The Point of no Return

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Whenever Yejin went to a place, there he was, staring at her, causing her great discomfort, so the first step was ready, the second would be to kidnap her, it sounds very serious, an illegality, but it was necessary to make her see reason.

He took a few coins and the key to his house, the light hit his face hard, which made him very uncomfortable until he got used to it, when it no longer bothered him he walked towards the office of his victim, he waited for her until she came out and as always she would go to a cafe, where she would bring a donut and coffee, she would order it to go because she did not feel safe on the street and then she would go quickly to her house, but he realized something, when he arrived at her apartment there was only one security guard, the one who usually falls asleep, so he had a clear path, plus he knew that the security cameras in that place were rubbish. And just as he knew, he did his routine.

When the desired moment arrived, he took the cloth that contained a strange substance to make her sleep, slowly approached her and covered her nose and mouth with the same cloth, preventing her from breathing anything other than the substance it contained.

Slowly he could appreciate how the female fell asleep in his arms, with the strength he had he put her in his car along with her bag and headed for his house.

Upon arriving at his house, the maniac opened the door and put the woman in carrying her as if she were drunk. He laid her on his bed, he bound the woman with some ropes, he bound her hands and feet, then he put a white cloth over her mouth, preventing her from talking about her when she wakes up. He finished he went to the kitchen and with the little he had, he prepared something very simple as if nothing had happened.


Little by little she was waking up, her heavy eyes opened quickly when she saw her surroundings, she knew that house perfectly, it was Bin's house, she tried to move and escape, but she couldn't, she was completely tied up. Yejin tried to scream, but her voice didn't sound that loud and just those sounds made him walk in, her captor was in front of her and he was nonchalantly eating soup.

"You're awake, my love." He said with a smile on his face and putting the bowl aside.

He walked over to her and took the rag from her. "Help!" She screamed at first, but the only thing she received was a blow to her cheek from her and a look of fury appeared on her face, that smile that he had before had disappeared.

"Don't yell, your yelling stresses me out, you're a headache." He sat down on the nearest sofa and ate what he had prepared for himself. At the end, along with the silence, he pronounced. "You will see. I really love you very much and since I love you too much I can't let you go so fast, you are my light and if my light is not there, everything turns black and dark, I don't know if you understand." He looked at her again, but this time he had a somewhat terrifying smile.

"Are you sick. Look for someone who loves you, because I will never do it, I would never fall in love with a sick person like you."

"Shut!" He screamed and again slapped her. "You don't understand honey, from the moment I saw you, I planned a life together, in this one we got married and we have children, two beautiful children, but you had to check my cell phone, you had to get me out of your life and see you with that idiot."

He went to the kitchen and brought with him a sharp knife, it shone with its brightness, Bin approached slowly and threatened her with death if she screamed again. He returned in her footsteps and stared at her, in complete silence, waiting for her to say something.

Yejin was staring at him, her gaze calmed down and showed him her eyes of comfort, eyes that asked for love and forgiveness.

"You're right." The man was surprised at her words. "I was foolish and insecure, I shouldn't have done it and I should never have left you, I had to be by your side to take care of you and protect you." She uttered in a broken voice. "Excuse me please. I love you, but please let go of me, we can still have a life together, start over, escape the country and start a family, just like you always wanted. But just get me out of here."

Super Psycho Love (BinJin)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum