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Okay so, if you remember from the last one someone tried to poison and kill Sam (Rowan + Aelin eldest child: would inherit Terrasen one day). But it was Asena who ate the poison and nearly died. EVERYONE IS ALIVE. Y'all, I have said it once and I will say it again. I AM NOT GOING TO KILL ANY OF THE CHILDREN. 

So, I wasn't planning on this, but it's now happening, some of the children (and thank you @RichrdHeizler and @AsterinBlackbeak2 for the names lol) will be going on an adventure to find the assassin. 

The first part of this will be the lead up to this short adventure

The second is a mini shot between Fenrys and Gavriel because why not

Aelin rubbed at her face in frustration.

"There were witnesses," she snarled, more at herself than anyone. "There was evidence." Rowan sat beside her on the couch, papers sprawled out across the table. "We know what he looks like." Dark under eyes laid just as heavy on him as they were on her. "We know what he sounds like." The twins were sharing a room, while Aelin's own children all shared a room. Just in case anything else would happen. "There were literally traces of that poison inside that rutting bakery." There were more guards in the castle than ever before, always guarding the kids' room, Aelin's, and Fenrys's and Nia's. "So how in the fucking world have we not found them yet."

Rowan sighed in his exasperation of defeat as well.

"It's like that man that Sam described just disappeared," Aelin exclaimed. "Like literally disappeared. Can people do that?"

"Like some people do possess incredibly strong glamour abilities, and people like Benson can turn invisible for short amounts of time—"

"That's not what I mean, and you know it," Aelin huffed, leaning back on the plush couch. "I am an assassin—former assassin," she corrected herself. "I was the best--god damn it I am the best," she corrected herself once more. "And some second shit killer is not going to get away with trying to kill my son."

A soothing cool air brushed over her face and skin. Aelin huffed again, leaning on her mate's shoulder. He draped an arm over her, pulling her in close.

The Queen said quieter, "My parents were murdered in this building. My uncle was murdered in this building." A choking sniff. "So many people know loves ones and were killed in this place we call. And to know, that somewhere out there, people plotted to kill him--and maybe are plotting again—makes me sick."

Rowan kissed the top of her head, rubbing her arm, and sharing her same concerns. "Nesryn and Sartaq now have the biggest spy network in the world. If anyone is going track them down, it's going to be them."


"I came as soon as I could."

"It's been nearly two weeks!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Diana, the eldest child of Sartaq and Nesryn told them. "Information only travels so quickly when you live on a different continent. And I had to sneak and get the Wyrdmarks about how to make a portal to get here, then I had to actually find someone with magical blood to make the marks to get here—"

"You're welcome for that by the way," the second oldest, Richard said as he stepped out of the swirling portal and into the front yard of the garden. His eyes were a stunning light brown, his cropped dark hair sweeping over his arm as he healed the cut of blood on his arm.

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now