valentine special

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Maleficent: love is weak and a human dysfunction.

Cruella: you are literally wrapping valentine chocolates right now.

Hades: love is dead.

Jafar: you are literally making a valentines card for maleficent right now.

Hades, pointing the glue gun at Jafar: you are on thin ice buddy.

Ben: they say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth.

Mal: so?

Ben: well clearly, no one has been near you.

Carlos: was your father a thief.

Jane, slightly offended: why would you think.......

Carlos: because someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.


Jane: *blushing intensively*

Doug: if I asked you out on a date, would your answer be the same with the answer to this question?


Jay: do you generate electricity with water through the process of hydro power?

Lonnie: .......

Jay: because dammmmm

Harry: sorry but I think you owe me a new drink.

Uma: what? Why?

Harry: because when you looked into my eyes, I dropped mine.

Chad to Freddie: I'm not Mathematician but I'm pretty good with numbers.

Chad: tell you what. Give me your number and see what I can do with it.

Gil: are you from Paris?

Audrey: uh well-

Gil: cause Eiffel for you.


Happy valentines day all you incredible amazing readers and friends. Wish you a day full of love. Don't forget to spread love.

Me: hey tie your shoelaces. I don't want you falling for someone else

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