C. 22

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"HOW INCREDIBLY RUDE of me. Allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Gellert Grindelwald and in time, you two will be referring to me as 'My lord.' But let me not get ahead of myself." The blonde man started what sounded like a long speech, heedless to the burning glare Tom was sending him for still having his hands on Irene's shoulders.

He hated how helpless he felt as he watched someone else lay hands on somebody who was like his safety blanket. He studied her face looking for any form of discomfort. It wasn't obvious but for someone observant who had known her for a long time, it was there. Obvious in the slight twitch of her left eye and her lips pinched into a thin line. Tom vowed that he would get revenge on Salazar for putting them in this situation, portrait or not, he would make him suffer. Because why-

"Now if you don't mind, and I know you don't, I'd like to address my very long extensive list of grievances I have with the two of you. Salazar here has told me so many things about you in particular, little one." The dark lord said, leaning down to address Irene as she grew more and more uncomfortable.

"I know all about the chamber of secrets, your little court, how powerful and skilled the two of you are. And I find myself quite the curious cat about how exactly you learned all of this. Now don't get me wrong! It's one hundred percent because you live in a dingy orphanage and your only true friend is a half-blood who narrowly escaped being inbred and is heir to a dying-if not already dead-bloodline." Voice taking on a lustful tone as he spoke more and more about their power, Grindelwald grinned. Both Tom and Salazar clenched their jaws tight, physically fighting back a retort that would get them killed or exorcised respectively.

"And you expect me to tell you anything after you came here, made our friend betray us, and talked shit to and about Tom?" Irene asked, craning her neck to look up into the blonde man's blue eyes with her own striking ones. In Tom's eyes she was brave.

In Gellert's eyes she was interesting. He wondered just how long she would stay brave, as he released her shoulders finally to pull out his wand. He wanted to test it. A cruicio wouldn't hurt, his mind trilled gleefully. Well it would..just not him. The elder wand hummed warmly in his palm as he pointed it toward her as she now faced him. Her face was fixed into an impressive glower, hate in her eyes.

He didn't adhere to Tom's withering glare as he stepped closer. "Well, I sure would hope so. If not, then I'm going to have a fun time teaching you the first rule of my following." The man threated, blue eyes hardening into ice chips as Tom stood unwaveringly in front of the little girl, his own black eyes filled to the brim with rage. "She said that she isn't going to tell you and nothing you do will make her. But you're free to waste your time and energy here." He seethed beyond his clenched teeth.

"Is Nagini poisonous Tom?" A younger Irene asked, the familiar walk from Diagon alley with said snake resting around his neck let him know that this was from the way home from the pet shop. "I think she should grow to be if she's not already. I didn't really read the labeling on her cage in there." He responded, voice higher than what he was used to now but still holding the same tone of indifference.

"Well, I guess we'll find out..." Flashback Irene spoke as right before his eyes, his familiar who had quietly snuck up behind the sadistic dark lord sunk her fangs deep into the pale flesh of his ankle.

The man who had been holding them hostage with just his presence alone screamed in pain before Nagini let go of her grip and slithered away quickly. He apparated away almost immediately after, not wanting to risk splicing himself from the pain of the snake hanging off him by its fangs.

Tom let a sigh of relief leave him as he immediately checked on Irene who was more or less fine and not really as shaken up as he was. Although, she had been living like that for her entire stay at Howgarts. Situations like that....Suddenly, he gained a new respect for her and her tales held much more meaning. He began looking around for Nagini and he found her huddled in the same spot as she was before the Dark Lord was in their room.

"Thank you so much, Nagini." Tom spoke, voice filling with gratitude that would only be shown to his snake or Irene. No one else. The sleek black snake only waved her tail in a blasé motion, not even unfurling from her ball. His mind suddenly back tracked onto why they were in the situation in the first place and he pivoted on his foot to face the portrait.

The man it depicted sat with an indifferent glare on his face and an unwavering poker face. "You..." Enraged, Tom didn't notice he had switched to parseltongue as he addressed the painting. He took a breath that did nothing to calm himself before he began to shout and bring the entire orphanage's attention to them. The unaffected look on the painting they spent so much time and energy on only stroked the flames of his rage.

This feeling was something he oughta be used to by now. When he was younger, kids his age would pretend. They would pretend so well that they tricked him into believing they were his friends and then once they had him where they wanted, they'd take. Take his kindness, his time, his companionship for granted. Little by little they took from the boy who wanted no more than a reliable figure in his life with they petty jokes and dares. Until he had nothing left.

It hurt him deeply. Cut into him like a white hot brand but it taught him very important skills. He learned how to pretend. To lie, to steal, to use his freakish nature where it would benefit him. So why? Why did Salazar's betrayal hurt so bad? His throat was full of a lump that he couldn't get out no matter how much he wanted to sit and curse and scream and throw a fit. Words wouldn't come out.

He didn't understand. They were family and he just...He set them up. Destroyed one of the places he felt safe and almost got them killed. He could do nothing but magic a black sheet over the portrait as his vision blurred with tears. He didn't want Salazar to see them fall. He took in a shaky breath and took a seat on the ground, caring less about how dirty this floor could've gotten. Arms as skinny as his own wrapped around him, sharp, bony elbows pointed like a weapon against the world. The embrace was protective and even though she was in the same predicament as him, he couldn't help but feel safe.

And when the first of his tears finally fell, Irene was there to wipe them away.

She never failed to forget that Tom was just a kid. No matter how sophisticated and mature he was for his age, near death experiences would frighten any child to tears. She was an exception as Harlene in some cases due to her strong support system but Tom had no one but her and Salazar. Over night it changed right back to being just her and it was heartbreaking having him sob into her arms.

Sweet nothings were whispered into his ears as her hands rubbed small patterns into his back. Her eyes never closed from sleep even as the dark haired boy cried himself to sleep in her arms. She stayed awake and watchful. Irene couldn't wait to get her hands on Grindelwald. How dare he put his hands on her? She's so very tired of old men wanting her to fight in wars that aren't hers.

She pretended not to hear the sniffling from underneath the black sheet in the farthest corner.

We have a short chap today😏 Jam packed full of emotional damage. Hope you enjoyed.

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