"I've always known that there were people like you out there. I've been the laughing stock of this agency for years, but I knew it. You're gonna love my facility." He said to them happily.

"That's gonna have to wait." Charles dismissing his plan.


"Agent MacTaggert has a lead on Sebastian Shaw, and if we don't move now, apparently, we're gonna lose him." Charles rushed out as a loud car sound brings to them.


"Not only he can read minds, he can communicate with them as well." Erik said as Moria parked the car in front of them and getting into the back.

"Moria and I have just had a lovely conversation."

"Yes, we did."

"That's is incredible!"

"But...I-I cannot take you anywhere else without permission from upstairs." Oliver tells them as Charles opened the passenger door.

"World you like to see one more magic trick?" Charles questions.


"Get in the car." Charles used his powers making Oliver listen.

"Good idea." He agreed getting into the front seat as Charles joins Erik in the back holding his hand.

Shaw's Yacht

Felix's head slowly appears from beneath the water looking at Shaw's yacht with hatred before going back underwater, as he sneaks on Shaw's yacht before leaning on the side grabbing a knife from his ankle and walking behind Shaw.

"Herr Doktor." Felix said to him while making Riptide and Emma stand up but Shaw gestured them to back off.

"Little Felix Banks."

"He's here to kill you." Emma said to him while sending Felix into mental pain showing him memories from his past but Felix still manages to throw the knife but Emma catches it.

"What kind of greeting is that?" Shaw say to him in German.

"...after all these years." He said as Felix runs at him but Emma hits his chest really hard and throws him into the freezing water below.

"Emma. We don't harm our own kind." He tells her clicking his tongue at her but she smiles.

"Ah! Now it's a party." He said turning to face them coast guards coming there way.

"This is the U.S Coast Guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are." A man on on the microphone said to them.

As Charles uses his powers to see where Shaw is Emma feels him telepathic powers.

"They have a telepath." Emma tells Shaw and making Charles stop using his powers blocking them.

"I've lost Shaw. I've lo...I've lost Shaw. Th..There's something blocking me. This never happened to me before. I think there's someone like me on that ship." Charles tells them panting as Erik holds him steady.

"Like you?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, a telepath. This is incredible. I could actually feel her inside my head. I'm very sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna be much help to you tonight. You're on your own. Oh, my God." Charles tells Moria as they look at what he is looking at seeing Riptide creating two tornados as he sends them towards the man flipping their boat's over.

" Charles tells Moria as they look at what he is looking at seeing Riptide creating two tornados as he sends them towards the man flipping their boat's over

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"Get inside." Oliver tells them while pushing them all inside as Felix grunts as he lifts up a anchor.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop." Charles said to them while feeling another mutant as Erik holds him from falling over.

"Charles? Are you okay." Moria asks.

"There's someone else out there. There." Charles tells them while standing basically leaning over the rail looking into the water.

"Time to go." Shaw tells Emma as both of them start running as Felix controls the anchor slamming it into Shaw's yacht. Destroying his yacht as Felix throws the anchor start through the half of the ship barley missing Shaw and Emma as they disappear into the submarine.

"Let go! You have to let go! You got to help him. You got to put someone in the water to help him. Let it go! You have to let it go!" Charles shouts at him but Felix ignores him which causes Charles throws off his jacket and dive into the water which causes Erik to scream at him.

"You can't. You'll drown. You have to let go. I know what this means to you, but you're going to die. Please, Felix, calm your mind." Charles tells him in his mind making Felix look weirded out not believing he was hearing voice in his head.

"Get off me! Get off me!" Felix said as both of them come up from below the water pushing Charles off him.

"Calm down. Just breathe. We're here!" Charles shouted to the coast guards

"Who are you?"

"My name's Charles Xavier."

"You were in my head. How did you do it?" Felix questioned him barely staying afloat.

"You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you. Just calm your mind." Charles replies.

"I thought I was alone."

"You're not alone. Felix, you're not alone."

Covert CIA Research Base

As William walks towards Hank, who is neck deep in some serious work.

"Hey there big bro, I got some news." Will tells him.

"What did you do this time Will?" Hank asked him looking disappointedly.

"Nothing I promise, Oliver is just coming over with some people to meet and since either of us like people I was wondering if you want a hot chocolate." Will offered.

"With the little marshmallows?" Hank asks with a hopeful look making Will chuckle and nod his head 'yes' than making Hank nods his head happily.

"Okay, will he be here in like fifteen minutes." He said making him smile before he walks away.

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