Ch.33 The Sword

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Myne's pov: 

I am sitting next to my father and mother. We are watching Kurobei holding a long thin wooden box, with a small engraved symbol on it. Tuuli is standing next to Benimaru and Hakurou and had a little bit of an impatient shiver in her back. 

I was smiling brightly and waving back and forth a bit, we were in a private place so I could be with my parents. All the executives had already been informed of the likelihood of me not being able to associate with them publicly, so this was a private event. 

Suddenly a [Though Communication] was broadcast to me, with a lot of magicules. 'Oh! Rimuru. Tuuli is getting her sword soon. Uh, uh? Name? I am not sure about that.' I quickly replied while Rimuru passively brought us both into [Thought Acceleration]. 

'I am not coming up with it for you, I have named enough monsters.' He snapped back at me, in a bit of a rude tone. I guess I understood it though, almost all the monsters I knew were named by him. 

'Uh-huh. Well. I suppose I like my old name Urano, but that would make me sound like an other worlder. I am still not comfortable sharing that. How about I just get a similar sound? I like roses, hum. How about Rozemyne? I used to get called Rano a lot, so I getting called Roz would be pretty similar. Plus it just, feels right for some reason. Not sure why.' I just started sharing all my thoughts, since I wanted to get this over quickly. Maybe he could help me if I shared everything as well. 

'Alright, are you sure? I think it sounds nice.' Rimuru started sending a message back, a moment later though. 


The moment I was referred to with the name, I felt an incredibly large amount of magicules flow into me. So much in fact, I could see my body glow lightly around me. An extreme amount of force was released in the form of pressure and wind, the bracelet I was wearing shattered and the shards cut into my hand.

I was otherwise unharmed, because as quickly as it had come. All of it disappeared, seemingly sucked away into a few places. One of them was the box Kurobei was holding, and another was somewhere inside me. 

It took a moment for [Thought Communication] to re-engage after this happened. 'WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!?' I immediately tried to yell into his mind. 

I could feel the silence as [Though Acceleration] dragged on visibly, letting me see the carnage around me. My parents had been blown away from me. Benimaru had a visibly shocked expression. Kurobei was staring at the box with wide eyes. The chair I was sitting in had been completely torn apart. Finally I was standing there in the middle of it all, with wide eyes of my own. 

Finally the conversation continued. 'Named you, accidentally.' Named? Like a monster? Didn't I already have a name though? The world recognized me as Myne before. 

'I.. Don't feel that different. Are you sure I was named? I didn't evolve or change at all. I just felt a sudden surge of power, that was then taken somewhere else.' I though back once I had a moment to think about it. I really didn't feel different at all, maybe just a small bit more magicules. 

'Your magic circuit with Luminas is why, it stole a lot of the magicules. You are named though, even Raphael is calling you Rozemyne.' The reply I got was nearly immediate. So Luminas stole them? I knew some of them also went into the box Kurobei was holding, I could see them circulating in the sword now. It was glowing much more brightly in my [Magic Sense] now, much more than it was before at least. 

'I.. Alright I suppose. I don't really understand that. Uh, I'll talk to you later. Tell me how that plan goes.' I cut off [Thought Communication] immediately after the message sent and waited for [Thought Acceleration] to wear off so I could make sure everyone would be alright. 

"What just happened!?" My father yelled as he got up and ran over to my mother. He picked her up carefully and supported her so she could stand. 

My mother had some difficulty as she had bent her ankle awkwardly, though she was luckily fine otherwise. She had only been lifted and flown back a few feet. She had landed on her legs, so her stomach and head were fine. 

Benimaru promptly approached me and immediately asked, "I felt a lot of Rimuru-sama's magicules. Did he have something to do with this?" He still looked surprised, but tried to gather what had happened. He did not look outwardly angry, though there was a small bit of tension in his brow. 

 I nodded shyly, while walking over to my mother. I knelt down to inspect her ankle, to me it only looked bruised. Inspecting it further with [Magic Sense] I could see that she had only slightly scratched one of the bones leading to the ankle joint, and bruised the tissue around it. "I can't risk using a spell to heal you, I can tell you already have a worsening case of magicule poisoning."

It was true, there were lots of clumps of magicules stuck inside her body. I was not sure of the source, though. My mother stood there wincing while standing on her good leg and leaning against my father for support. "I am fine, I'm fine. What happened to you?" She was staring at my wrist with a bit of fright in her eyes. 

I touched and looked at my own wrist, focusing on it. It had been badly cut when the bracelet snapped around it, there was a lot of blood flowing from it and dripping onto the ground. I winced and then yelped as the pain rushed into my mind, It was nearly unbearable as my pain amplification activated. I tightly gripped my own wrist and could feel as I squeezed the bones together, making it hurt even more. I screamed out loud as it happened. 

Tuuli ran over to me a moment later, and grabbed onto my shoulders. She stared into my eyes with her own deep blue eyes, while holding onto my firmly. "Calm down, calm down. Heal yourself." She softly pulled my hand away from my wrist while keeping eye contact. 

I nodded softly with a wince. I then focused on my hand, and casted restoration on myself. I could feel as the skin and muscle mended, fusing back together as the pain slowly subsided. Even without any damage remaining though, there was still a soft dull pain left behind. I breathed in heavily once, intentionally, then back out. 


Tuuli's pov: 

I had just helped my sister calm down to heal herself. I hadn't seen her get hurt that badly since her revival, whatever her skills were it clearly made it difficult to cope with her pain. I hugged her lightly once she was healed, then pulled away. "Better, right?" 

I saw the tension in her face release as she calmed down. Afterward she looked down to her wrist, then back up to me. "Thank you, Tuuli." She said with a bit of a bashful expression. 

I smiled back and stepped back, then looked over to my mother with a concerned expression. "Are you really sure you are fine?" I had a bit of quiver in my lower lip watching her lean against my father. 

"Yes, yes. Thank you for helping your sister. I just want to know what happened." My mother immediately pressed further on what had happened to Myne, I wasn't actually sure myself. 

I looked back to her and waited. 

"I was named, by Rimuru. It was an accident. Please call me Rozemyne." She seemed to have already accepted it, which seemed a bit unnatural. 

I pursed my lips, getting a bit concerned. "Are you sure?" 

While Rozemyne nodded to my question, Hakurou walked over to me and my sister. He leaned down and looked at her while nodding. "It would seem she has a new name. Rozemyne is quite fitting for her, I think." How could he just tell by looking at her? 

Benimaru seemed to accept this. "That is a good name. I was expecting it to happen eventually." Benimaru commented with a quick smile, then looked back over to Kurobei. "I think you should give her that sword, she's waited long enough, right?" 

I looked back over to the wooden box. I was staring at it intently, I had actually been very very excited to see it. I couldn't see the sword inside, though I was sure Rozemyne could if she wanted to. The symbol on it was a small spirit symbol carved into the lid, Kurobei was certainly one for presentation. 

"Oho, you look very excited. I will hand it over to you in a moment, let everyone sit back down." There were only actually a few people here, he was teasing me. 

"The chairs are broken, so I think we'll stand. Just give her the sword." My mother was quick to comment, seeing my apprehension. She actually had gotten along well with Hakurou when they first met, but she was still willing to defend me from teasing, at least in this situation. 

My father also assured, "I wanna see what kind of sword my little girl had made for her. Hurry up!" He raised his voice a bit, but he was light in tone and watching the box and me intently. 

Kurobei stepped forward and nodded. "It took longer than I expected to get it just right, but I think it'll do. Though after what just happened I am not even sure how it'll look myself." He gave a small chuckle, then began lifting the lid slowly. 

What the interior of the box had revealed, resting on a blue silk cushion. It was a unique sword in it's entirety. The pommel was a small clear crystal that appeared to glow with a small light, unnaturally. The handle was made of a material that looked like a gem and was green, it was highly refined and perfectly rounded to fit my palm. The hilt had it's first guard facing forward from the handle with a simple grade on the outside to allow me to punch forward with the handle, while being made of a metal that looked like gold but I knew wasn't. The second guard was a cross guard made of a glistening gold-ish silvery metal, and had a small gold ring at the base wrapping around the blade. The blade itself was broader near the base, and had a single edge sharpened while the other edge was blunt and rigid, though half way up the blade it changed to become much thinner and both edges became sharpened and came to a final thin point. The metal of the blade appeared to have an even thicker golden hue while the silver sheen was even more noticeable as well. 

My eyes were a little while staring at it, and it was incredibly alluring. I held myself back just barely, and was able to take a refined stance next to Hakurou. 

Hakurou, my sensei, reached his hand out gingerly and carefully lifted the sword by the handle. He inspected the blade in the light before turning aside and looking toward the training dummy, a moment later light flashed and he had thrusted the blade into the dummy. The flash of light had scorched the dummy to ash and left a noticeable gash in the ground along the path that the blade would have traveled if it continued. Once he had seen the blade's work, he turned back to me. He had just the slightest hint of a grin on his face, as he held the sword out to me the blade resting in one hand, with the handle resting in the other. 

I walked forward a bit and held out my hands, while looking at the sword intently. All my attention focused on it now, seeing the sheen of the blade had completely stolen my mind's thoughts. Finally one finger touched the handle, and another touched the blade. Soon it was resting against my palm, and finally I was holding the sword myself. Stepping back even so slightly and staying silent, I waited and watched. I could feel a small tingle from the sword, then a glow came form it. 

The sword glowed just barely at first, then more brightly. Soon enough the glow had spread and completely surrounded my self. I could for a moment feel the sword, and it's own will. It wanted a very simple thing, a name. Something for me to call it by, for this unique weapon to be known as. 

"Nahenlicht." The moment I came up with the name, and said it aloud. Nahenlicht glowed even more brightly, and I could feel the exchange of pressure and something between me and Nahenlicht. 

Soon afterward I heard a voice well up into my mind. 

{Notice: Nahenlicht has accepted individual, Tuuli, as its' master. Consequently, the following skills will be acquired: extra skill [Magic Sense], extra skill  [Light Manipulation], extra skill [Pattern Prediction], and Unique skill [Master Seamstress]. Successful.} 

What was that? The voice sounded like the world itself had recognized that event. It felt really special, but I had not understood it in the slightest. 

Nahenlicht had dimmed noticeably, but there was still a very faint glow on it. 

I held it up and looked at it in the light. I felt so proud for a moment, and I could feel it had a similar feeling somehow. I did not exactly understand that, however. 

Shortly after this a rush of information hit my mind, so much information that it was difficult to cope with. I could see rainbow like particles flowing in everything around me, not only that though. I could see as if I was no longer tied down by my eyes or ears, every angle and perspective was free to me. The further away something got the more vague it would become, but I had a very clear understanding of everything in the immediately vicinity. I could at the very least see things clearly this way one hundred meters in a sphere around me, though some things interfered in places and made that sphere deform. 

It was all too much for me and I could feel myself falling over, before I felt the ground touch my face. Everything went dark.


--2443 words-- 

--Nahenlicht is a sword of the unique class, and therefore possesses a will independent of it's master. However this sword is very high within the unique class, likely possessing an amount of magicules nearing the legendary class.-- 

--Tuuli's EP: 10,321(+90,392 w/Nahenlicht)--

--Unique skill [Master Seamstress] has just been created, and thus it's subskills are still unknown. However it's primary effect relates to the creation of patterns and techniques.-- 

(AN: I hope you enjoyed this chapter with Tuuli finally getting her sword, and naming it. Seeya all next time. Please comment criticisms and suggestions.)

(AN: I made a meme for this chapter) 

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