"Sure, when would we meet again?"

"-oh! i was hoping we could go together today, can i put my groceries in your home for a little while?"

without any other choice, m/n agreed. Now, he isn't the type to let a stranger waltz in his home--- well, nevermind. He is the type to let a stranger waltz in his home, but they aren't a complete stranger if he knows their name, right? right.

Fast forward, he and sugawara are out on the mall to find a suitable gift for his niece/student.

They were scanning the whole toy store for a gift, but m/n felt nothing came up that would make up as the perfect gift.

So, he asked help to his sister. A big part of m/n did not want to, but he set his pride aside for the sake of his niece's happiness.

They both slouched as an exasperated sigh came out of their lips at the same time. "So? no gift?" M/n asked, wiping the sweat that trickled down his temple.

"N-no....i have go get her one" suga shook his head in reply, pushing his weight on his hands as he gave himself a boost. He mindlessly walked.

Until he reached the stuff toy collection. The section was nothing but full of fluffy and adorable animals. He scanned the section for a possible gift when his eyes landed on a two plush dolls of a human.

One with grey hair, and one with h/c. Both had a big grin on their faces while the grey haired one had an additional blush.

"Oh look, it's a mini sugawara!" He pointed out, upon closer inspection, it does look like sugawara. Minus the mole under his eye.

"Heh, it does look like me..." He noted, before turning his gaze onto the other one. "And this one..." He reached for the other one. "Looks just like you..!" a wide grin spread across his face. M/n felt like seeing an angel spread his wings infront of him.

So bright, and pure. The teacher's charm was beyond this world.

"...earth to m/n" He was brought back to reality by a snap of sugawara's fingers infront of his face.

"I found this one too!" He showed a little plush doll that's a girl. It has the same features as yumei.

"That's the one. That's the gift." He declared. Sugawara's eyes lit up, the search us over. He can finally head home and wrap the gift and sip on a chamomile tea while watching the latest telenovela.

Just when they're about to buy it, an employee stopped them. "Ah sirs, you can't purchase only one of them. Those are actually sold as a set." Pointing at the two plush males that resembled them.

The two of them glanced at one another, "sure we'll take it." M/n replied before sugawara could even say anything. The former setter felt his cheeks heat up.

The dolls that reminded of himself and m/n, being sold as a family set with his student's soon to be doll.

While on the way back home, m/n took the liberty of carrying the gift back to his place. "So..." M/n sparked, earning a side eye from sugawara who was fidgeting his fingers for the past few minutes. Thoughts of m/n and him holding hands makes him feel all mushy and it's not like he hasn't experienced it in the past.

It's just that, he never felt like this when he's near the person of interest.

"Do you wanna keep the doll that looks like you or nah?" He asked, looking at the doll with a goofy grin.

"If anything, i'd like to keep the one that looks like you- if it's okay of course." He politely replied, despite his calm exterior, he was already begging, screaming and frothing for m/n to agree with his preposition.

"yeah sure, it's like a little reminder of one another. Like couples!"

"Y-yeah! like couples- hahaha..."

Sugawara felt like exploding at that moment. Does m/n think we could be a couple..?! Thousands of suggestive thoughts came into his mind. He felt embarrassed, seen, naked.

He was thoroughly convinced after his first heartbreak back in college, he would never find love again-! Let alone on a man that's related to his student.

They arrived at the place without a hitch, m/n offered sugawara to stay for lunch but being the polite person he is. He refused, but of course, m/n was a persistent brat, so he found a way to make the boy agree.

After a fulfilling lunch, they both properly said their goodbyes.

Sugawara felt like walking on cloud nine, that night, he dreamt of m/n bringing him on a romantic date by the beach with no one but him, m/n and the calming waves of the sea.


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