Rule 5: Don't accept a gift from the fey

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When Red arrived with the sheep the next day he found Sans fidgeting with a small rock.

"Hay Sans, sorry 'ta keep 'ya wai'n," Red smiled apologetically.

"Oh my stars! Red, where have you been? You didn't come yesterday and I was worried," Sans inquired as he dropped the stone and ran up to Red, the sheep practically falling over each other as they rushed down the hill and away from the three skeletons.

"Ya, sorry about that," the darker said, rubbing one clawed hand over the back of his skull. "Had a small disagreement with boss, I misplaced some'ing important to him but I managed to find it. Was too tired to come through and took a nap."

"...He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"What? No. The boss would never hurt me."

"That's good!"

"Ya-wait! Were you worried about me?"

"Hay would you look at that, I got you something!"

Red ignored San's attempt to dodge the question, though the way he switched topics easily told Red all that he needed to know, why someone would care much less be worried about him was something he couldn't understand, what was even further past his ability of rationality he couldn't understand the why of it.

The box that Sans had retrieved from a top the rock they usually sat on wasn't large, but it wasn't small either; it was also somewhat shallow. The box was a light reddish white with one of those fancy bows that looked to have multiple layers to it sat on top.

"Now what's this about?"

"Well, I noticed that your jacket was a bit thin and with winter only a few weeks away i thought that you could use a new one, so~"

"No way!"

Red quickly snatched the box away and ripped the top off.

Within the box sat a black jacket with a dark red zipper and lining around the pockets, the hood was lined with thick off-white fur that felt like cotton when Red ran his hand over it.

"This...this is-"

"Based on the look in your eye I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you like it?" Sans cast a nervous glance at the tree line.

"This...I can't. This must have cast ya a fortune, I can't take it," Red said, pushing the box, with the jacket in it still, towards Sans.

"It didn't cost me all that much, plus, i got it for you." he said, pushing the box back towards Red.

Hesitantly Red reached into the box and pulled the jacket out, the soft fur sliding though his joints and tickling him, before slipping his arms through the sleeves.

As Red snuggled into the jacket Sans cast a glance at the trees and a small nod before his companion moved to his task.

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