Ch.61 More Matches Again

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Rozemyne's pov: 

Seeing Ferdinand actually decide to literally create an explosion in the middle of the ring to win, was to say the least somewhat frightening. I was shivering there a bit, worrying for his safety. The safety of the audience was assured by the barrier around the ring, preventing the force of the explosion from making it outside, however Geld was slammed hard against the colosseum's wall, and even the crowd was worried. After a few moment of rumbling, it settled, and appeared their was no damage, or whatever damage there may have been was repaired by one of the colosseum's magic circles. 

Soka started speaking, but I was too focused watching Ferdinand. Soon however, I saw him stand up. He seemed short on magicules, but completely unharmed. I sighed a bit in relief and turned to Florencia with a half baked awkward smile, "Sorry.." 

Florencia sighed a bit, "I thought he'd need help, but I didn't think you'd go so far as to tell him to blow up half the ring." As she had just said, the ring itself was in smithereens, the stone blocks having been blown apart from the epicenter of the blast, had it happened outside the colosseum, I'd have no idea what the damage would have been. 

Even Rimuru was staring with a surprised expression, staring down at the ring. He was quick to appear next to Soka, and Diablo. After which he began speaking with them, Diablo looked to give a nod. Afterward Rimuru appeared back up in his seat, moments later. He was calmer now, as if nothing was wrong at all. 

Ferdinand had a slight limp, and made his way to the vomitorium, where Eckhart was waiting for him with a full potion. This potion he refused while walking past, still limping. He then disappeared into the Vomitorium. He had a break, so I'd expect him to come up here. Today was Sylvester's first match, and he was currently sitting next to Florencia looking a small bit giddy, trusting his new strength completely. 

Though I myself didn't think he could lose to the 'hero',  Masayuki. Soon enough Sylvester had to leave,  and Ferdinand appeared with us again.

I kinda wanted to grab onto him in relief seeing he was still unhurt. "That was frightening, and dangerous!" I did yell at him though,  to relief some of the tension from my brain while staring at him as he was still standing at the balcony's doorway next to Eckhart. A lot of the attendants seemed shocked at the outburst,  but I ignored it. There was even a small crackle sound from my bracelet.

Ferdinand berated me immediately,  "Calm yourself,  we are still in public. We were in no danger,  that demon could have easily dispelled all of those magicules." Ferdinand gestured to Diablo down next to the ring still,  though there was a small bit of something in his eyes. However he kept himself calm at he sat,  and looked away.

I fumed for a moment in my seat,  while puffing my cheeks. He dismissed me far too easily. I wished Tuuli was here to help me calm down,  though I'd been to step aside with her to do so. For the time being I had been assigned a guardknight who could stay with me when she was not here. I knew him from my time in the temple, as he had been assigned to me there as well, however nothing of importance had happened. It did seem to make noble attendants from Ehrenfest much less jittery than Tuuli had.  I didn't want to drag Damuel into a rant about Ferdinand. 

I looked to Florencia and realized she had finally taken off her bracelet as she was releasing her aura now,  and was focusing it on me. She had not asked,  however I didn't mind either. Her aura was admittedly very soothing to someone who is angry. I wondered if she'd still do this if we weren't in public for a moment while looking back out on the ring.  Our seats were placed farer apart now,  so I didn't have Wilfried's chattering this time.


Seeing Sylvester in a suit of armor was simply put, offputting. Ferdinand may look like a child, however I had at least always seen him as competent. Sylvester did not seem competent in the same way, therefore him being in armor was mentally distressing, even if the person he was up against was a total pushover in his own right. I just hoped Ferdinand did not take out any pent up resentment on his older brother, if he did so it'd be very bad. 

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