Chapter 38: THE FINALE

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In days time, the amount of people in the palace and in the city became a flood. For this event was planned a year's time ahead, citizens and nobles from every country that had a decent relationship with Adarlan were invited.

Which was a lot after Dorian became king.

Witches, Fae, demi-Fae, human, chances are there was no greater assortment of people and cultures in the past few centuries until this day.

If the heads of the countries like Ellyway or Akkandia couldn't make it there themselves, representatives were sent. Humans, including a fair amount of demi-Fae and Fae also came to join, many of them staying at the palace. However the city itself had been stocking up on food and preparing for housing weeks before.

If you were to walk from one wing of the palace to another, that alone would give you the opportunity to hear all of the different accents, clothing styles, and culture differences between the kingdoms. It was truly a sight to behold, especially when five years ago nothing like this could've happened.

Fenrys could recognize where anyone was from based on accent alone because of his job. Something that also five years ago he probably would've never been able to do. As the foreign diplomacy was usually left up to people like Vaughan or Gavriel back when he was with Maeve.

But now Aelin and everyone else would pester him about who everyone was as to not offend them. 

Impressing, Nia was also able to relatively accurately guess where anyone was from because of how diverse the Pit was. But still loved to talk and chat with anyone that she could.

Because of how busy everything was, training with Nia and Dorian became increasingly difficult to find any time and room, but they were usually able to get something out in the very early morning. Which Fenrys hated because that meant Nia would slip away from their bedroom every morning, unless he joined her.

Banners and decorations filled the hallways, and bells rang the morning of the biggest day of this weeklong celebration.

A flag for every country that had come was raised in the front courtyard of the palace for the entire city to see. Including for one for Terrasen, which waved in the distance as Fenrys stared out from the porch of their grand bedroom.

Another one of Doranelle, where Queen Sellene couldn't make it, but somehow Essar managed to come and represent them, along with a few other nobles. 

Thankfully the devil didn't make an appearance. However, Fenrys half wished she did, so that he could gloat to Remelle about Nia, and so Aelin could gloat to the demon about being the one to get Rowan.

Also one for the Southern Continent, as Nesryn and Sartaq managed to portal here for the celebration. No Kadra though. Which was for the better, the Wyverns the witches brought would've eaten her most likely.

The wolf's ears twitched as he heard Nia's light footsteps walk up from behind him and onto the balcony, as she wrapped a fuzzy blue robe around her.

"I want to wake up seeing this every morning," his mate muttered, right beside Fenrys's side as she watched the waking city below her.

A gentle breeze fluttered across the wolf's face as Fenrys watched her mate's eyes sparkle, so full of life and hope.

A smile tugged at the corner of Fenrys's mouth as his gaze returned to the markets that were starting to open up. "At the sight of this ugly city?" he asked. "I don't know what you see in it."

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now