Forget me

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Sunlight shone brightly, streaming through the windows

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Sunlight shone brightly, streaming through the windows. It was a Saturday morning so there was not much traffic as usual, but there was never a shortage of people desperate to get what they want. It was a hot day with a cool wind, for many a perfect day.

In one apartment of the many there are, he had spent a crazy night, a night of pure passion and lust. The room itself looked messy, clothes scattered anywhere on the floor along with the smell of sex. The people responsible for that night were found sleeping with their bodies entwined.

The woman named Yejin was slowly waking up, she tried to move but could not because some arms were around her waist, she simply assumed that it was her boyfriend with whom she was sleeping with her, after all it was Saturday if her calculations did not fail. So again he closed his eyes.

Being comfortable again a scene passed through her head, that night she had not gone to her boyfriend's apartment, she quickly opened her eyes and looked at the situation she was in, next to her there was another body but a male one; I had many questions and few answers but the main one was: Why were they naked?!

Yejin wandered with his eyes, it was obvious that a lot had happened that night and one of the keys that he had slept with the person who slept next to him was the pain in his privacy, a stabbing pain. How long have you been doing it?

Finally he deigned to see the face of that man, he swore that he would kick him out of his apartment, he did not care if the cameras saw him naked or the neighbors murmured things behind his back.

His gaze traveled over the foreign body, began with his abdomen and rested a little on his neck, finally taking the courage to see his face.

She paled when she saw him, of all the people in the world she had to sleep with her ex-boyfriend.

She broke away from the arms that held her, succeeding. He turned over to continue sleeping and she took advantage of that to try to get out of bed, she tried very cautiously; but one wrong move made his escape unsuccessful.

She felt a hand on her butt, tightening her grip. She turned around and saw Bin grinning from ear to ear, touching her. Yejin quickly came out of the grip and covered his body with the first thing he found, a stained blanket covered his not so well-groomed body, since hickeys could be seen on his body.

"What happened last night?" He asked, wishing it was all a very bad joke, although the chances of that happening were nil.

"It is not obvious?" Yes, it was the most obvious thing in the world what happened that night, but she didn't want to accept it.

Yejin was still in denial, she did not want to accept that she had slept with her ex-boyfriend, having her current boyfriend who loved and respected her, at that time she felt like the worst person in the world. Slowly she sat up trying to process everything in the best way which was impossible, plus her intimacy hurt too much to stay up.

Super Psycho Love (BinJin)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن