Chapter 2

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I am sorry this took so long, but I won't apologise for not having ideas, chapters will be written when they can be, there is nothing anyone can really say or do to change that and I would appreciate your patience! With that, on with the chapter! Xxx

(y/n) pov

I felt so warm in Edmund's embrace once again, I couldn't stop the feeling of butterflies in my chest, the smile on my face was beginning to hurt. But I wouldn't change anything. I gave Ed another kiss, less passionate and more relaxed and chaste, before pulling him up from the position I had tackled him into. I looked over at the other Pevensies, seeing them all with bright smiles on their faces and Lucy and Susan seemed to be edging towards me. 

I sighed and opened my arms, the two girls leaping at me for hugs, "Missed you sister-in-law," They whispered teasingly, I rolled my eyes at the girls, a smirk on my face. "I would say I missed you too, but to me, you were here yesterday." I told them, causing them to look at me confused. I explained what had happened to me.

"When you guys left Narnia, I don't remember much, except for a horrible pain in my chest and rock beginning to envelope me, turning me into a statue. When I woke up this morning, I guess your return brought me back, but I was in some kind of, underground cave. I set one foot in the pool in front of me and all of a sudden, I was fifteen again." I told them, then took a turn to pointedly look at Ed, who seemed upset, "I kept my rings in there to keep them safe, they didn't fit anymore so I kept them in a ball of my magic."

He smiled at that, pulling me closer to him, his arms wrapping around my waist from behind. "I'm so glad I'm here and you're here," He said, fairly ineloquently, he laughed, "I love you." He whispered, kissing my neck underneath my ear. I leaned into him as Peter began speaking. "It is wonderful to see you again (y/n)," I could feel Ed's arms tighten, presumably in jealousy, "But we have to get back to business."

I nodded, wriggling out of Ed's arms, with the sole intent of smacking Peter on the back of the head and Susan on the arm. "What were you two thinking!? You could have handled that so much better!" The ginger-haired dwarf took a step closer to me, completely agreeing with me.

"A simple thank you would suffice," Susan said, partially glaring at me and the dwarf, stopping when I raised a brow, 'The audacity,' I thought. I looked towards the dwarf, "They were doing fine drowning me without your help." He spat, glaring at the young humans. "Maybe we should have let them." Peter responded, in awe that his heroic but stupid act was going without praise. 

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asked, attaching herself to my side, like old times. I absentmindedly began stroking her hair, hardly listening until I heard Edmund question, "Telmarines? In Narnia?" My head shot up in panic, the Telmarines were deadly soldiers who showed no mercy, at least that's how they were hundreds of years ago, who knows how many rulers of their kind had come and gone. 

"Where have you been the last few hundred years?" Trumpkin asked, rubbing his wrists from the tight bonds they had him in. I bashfully smiled, knowing that I had prematurely explained my backstory. "Its a bit of a long story," Lucy told him, causing him to look at them, piecing it together when he saw my father's face on the hilt of Peter's sword.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me. You're it? You're the kings and queens of old?" He sounded almost annoyed, which made me giggle, most people didn't assume that anyone but Narnian's could rule. "High King Peter... The Magnificent." He introduced himself, I rolled my eyes, a fond smile on my face, 'There it is...'

"You probably could have left out that last bit," Susan scolded, the dwarf chuckled and agreed with her. "But then, which one of you is her?" He asked, causing all of us to look at each other and back at him. "The Phoenix, Highest Queen of all Narnia?" He asked, causing me to smile at the Pevensies obvious gaze towards me. I waved at the dwarf, learning his name was Trumpkin. 

Narnia's Phoenix - Edmund x Reader (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now