The last Thanksgiving

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Hyperion Heights, Thanksgiving last year

„I think you need to go a little deeper... yes... and then a little to the left... and up... that's it! Right there!"

„I'm not finding it, Roni", his voice sounded muffled.

Eventually he retreated and climbed back out from under the kitchen cabinet where he had been looking for the right pan for the turkey.

„Pity...", she replied.

He got up and turned around – only to see her already holding that very pan in her hands while shooting him the sweetest smile.

He nodded. „You were just checking out my backside while I was down there on my knees searching, weren't you?"

„Well, it's Thanksgiving! And I'm giving thanks to that cute butt of yours. Don't blame me! What's a girl to do if you decide to put on those skinny jeans for the holidays?"

He smiled, walked over to her, took the pan from her hands to set it aside, then pulled her closer.

„And what now, Officer? Am I in trouble... or under arrest?", she gently licked his neck, then whispered against his skin, „I sure wouldn't mind the handcuffs."

He had to take a deep breath to steady his imagination, though allowed himself to kiss her, and with a little bit of tongue too. This woman just knew all too well how to push his buttons, she always had.

When they parted, gasping for air, he reached into the inside pocket of his jacket.

„Hey, uhm... I got something for you. Originally I wanted it to be a Christmas gift, but I think I'd love to see you wear it tonight. Because I got a lot of things I'm thankful for, too."

She gingerly took the little satin box from him with a raised eyebrow. „If that's a ring, Rogers, I swear I'll introduce you to my baseball bat..."

He didn't respond. It wasn't a ring, of course, but a delicate necklace with a pendant featuring the letter ‚R'.

„Awww, it's beautiful!", she looked at him with glowing eyes, „Thank you!"

„I thought it fits you, I mean, it can stand for Roni, but... if you want, it can just as well stand for..."

„... Rogers. For lack of a first name that you're just not telling me. I love it, really! Thank you!"

„Here, let me help you", he took the necklace and stepped behind her to put it on her, not as easy as he had hoped with just one hand, but she was patient. She was always patient with him, even though she seemed to have very little patience with everybody else.

She touched the pendant, beaming smiles, then wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him once more, and it took all his willpower to eventually push her away before things could get out of hand. They still had a Thanksgiving feast to prepare after all.

The first guest to arrive was her best friend Kelly who greeted her with a hug. „Hello, darling! How's the cooking coming along? Or should I better write my will?"

„I think you will be positively surprised."

Rogers, carrying two bread baskets, one in his real and one in his fake hand, came walking into the bar that they had already cleared out to make room for a long table that they had started decking out festively.

„Kelly! Good to see you again!"

„Oh, you... what are you doing here?", she took a bread roll and turned to Roni. „Did he help you", she took a bite and started to chew, „...stuff the turkey?"

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