Chapter 4

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I know its been a long time, I really am trying to get back into this book and writing in general, just know that I am not favouring any of my other books, I am trying my hardest to split updates evenly but, as I have mentioned before, I just update when I feel like I have a decent enough idea to write about! Without further ado! Enjoy the chapter! Xxx

The Dancing Lawn

The clearing in the woods was filled with the outraged shouting of Narnians of all species, surrounding the probably scared and bewildered Telmarine Prince Caspian, who was stood in the centre of the clearing, still clutching the horn that brought them here. Nikabrik was stood nearby, his shouting louder than the rest, "All this horn proves is that they've stolen yet another thing from us!" Cheers and shouts rejoiced from the grove.

Caspian's voice was quieter than the rest, seeming timid and rather unthreatening, "I didn't steal anything." It almost seemed like he was in a hearing, trying to plead his case and from the reaction of the Narnians, he was failing. "Didn't steal anything?" A minotaur cried out, "Shall we list the thing the Telmarines have taken?" He shouted to the jeering crowd, who were only to happy to oblige.

"Our homes!" A Windmade called.
"Our freedom!" A Faun added on.
"Our lives!" Screamed a Narnian from the back of the mob. 

The shouting only got louder with every awful thing they called, Caspian looked around at the crowd, who were becoming increasingly more violent, "You would hold me accountable for all the crimes of my people?" He asked weakly, confused. 

"Accountable," Nikabrik confirmed, "And punishable!" He declared, some shouts of agreement following behind. Reepicheep stood calmly to the side of the mob, "That's words from you, Dwarf." Speaking the Narnian's kind as though it burned his tongue, "Or have you forgotten that it was your people who fought alongside the White Witch?" Reepicheep finished, venom dripping from his words. 

Nikabrik snarled at the mouse, his face conveying his distaste, "And I'd gladly do it again if it would rid us of these barbarians!" He spat. Trufflehunter, who had been fairly quiet until now, decided to speak up. "Then we are lucky it is not in your power to bring her back." He decided with finality. "Or do you want us to ask this boy to go against Aslan?" The shouting somehow managed to further escalate, but Trufflehunter remained calm and continued. "Some of you may have forgotten, but we badgers remember well, that Narnia was never right except when a son of Adam was king."

There was more argument from the crowd, some about the idea of the Telmarine being their king, some from the slight sexism of the term, their Highest Queen Phoenix going without mention, Trufflehunter rephrased his earlier statement. "Of course, Queen (y/n) can never be replaced, there are legends of course." He relayed, causing the young Telmarine to look at him in confusion, he had heard of their Highest Queen. She was in every story, she was renowned for her beauty and her grace, but also her strong will and battle strategy.

"What legends do you speak of?" He asked, leaning towards the badger, his eyes sparkling like a child waiting for a bedtime story. Trufflehunter smiled fondly at the prince, he truly did care about the Narnians, about their history and their future. He sat on a rock nearby, gesturing for the prince to sit in front of him, Caspian took a seat on the mossy floor eagerly. Nikabrik looked on baffled, "Is now really the time for this?" He asked. He was shushed by his furry friend, as he settled to begin the story.

"The legend states, that after the Pevensies left Narnia, over two-hundred years ago, Queen (y/n) was found in her chamber, having turned to rock upon her lover's disappearance." Caspian looked on in confusion, as much as he didn't want to interrupt, he had questions!

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