on my body.

I should go home, tomorrow's school...

I look around but I don't see Stefan anywhere. I was wishing to meet him before leaving because we didn't really get to have a decent conversation but instead, I bump into the other Salvatore.

Lucky me.

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