chapter 1 Godzilla 2014 part 1

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As I announced what I say, is gone quiet as I just stood their look like idiot.
Me: how this how Mic fell like.
Mic: see he gets me!
Aizawa: shut up mic!
Midnight: really mic?
Godzilla 2000: what do mean monsterverse?
Asuka: are thier angel?
Eren: are their titans?
Me: no or maybe.
Eren: maybe!
Me: ok just watch screen.
The Warner Bros. logo appeared on the screen, then shortly after that was the Legendary Pictures insignia. The music soon came low and ominous that set the tone of the beginning of the movie. The insignia soon faded into darkness, where it was pitch black all around for several seconds... and a cave drawing appeared. The cave drawing soon gave way to an ancient drawing of a sea monster, one look interesting and looking have been made during medieval period of Europe. The credits started to appear on the side, old-school white writing like that on a typewriter. However, certain sections of the credits were being whited out like for reason. Like one would do in sensitive documents that belonged to military or government. The showing of drawings describing fantastic beasts continued.
Many ask question a disney princess includes izuku look interest of ancient paintings.While G force, jxsdf and Lan pacific defense force confuse of animal create on it. But major
Nezu: very interesting.
Eren and rest look interest as well since we'll you know.
Me: jeez they're into that?
The more picture gave way to show scientific pictures, such as drawings of an Ichthyosaurs. which was a fish-reptile that swam in time of Mesozoic era. Pictures showing the skeleton of one of the ancient fishes detailed well, and close-up of one of its jaws. The picture replaced by a paperback that showed the title The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection. A book that was made by Charles Darwin. The title then replaced by pictures showed the outline of history of the dinosaur era, various images showed legendary creatures. It quickly showed a picture that looked to be Greek in appearance, where a man was fighting against monster like serpent. The pictures soon gave way once more to reports of various kinds, the credits still being omitted out even when they were being shown.
Momo: why animals are being related to what you said?
Me: in do time my dear.
Sanji look at rei who seat alone and get gaze from Asuka.
Levi suspect me for what I'm doing.
Bell: what that book?
Me: I well get that later, just watch!
The reports were replaced by live recorded footage now seems outdate. A sailor planting the American flag on something before saluting. It showed a person being outfitted in diver's suit, then switched to show a sea that held native canoes... and nearby was a break in the water near the man-made crafts, then row of spines appeared! The footage than showed an amphibious begin to land. men in uniform preparing to land. The footage was then replaced with a map showed the Japanese nation call Japan, than showed a location called Bikini Atoll. It was a place in real life, was the site for nuclear testing back then when the world was getting adapted to nuclear power!
When black like spines appear, got them sight what they see.
Major Kiriko: No this can't be!?
Miki have feeling that is godzilla, and she was right. The godzilla ls on hand Growl at their opponent. Kong just roar abs smash the ground when ses it happen.
I smile which few have hated godzilla fir long time. Sanji worry that his father well might want weapon soon.
The scene showed three scientists doing figures on paper, show a symbol of two triangles connected at the tips with the words MONARCH- EYES ONLY underneath it. The scene shifted yet again to show building and scientists working, hauling equipment into small labs. The pictures changed to show brief showing of waves, with words PROJECT MONARCH showing to all. Submarines were showed, and soon footage of humans getting ready for something as they showed charts, maps and so on. The scene changed to show sailors interacting with the native children, and also loading crates of extremely powerful explosives. The scene change with maps of locations and projections being played out. The scene soon showed a young man looking into a periscope of some kind, then see extremely long, tall row of dorsal fin like spikes in the distance away!
When they see word monarch, which got them suspect this word like an organization. Izuku, max and few interest in unknown things really gets to them.
Akane: that's godzilla?
I rember Akane from godzilla against mechagodzilla since she have still battle of monster. But when name of island, groan from toho group as they known why godzilla is their. I look at them, they well be in real surprise soon.
The footage went for an aerial view, where showed dorsal spines what was attached to it, which was something truly massive animal! The scene changed to show alot of soldiers on large ship, donning large black goggles that were made to protect their eyes. It showed some humans preparing their cameras to record the event. Then switched to show the natives of the Bikini Atoll at the shore of islands. The native men and women of the islands looked ahead to see large dorsal spines as well. Then camera soon shifting to get a close up view of the large unknown creature. The camera switched once again show the humans putting on their goggles, and also hearing Siren with countdown commence as the cameras rolled. Focusing only on the shape like being that was lure out from the sea. The scene changed once more to show the natives, all looking in awe and wonder of spines that was close to their home. The scene changed to a beach, full color, then with a bomb situated on the land. With a picture have been crudely drawn black-inked to represent Godzilla, with inside of a red circle with a red slash mark on his face!
What caught them as toho group scream in angry.
General: they just doom themselves!
Major Kiriko: monster feed on radiation.
Every person confused so I just tell them what Godzilla main food source. Which disgusted them alot, zilla and kong felt weird out.
The countdown still continued, and the scene shifted to show Godzilla just rising up from the sea... just as the countdown reached to zero! There was a small booming sound, followed by the clips changing to show the soldiers on the island seeing the result of the explosion! An angry like mushroom cloud form quickly as the radiation bomb was set off. The ships that were near point of detonation, then soon vaporized with water as the cloud rose in the sky! The picture switched to an aerial view, where the mushroom cloud expanded largely, swiftly and quickly! Whiteness enveloped sky and sea below quickly changing colors and shifting once more as some soldiers stood from their seats to witness completely the devastation that came with the explosion. Fire and smoke took place at the top of the cloud, the column below it black. A shockwave spread out, that struck the land, creating waves of immense size! The wind from the shockwave enveloped the scene, covering everything in white! Soon, radioactive ash fluttered all over the blank screen, followed by the words that gradually appeared in the white background. The words read: GODZILLA.
After bomb set off, and name gidzilla appear which surprise them alongside of them.
Major Kiriko: why have be dam lizard.
All godzilla: Lizard!
All might: oh boy?
Me: yes is going be fun with they going at each other.
The scene changed to show a forest, land thick with trees, and grass on mountain side. A helicopter soon appeared, the rotor of blades spinning quickly while the engines roared alive. As aircraft continued is course, the camera shifted to the side of helicopter that showed blue words were marked on its white side. It was MONARCH with the insignia of the mysterious agency. The background of the land was shown beautifully, nature in all its wonder and beauty as the helicopter continued route to it's destination. Words in white appeared on the screen, location was at the Philippine Islands, and the year being 1999. The scene changed to show what person was riding inside the craft, showing a middle-aged Japanese man that looked to be a bit worn. But by what, no one knew why he like that. He was wearing an exploration outfit, with wearing dark sunglasses. He then looked down, the camera showing he holding pocket watch of sort in his hand.
Aurora: what is monarch and what they doing their and who that's man?
Me: you see my dear, his name about appear soon may shock you guys.
Toho group look confuse as they don't know. Few want to know why?
The camera move closer as Japanese man gently ran his fingers over round metal face, showing to all that the watch was very old. He then closed his fingers around the watch, the camera switching to show that the man was not alone. By his side was middle-aged woman, her name Vivienne Graham who have brown hair, and surpriseing wearing an explorer's outfit as well. The woman's eyes darted from the watch to the man, know that watch held something special to her companion. She then looked outside, and the camera shifted to show what was going. It appeared that they are at a dig site of sort, hundreds or thousands of workers were digging into the earth. Men with picks, shovels and axes were digging away into the rock while going up & down on ladders that were lay against the rock. The camera changed once more to show the entire spot where the helicopter was at, then dig site that was truly MASSIVE on a scale of large hole!
Surprised see woman, mostly from Disney since they never join in well. Mostly villan is their butcodd reason heros never notice them. Probably they still focus on godzilla.
Gaston: what woman please they are made to....
I slap my fore head as deadly aura from all woman.
Me: never shut your mouth are you caveman, and Aurora don't kill him.
Both: huh?
Me: oh yeah I forgot both might have similar name.
Then, both sides look, lov, few villans and rest see heros as well.
All might: All fir one!
All for one: all might!
Me: settle this later, just watch!
But what surprised them as large hole, they want answered soon.
Down below in the pit was heavy machinery, large bulldozers and cranes in the deep hole. The workers looked like ants, running around doing construction and digging deeper into the soil. The scene changed again, the helicopter lowering itself down near large metal structures. One had the logo on it was call WESTERN MINING, that it was a mining operation that was funded by Western business companies. As the aircraft descended, four people were at the entrance to the place. Three were dressed in paramilitary, carrying automatic weapons, with bullet chain worn around their shoulders. The last one was bald, wore a business suit and seemed to look little out of place. The camera changed to what in front of the people, the three people holding the guns wearing blue bandana masks over their faces while the white businessman looked out of his element.
Once the craft landed, the two beings emerged from the helicopter and went towards the businessman. Said being shook the hand of the free hand of the Japanese male and stated,
Everyone: mining companies?
Confused as they don't know what going on, word uranium and see arm mam is scary for them.
Sanji: they have guns!
Asuka,: quiet sanji
Me: really Asuka you just silent you crush.
Asuka face turn as well for sanji, rei hurt in her heart.
Jerry: Dr. Serizawa? Jerry Boyd! I'm warning you, it's a mess! It's a total mess! Monarch sent me in this morning! Took a look around, but I told them we needed you!
He had to raise his voice due to roar of engines, and wind that followed thanks to the whirling blades. Then Said aircraft took back off into the sky, the camera showing now the workers that were hired by the company.
Jerry: the excavation company had picked up a radiation pocket last month, many believing it to be a deposit of natural uranium.
It was due to that assumption that the company sent in the heavy machinery like the cranes and bulldozers, to see if they mine the pocket & claim the uranium load.
Miki: Serizawa?
Toho hear Serizawa for first time, that's Serizawa.
Akane: creator of oxygen Destroyer and kill first godzilla?
Major Kiriko: what!
Godzilla 2002: I heard that!
Me: maybe I should reveal toho that there mistake is surprising for makes for weapons.
However, he stated that something happened... causing the ground to collapse into a cavern that was beneath the land. The camera changed to show the group walking towards a metal railing, and gradually showing a view of an immense hole that looked to be quite deep.
Mr. Boyd: Best guess right now is about forty miners went down with it.
The camera showed that sections of man-made, steel walkways had been ripped off from the area.
Evetuone: That deep!
I sigh, it be funny if they see large bones, for first time.
Me: I can't wait!
The scene quickly to blackness, followed by heavy breathing and a search light piercing through the darkness. Someone came on the scene, showing that the scenery had changed from the surface now to deep beneath the earth itself. It was Jerry, shown to have wearing a Haz-mat suit. With portable headlights sewn into the helmet so one could see in the darkness. The businessman told his colleagues to follow him, into going deeper into the cavern. Several fellow humans followed the person, one having a flashlight that would shed more light into caverns instead of solely relying on the light from helmet. The camera changed to show something in the darkness, then objects looking like bones!
Jerry: When they first discovered this pocket, the radiation levels were only half as strong. It's almost as if contact with the outside air started catalyzing something.
The group made their way deeper, passing the skeletal structure right on.
When see fossil, people are dinosaur expert, like max and his father wants to know.
Izuku: amazing, look at bones and mutter mutter
Everone creep out of izuku habit of muttering alot.
Me: momo I'm sorry.
Momo confused as she was grab and make her kiss izuku. Izuku blush as well for momo. Disney princess giggle as prince smile for young man.
Me: next time if you muttering then I make you kiss jiro or bakugo
Bakugo face turn green as jiro blush little bit, which bakugo scream about not kissing deku.
The camera changed to show that among the group was Dr. Serizawa, who shone his flashlight more as he took point now. His female colleague take pictures on what they were seeing... which was definitely a curved bone! Jerry, who was escorting them, asked if it was some kind of fossil, putting in that he had been digging holes for thirty years yet never seen such a sight like this. Crew-men turned on lights that they brought down into the cavern, lighting the place up... and showing that all were now truly inside MASSIVE skeletal structures!
Vivienne whispered in awe at what she saw before her,asking if it was possible.
Vivienne: it was him.
The Japanese doctor's gaze never left the skeletal structure as he answered.
Serizawa: No, This is much older. Jerry called out to both, stating he had something that they needed see. The camera switched to show a crew-man taking pictures, bright flashes of white light filling the area briefly before fading. Someone was shouting a foreign language, various men in Haz-mat suits combing around the skeleton. Dr. Serizawa and his colleagues continued further into the cavern, going through what now looked to be a spinal column with the ribcage bones showing. The doctor's female friend produced Geiger Counter. loud clicking noise filling the air as it detected a large substantial amounts of radiation. However, the clicking increased in intensity and frequency... as she neared something that was hanging on the bones!
Even is cool, Harou still belive godzilla is enemy, surprised everyone that fossil is older one which sanji father I interest of bones. But off guard was a object on bones.
Mina: what's that!
As some of the crew started to take pictures of the large object, Miss Graham looked to her companion asked on what is it she was seeing. Dr. Serizawa merely shook his head, in slight awe on what he was seeing. She inquired if it was some kind of egg, as the object looked like a seed pod that was covered in some kind of slime of sort. She asked if it was dormant spore, since it also looked to be plant-like. The camera shifted to go around behind the Japanese man, slowly panning upward to show that the pod was actually attached to the rock, not the skeleton. His flashlight showed that the pod seemed to be connected with something. The female stated,
Vivienne: The bones are fossilized... but this formation seems to be perfectly preserved.
The light traced to the other attachment, but instead of finding a similar pod... they found nothing.
When Dome kind pod down, dinosaur, and kaiju include kong and godzillas Growl. Which got them up into anger of all sudden so just them later why they got mad.
Nick: godzilla?
Jason: kong?
Me: is instincts, they fell not just right!
Jerry spoke as he neared the broken object.
Jerry: This one looks broken. Like something came out of it.
The camera showed the puzzlement and confused was on the doctor's face... and then they heard what appeared be helicopter blades. The crew followed the sound, Dr. Serizawa walking and soon was harsh sunlight! The camera went behind him, and showed to all that he was looking at ¹large hole. The scene shifted from the cavern back to the outside world, where a helicopter was flying by... a HUGE trench in land shown, as if something massive had just cut through mountainside like it was nothing! The helicopter following the trench path which was indeed wide and huge as it seemed to be going from the mountain forest area... all the way to the sea!
Levi: what's ever it is, got out their somewhere.
This concerns most people of what creature look like and were did it go.
Godzilla heisei: those pods, I fell scare and angry that don't know why?
The scene changed with the music, which started to do a strong, steady drum beat with people saying HA along with said beats, like those done in ceremonies. The camera was now panning over the sea, soon showing a wall of mountains with the words white JANJIRA, JAPAN showing for all to see what the next location was. The camera rose over the mountains, showing a large city community's that was nestled on the other side of the natural rock formation. A city in the distance, suburbs scattered around it with power plant functioning nearby. As the camera changed to show a quaint Japanese home, surrounded by green brush with a majestic mountain capped with snow at the peak in the background. It soon transisted to show the inside of the abode, where a man speaking Japanese was playing over the TV. A pair of feet hit the carpeting mats, said flooring having multiple toy around. As the feet walked on the mats, passing over military and dinosaur toys, the being bent down to get message that was tied to some string. It was a young boy, and he took the object up when a phone rang.
Bell: what this?
Cinderella: nice land
Jasmine: wow
I chuckle since they never see this in their life, and girls squealing for boy cuteness.
An old male voice called out for the phone.
???:I'll get it. It's probably for me.
As the young lad dragged his hand-made craft out of the room, passing by a large black-and-white toy model rocket showed the words USA with a Japanese poster on the side of the sliding door. The camera slowly zoomed on the poster, which showed a fire-breathing saurian fighting against something with wings! The rocket blocked the monster that had the wings, though. The camera changed to show the young boy in full, an American young boy that wore a green shirt with striped pants on. He had brown hair with pale skin, showing he was not a native of Japan. His name was Ford, and he walked slowly towards the door that was filled with the sound of a man talking on the phone, which was his father Joe Brody. He leaned in slightly, peering into the room as his father was talking to someone.
Izuku: so that guy live in Japan?
Me: yup
Asuka: who he talking?
Me: his job....
Joe: No. Takashi, just listen to me for a second! I'm asking for the meeting because if I have to shut down the reactor down, you're not gonna want to read about it in a memo.
He went on to explain that he had been following tremors that originated from Philippine Islands, and now it appeared the quakes were now in Japanese area. In their own backyard, to be precise. It seemed that there was some arguments on the line, Joe stating that he was just following the protocols set forth by the company they both work for. Coming around the corner was a lovely woman in a suit, who was the boy's mother & Joe's wife. Her name was Sandra Brody. The two whispered to one another, apparently finding Joe awake was not part of plan. She told him to get dressed, and that she would figure something. The young lad nodded, going back to his room to get ready for the day.
Aizawa: somthing not right?
Staker: agree
Bell: what surprises?
Snow white: I wish to know as well.
The scene changed to show the outside of the house, which was quite lovely with various colored shrubbery around the abode. Thunder rumbled from above, indicating that rainstorm was on way to the city. Mrs. Brody and Ford walking out, the son saying goodbye to his father who was more focused on his cell phone at moment. He told his superior on the line that he was an engineer, and he didn't like unexplained frequency patterns near his work where he was responsible. He needed a meeting, and he was telling Takashi to make it happen. The camera showed parents getting into the car, Ford waving & saying goodbye to his mother as he rushed towards a school bus. Sandra looked to her husband as he got into the driver's seat and spoke.
Sandra: He made you a sign. A birthday sign. He worked so hard on it.
Asuka: wave pattern is impossible for earthquakes like that?
Me: smart right and how you know?
Asuka don't know as but reveal almost why his son made for him.
Mina: uhh he left his son hardwork
This caused Joe to be regretful, as he had completely missed it. The two saw the bus leave off, the American man looking very sorry for not noticing his son's handwork. She told him that she would come home early, pick up Ford from school and go get a proper cake for the occasion.
Joe: Listen, I need to know... that it's not the sensors. Okay? I can't be calling this meeting and look like the American maniac.
He instructed her on when she got to her job, both work at the Janjira Nuclear Power Plant, to not even go up to meet with him. She was to take a team and go down to Level Five, which was the lowest part of the power plant, to close to the reactor itself. She agreed to that, and also started some playful banter with him. She also reminded him that today was HIS birthday, which he completely forgot! She laughed warmly and started to kiss him, the pleasantly surprised him. Now hoping to get birthday's more often after receiving a present like that from her.
Nezu: he better figure out soon.
I look at everyone surprised see he forget his old birthday. I look at them really and which shock my head.
Gendo: really for birthday, very disappointed like my...
I smack him as I look angry, I cam see why his father is being dick, I few surprised for him soon.
The car soon rolled out of the driveway, careful of rain now coming down, and going to the nuclear power plant in the distance. Camera showed the plant in the distance, it stayed on the facility until it transitioned to said area, Joe asking on what he looking at. Joe was wearing glasses now as he was looking at a printed paper chart, a fellow American walking behind him with a Japanese workman wearing white uniform and helmet on was telling him what his superior was reading. Joe was looking at what worker called a seismic anomaly, the graph that showed data that was recording in minutes & not days. The American behind them asked if the seismic activity translated to earthquakes. Mr. Brody: No, earthquakes are random, jagged. This is consistent, increasing! This is a pattern.
The trio continued walk along, passing everyone as they headed towards their destination.
Miki: power planet. ..
Got quite at everyone don't like factory created radioactive enegy and unknown earthquakes gives them some chills.
Me: wait and see what happens.
The scene shifted to Level Five of the facility, which was a small containment room that housed various equipment. Sandra was getting ready, now in a gray radiation suit with small tubes on it that would filter out air and make her breathe in suit. She looked to her fellow workers that were dressed the same as her and stated.
Sander:All right, let's make this quick.
She put up her mask, a buzzing sound going off as one of her co-workers opened door to a room that had multiple, white pipes on the side of the wall. She along with four others, made their way down to the heart of reactor. The scene changed once more, Joe now in the Control Room of facility where many Japanese workers were looking at their equipment on the various computer consoles. He walked up to his subordinate Takashi, who was actually a young Japanese adult, and asked him on what was going on. He was hoping that his fellow worker was seeing the pattern as he had just done.
Staker: the earthquakes pattern dint seems right.
Mako: yes something not right?
Jaeger pilots felt sothing of and what is it caused it.
The Japanese man responded to him right now.
Takashi: Yeah. Maybe not such a good time for a meeting.
Joe walked past him get one of the consoles, fiddling with it until he got what he needed to see. The camera switched show to all the monitor that he was seeing, which was a seismograph monitor that showed spikes that resembled a bumpy hill. Mr. Brody asked his assistant on where the source was, where the epicenter of these vibrations were coming from. However, Takashi answered that they did not have the answer but that the seismic activity was getting stronger. Joe looked up to his co-worker and stated that the tremors had to be centered somewhere, any kind of earth vibrations usually had a center. He looked over to a worker, one he called Hayato and inquired if he had anything to report.
Levi: they better find it before someone get hurt.
Everyone agree to they should find the center before someone gets hurt from it.
The elderly worker threw his arm slightly and answered.
Elder man: No one else is reporting it. We are contacting every other plant in the Kantō region; Tōkai, Fujijama... they are unaffected.
He did stated his own theory though; that the readings were actually aftershocks from the Philippine earthquake that had been discovered recently. Joe looked at a wall that contained plentiful circular gauges, which read the power that the plant was producing. He asked if said facility was full function, Takashi answered that they were... but also suggested that they power-down just to be on the safe side. It was after he spoke those words that room was rocked strongly, the vibrations lasting for about fifteen seconds before going off a little!
Izuku: wait if other power planet not effect then....
Mikasa: something is not right thing!
They are right with building shock and scare at same time.
He ordered that the facility be taken offline now, his American worker about to object but Mr. Brody would have none of it! He felt that something was wrong, and was now ordering all wind it all down. He spoke Japanese to rest of the workers, going to a walkie-talkie and pulling it out to use it. He called for Sandra, but another powerful quake tore through the building! The walls shuddered, the lights going off briefly before switching over the red emergency lights. The scene shifted back to Sandra, where she and her co-workers felt tremor as well. The emergency noise came on, all now having fearful looks as they knew that something was wrong... very wrong!
Sandra: We're turning back! Let's go!And the camera changed to show to all what was in front of her... a room where pipes are exploded, and a white steam started to fill and expand all over the room quickly! Muttering a word to the Lord, she turned around and started run with the others!
When pipes burt as they knew what those white air are.
Izuku: they need get out now!
Sanji: does not end well?
Asuka: they better get out their
Sandra called out on the communicator built into her helmet for her husband, telling him that there was breach in the reactor room. That she and her team were heading back to Containment Seal room. The camera shifted to show Joe as he answered, telling her to get out of there due to the breach. If she and the team did not get out... they would not last five minutes, with or without the suits. The camera changed back to Sandra and the others, showing to all the team racing for their lives as the deadly steam from the reactor rushed towards them. She exclaimed that she heard him, and were on their way back! The scene changed back to the Control Room, where another violent quake shook room! The people held on for dear life as equipment and papers flew all over the place! Takashi clung to his computer console, then looked up to see the other workers fleeing from the scene through the exit.
Joe: I'll meet them there myself. Put the safety doors on manual override.
Takashi stated that he could not due to that, in fear that the breach would reach the outside world.
Nezu: what is he doing?
Everyone notice as few worker left but Joe run opposite way.
Levi: what's moron doing?
Joe exclaimed as he rushed out of the room.
Joe: Keep the doors open! My wife is still in there!
The camera showed him running back down the hall he was in before, the American seeing many of the Japanese workers rushing the opposite direction when he was going in. They were evacuating from the scene, it was protocol if a breach was detected. Joe keeping his breathing in check as he rushed to the Containment Seal room. The scenery changed back to Level Five, where the humans were still running fast from the deadly steam! Sandra urged her team to go, only turning her head briefly to see the steam steadily gaining on them! The camera changed once again to show Mr. Brody rushing through the corridors, than arriving at the Containment Seal area. He looked down the long hallway his wife went through earlier, than pressed the PA button to the Control Room, asking if the door was on manual.
Bell: she have to get soon!
Godzilla 2000: she won't last.
Everyone yell but me and my member which I knew is what's going happen since godzilla 2000 is right.
Takashi answered that it was done as ordered, but he stated there was already signs of a breach. He stated that he was already there, and as soon as Sandra & the others were with him, he would seal the door. He picked up his walkie-talkie and spoke.
Joe: Sandra, can you hear me? I'm at the door! Sandra? Sandra, I'm waiting for you! I'm at the checkpoint, but you have to run hon! You have to run as fast as you can! She exclaimed that she was, looking behind her briefly to see the steam catching up while the pipes near it started to burst & vent more radioactive steam! Another strong tremor came up, knocking them off balance briefly. The pipes near one of the Japanese workers burst, knocking him and Sandra down. The other Japanese workers ran over them, continuing on their mad dash for escape. Sandra sat up, looking at the deadly cloud that was almost upon them. She got up, but instead of freeing, she kneeled down to help her co-worker whom was named Kenji, urging him to get up and that they had to go. She looked up and the cloud looked ready to pounce on them!
Inko: come on dear, your family.
Everyone have family which agree his encouragement to get moving. But see white smoke got them, they knew is to late to get out their.
Sanji: damn it.
The camera switched back to Joe, who got a message from Takashi who spoke in Japanese. Mr. Brody replied back in the same language, telling that he was still there.
Takashi: Close the door! Seal the corridor or the whole city will be exposed! The camera zoomed in on his face, showing he was torn badly. If he shut the door, he would be assigning certain death to his wife. But if not... chances were great that they along with the rest of the city would be exposed to lethal doses of radiation & heat would kill them quickly. He talked back on the walkie talking, and Sandra responded. He was glad to hear her, hoping to see her soon and also to hear some good news. Sadly, it was not to be. She spoke that it was too late, that they were not coming in. He begged her, pleaded with her to not say kinds of words. He stated that he was right at door, to just run as fast as she could. But Mrs. Brody... she told him to close the door. She said through the walkie-talkie.
Sandra: Joe, you have to close the door! You have to live for our son.
Joe was clutching the handheld device tightly, his face showing agony and sadness as he felt hope dropping rapidly like a heavy stone.
The biggest decision that audience don't what hear, his wife or everyone get radiation poison. Which sad see husband make his choice of what well he do.
Asuka: please do it fir your son.
Another powerful tremor rocked the area and he looked up to see the deadly steam in the distance! Takashi yelled on the other side for him to seal the door now, while the American looked on in fascinating horror at the radiation steam cloud heading his way! He let out a yell that echoed everywhere, while his Japanese colleague counted down... and pushed button that door slid down, separating engineer and the rest of world from deadly substance! Red light filled the corridor, alarms blaring as breach was now contained. Joe was learning against the doorframe, sobs wracking through his body as he had just condemned his beloved soulmate to a death.
Once he made decision, is over to get her out as he have no choice to make. Audeince well fell sudden sadness that lose your wife permanently.
Me: is hardest to figure out.
He heard some faint banging on the door, turning around slowly to see some of the Japanese workers banging on the window porthole. They wanted to get out from the contaminated room, but Joe just whispered an apology to them. He knew he could not open the door for them, least he and the rest of the outside world get tainted by the toxic mist. The men pushed way through to plead with their boss... but Sandra was the next to show herself through the porthole, Mr. Brody gasping as he put his hand on mouth as he sobbed softly. It was killing him inside, seeing his beloved better half trapped & now just waiting to die from exposure and heat. Sandra let out a loud pant, a strained smile on her face through her clear helmet mask. Seeing that there was no point in keeping it on, she took it off... further exposing herself to deadly mist and hastening her end. They just stared at one another, no words needed at this point in time. Secondary shutter doors activated, a precaution against a breach.
Sandra: Take care of Ford... be a good father. She started to sob, feeling the end coming and not being able to even say goodbye to her beloved child. Joe answered that he would, his wife telling him to tell Joe that she & the others didn't make it.
Soon... the shutters slammed shut, forever cutting Mr. and Mrs. Brody apart forever.
Every one sad see him separate as everyone still lost that someone well die. Izuku knew this since all might tells him and as well for sanji. Eren knew from battle field, and I'm going make speech.
Me: ok listen everyone, this decision is not only that but you can't save everyone. Theirs times that mistakes well have consequences lead action to our loves one. Ok next part well be played.
Audeince look them self sad, godzilla or zilla, knew since could not save his komdo girlfriend.

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