The Plan

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Hi I'm Belle-Rose Evans. I look like Perrie Edwards from LM. Like seriously I like LM but people keep telling me. Even Allie keeps saying it. She's my best friend. But sometimes Dumb. I'm 21. Any-who..... I'm from LA. I'm going to London to live. Im staying with my older brother Josh. Fun. I better get ready before I die. (Pic of outfit on side) You see I happen to be very happy. I can sing, dance. I'm originally from South Shields, where Perrie is from and have the accent. So I guess I sound a little bit like Perrie. But... that's fine. If no one kept saying it to me. "Honey you ready to go yet?"asked Mom. "Yeah, I can't wait"said Belle. I have a little sister Milena Annie Evans. She's 16. I'm leaving home. We moved here when I was 18. So I am leaving a bit soon. But I like it here, but too busy and hot.
I walk into someone. "I'm so sorry"said Belle. "Wow! You look like..."said Perrie. "I know I look like Perrie Edwards."said Belle. "Haha really. Hi I'm Perrie Edwards"said Perrie. "Hi, sorry About that I'm told that all the time. It's quite annoying, I'm Belle-Rose"said Belle. "Coffee?"asked Per. "Yeah, that would be fun"said Belle. "Ok I need you to be me. I'm sick of the paps, fans.... My fake relationship with Zayn. Sick of it. I need to get away. Can you please be me? You can stay in my house. You can wear my clothes, eat my food. Anything."said Per. "Fine. But I'm living with my brother"said Belle. "Tell him what your doing..... I'll even call him and tell him. What's his name?"asked Per. "Josh."said Belle. "Yeah Last name? I can look him up"said Per. "Josh Bailey Evans."said Belle. "Thanks. I'll call him when I get through. My driver knows..... I texted
Him. His waiting for ya"said Per. "Ok"said Belle. "Wait here's my phone. I have the exact same one, This is the one I use for LM, Zayn, management."said Per. "Ok, thanks"said Belle. We both left. "Hi, I'm Lee. Your driver."said Lee. "I'm Belle."said Belle. "Ah ok, To Perrie's"said Lee. We get there. "Wow big"said Belle. "I'll be back when you need me. Perrie's phone had my number."said Lee. "Ah ok"said Belle. I go in. Oh My God! This place is huge. DING. Per's phone dings.
From Zayn
Hey I'm coming over:-)
To Zayn
Ok, see you soon:-) xx
From Zayn
What's with the xx?
To Zayn
Sorry new thing I'm starting to do,
From Zayn
Haha ok:-) xx
What the hell? That's Zayn Malik!! OMG!

I'm not Perrie I'm BelleWhere stories live. Discover now