Mal honestly had stopped trying to figure out the motives of her father-in-law when it came to the removing of his glasses.

Ben looked over at Mal and smiled. "You want to tell them or should I?"

"They're both our families. How about together?"

"Will one of you tell us before we get ancient?" Hadie asked and Mal chuckled.

"Alright Storm Cloud. Because you asked so nicely, I'll tell you...but dad has to promise he won't freak first."

"Freak? Why would I freak? I mean, it's not like you're're not are you?"

"Would that be a bad thing if I was?" Mal asked as Estelle came walking in, gently snuffling at both Genevieve and Rea. "Dad, Ben and I talked about starting a family. We know we don't need an heir but...remember when I said I want what you and mom have? That kinda includes a kid too."

Hades nodded slightly, though he couldn't help but remember a time when his daughter was under so much stress and pain that she shut everyone out who might have been able to help her. She tried so hard to do it alone, and the last thing Hades wanted was for her to feel like she'd have to do it again.

Mal smiled knowingly as she saw the look on her father's face. Gently taking Hades' hand, she said, "this isn't like it was with Natalie, dad. I know this is going to be a lot of stress but this is something both Ben and I want. We're going to be a team. Besides, you honestly think Uma, Harry, or Jay would let any one like Natalie get within one inch of the pup?"

"Ahem?" Ben coughed and raised an eyebrow as Mal looked at him.

"Oh right! Add Ben to that mix," Mal said as she realized who she'd left out of the people who'd protect her kid. "And Henry for that matter. And—."

"Mal it might actually take less time if we said who wouldn't want to protect my niece or nephew," Hadie said with a small chuckle. "I think dad's just doing the whole 'not wanting his kids to grow up' schtick even though you know we're all Gods and Godlings in the family."

He walked over to Mal and gave her a big hug. "I'm happy for you Mali."

"Are you just happy that now you have a little niece or nephew you'll get to spoil?" Mal asked as she hugged him back.

"Am I a bad uncle if I say it's both?"

Persephone chuckled as she walked over to her daughter just as Ben was embraced by his mom and dad.

"I'm so happy for you dear," Persephone said as she brought Mal into a hug. "Do you know when your due date is?"

"Doctors can't give an exact date but they said around the end of May," Mal said.

"So soon?" Belle asked as she looked over at her daughter-in-law. "I...I thought..."

"Because Mal is biologically Fae and a Godling, her gestational window is shorter than that of a mortal's," Hades said, speaking up and finally going over to hug his eldest daughter.

"Y dey ugging Mawi, Eve? (Why they hugging Mali, Evie?)" Rea asked Genevieve.

"Because she's going to have a baby," Genevieve said, giving the smaller Godling a small smile.

"Ite ow? (Right now?)"

"No, no," Persephone chuckled as she heard her daughter's question. "It won't be right now sweetheart. Mali's baby needs time to grow so that they can grow up and be big and strong like you and Hadie and Mali."

"Den I an pay wid dem? (Then I can play with them?)"

"Well no honey but we can set up a playdate with Ari and Paige? Or how about Clara and Hali? Maybe go to Henry and Claudine's house?"

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