Chapter 4: Village of Book End

Start from the beginning

Raven: Hey Maddie... do you they're talking about?

She asked her friend by her nickname.

Maddie: Oh! That they must be talking about the Heartless!

Raven: Heartless?

Maddie: Yup! It's what they're calling those creepy crawling creatures of the shadow! Apparently, people heard someone calling them that and it kinda grew on it!

Raven: Okay.. But why's everyone looking happy talking about it? I mean aren't those things dangerous?

Maddie: Oh they really are dangerous! But people are talking about a Mysterious hooded person taking hordes of them down like it was nothing! I mean can you believe that!?

Raven: Wait really?

Maddie: Yup! There has been many stories going around of this guy fighting those evil creatures! Having a mighty sword in hand that seems to vanquish those Heartless in a single slash!

Raven: Is that really true?

Maddie: Well at least that's what they say! But although people aren't sure of the Mysterious person, some calls him a Hero while others a Villain.

Raven: Why a villain?

Maddie: Well because of his appearance, he wears some Black clothes and wields a black sword and that alone makes people thinks he's a Villain and says he might be the one bringing the Heartless in but that's just rumors being rumors!

Raven: I-I see...

Maddie: But boy those Heartless have been appearing a lot lately huh? It's only been like what, almost 3 months already since they appeared!

Raven: Yeah but luckily we had heroes and mages taking care of them.

Maddie: Yeah but people believe that the Heartless is part of a story, most likely the person taking them down.

Raven: I see, but at least there are no Heartless here right?

Maddie just nodded as both continued walking.

But little did they know, they just jinxed it.


In another forest of the Ever After land.

A certain Nobody was seen crouching on a tree branch a few yards away was a group of Heartless.

Heartless: Sergeants & Soldiers

This group of armored Heartless were marching forward heading towards a village but luckily Roxas was in the area.

Holding Oblivion in hand, Roxas was about to drop down on them but...


Roxas: !?

Roxas was startled as well as the Heartless and all of them started running arond making him groan.

He quickly drops down and took chase after them, he went over his coat and brought out whatever was making that ringtone as he looks to see it was his Mirrorphone!

He fumbled the Mirror on his hand as he keeps chasing the Heartless and by chance he got hold of it, he accidentally answered whoever was calling.

???: Oh Roxas! Finally you've answered your Mirror! It's not nice to keep a lady waiting especially when she's a Queen!

Roxas: Eugh! I'm in the middle of something here!

Roxas jumps, landing in front of the Heartless as they all stop and seeing no other way they started attacking.

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