Ch.22 Preparations

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Myne's pov: 

My heart stopped, I felt a sudden rush of energy and power surge through me and I could hear a cracking sound. I opened my eyes with a sigh. "Rimuru-san really needs to make these stronger." I held up my bracelet which had once again cracked, though not as badly as before. My aura was only temporarily too strong, likely from the rush of thoughts as I woke. I sat up and stretched softly, yawning while doing so. It felt like the best wake-up I had ever had, I was totally and completely refreshed. I looked around me to see my room, the one I was sharing with Tuuli. 

Suddenly the door opened and Tuuli rushed in, she had likely felt the pressure of me waking up. I wondered how close she was to learning [Magic Sense], maybe she could ask Ferdinand for help. Luckily there were no titles for nobility in Tempest, so speaking freely to Ferdinand would see no repercussions here. 

I hid my presence. 'Sorry, Tuuli.' I thought as I stood up and tried to walk past her. 

My shoulder was grabbed right as I tried to get past and I got a deep glare. "Hakurou-sensei already taught me how to see through that." She said as she dragged me back to the bed and sat the both of us down. 

I was left wide eyed, I had been using this trick to get away from her for a week now. Had she really learned a way around it that fast? "What is this about?" I asked as I stared at her in a confused way. 

"I want to talk to Hinata. You were so easily able to sit next to her, so can you get me a way to talk to her?" Tuuli seemed somewhat determined, though she was also sorta distraught seemingly. 

'Hinata?' I had no idea why she would want to talk to her, she was just telling me to avoid them a few days ago. "What is this about? Why do you want to talk to Hinata?" I posed the same question again, this time with an additional question. 

"I want to become a sage, to live longer." She said while giving me a sorta sad gaze, seemingly focused on me. 

It made me shiver, I hadn't brought up the topic on purpose. Though she had noticed. I didn't even want to think about the topic, I didn't think any of them could get strong enough to become sages. I didn't even entertain the thought, maybe Tuuli could though? 'No, that is ludicrous.' I simply closed my eyes and didn't say a word. 

I knew Tuuli was examining my face, and looking for my exact reaction. "Myne. Tell me how long you will live." She finally said it, and it almost tore me apart. 

Loud crackling came from the bracelet as my face contorted into a grimace. I was reluctant to speak, but I couldn't control my other reactions. Small bits of sparks started gathering on my wrist around the bracelet. I heard a loud snap from it. I had to speak, "I don't have a lifespan." I couldn't shed a tear while saying it, even though I wanted to. After finally getting it out, I could feel myself calm down. "I need to go get this fixed, please let me go." I looked her in the eyes while holding up the bracelet. 

Giving a soft nod without breaking eye contact, Tuuli released me. Then she stepped back, and made a small "wait" motion with her hand. "Promise me you will tell them all, tonight. At dinner. That includes Lutz, he needs to hear it." Deep blue eyes stared into me with a gaze of both demanding and pleading almost. 

I mulled it over. This topic really shouldn't be brought up with me, I don't think I can handle it. I'd need Rimuru there, or at least Diablo. I knew one of them could keep everyone safe if I lost control. "If I can get Rimuru-san to come to dinner, I promise." I put a condition, but I made sure to maintain eye contact, showing I'd follow through on it to the best of my ability. 


Rimuru looked up from his desk the moment I had walked in, though I was announced by Shuna a moment later. He seemed to be almost pulling his hair out at the moment, though I wasn't sure what would happen if he actually did. "Ah, Myne. I may need to leave tomorrow morning for business, please keep this fast. I have a lot of work to do right now." He was rushing and almost slurring his words a bit. 

"I've never seen you this rushed before. It really is different." I commented while tilting my head a bit and then taking a seat on the small couch in the room. 

A long sigh proceeded at my words, then I heard a stiff statement. "Did the bracelet break again? I may need to give you a second. I can't make it much stronger, it is already a unique class item. Is there another piece of apparel you'd like?" He had already noticed the state of the bracelet and was quite to suggest options to me. I didn't know how he always did that, it really was something. 

I was quick to get a bit sheepish. "Yes, I did break the bracelet. That is why I am here, I also wanted to ask you to come to dinner at my home today, if you'd be willing. I have an important topic to talk about, and I don't think I can restrain myself from freaking out." I explained it as casually as I could, making it seem like no big deal. 

Quickly his glance caught my eyes. "Is it about your immortality? I doubt any of them have the potential to become sages, except Tuuli." A quick and decisive confirmation of my worries, along with a bit of a bitter expression and tone. It seemed like he had already thought deeply on this problem himself. Just a little bit of aura welled up in the room, not remotely enough to effect me, but it was still noticeable. 

I looked down and felt the prickle of raised hairs along my neck for a moment while trying not to lose control of myself. No tears would come, it was so unsatisfying for my human self deep down. Finally I nodded very softly. 

"Sorry for my carelessness. I can be a bit too honest. I'll be there, but I have a way to control your aura." I hadn't noticed he'd turned away in his chair. Holding out a large white mask with an intricate design made of emboldened black ornamentals. The mask had a crack down the right side that fell from the eye and split into two cracks the rest of the way down. "I've had to contend with this topic already, this serves as a symbol of that. So tonight you'll get to wear it." He finally explained, I felt like the mask had a grave importance. 

I stared at the mask and felt the power coming off it with [Magic Sense], it felt like it didn't make any sense. Like it shouldn't be here, or shouldn't be now? I didn't really understand it in the slightest. "Are you sure?" I trailed off while saying. 

"Yes." Rimuru had responded immediately. The mask then disappeared and her turned around in his chair. "Come here." A soft gaze met me, some sentimental gaze, with a bit of a knowing feel. Holding out his hand he pointed to the bracelet. 

I sat up off the count and walked to him, holding out my wrist with the bracelet for him to repair. It took only a moment as a deep purple vortex surrounded the bracelet and moments later it was left repaired for me. 

After that he looked relieved, then sat up a bit more stiffly. "I want you to ensure the Gilberta company has a printing line ready for the festival, we will have many orders for posters and flyers." After that he handed me a small slip of paper and was quick to make sure he had an envelope ready.  It was addressed for Benno. 

I nodded quickly, then gave a small curtsy. Following this I took the envelope while making sure to secure it properly in my satchel. I did it all on impulse when the situation presented itself. 

"Huh?" Rimuru seemed to take notice, then his face went into that thinking thing for less than a second. It was barely noticeable, but still rather fun to be able to. Brushing it aside Rimuru continued, "I want you to be there as well for the unity day, as more of your kind will come into existence. I don't know how the nobles we are inviting will react to you, though." It was something imperceptible, almost. A small smirk that signified some plan brewing. 

"How would you like me to prepare, Rimuru-san?" I asked while keeping in mind a request I had come up with recently, especially after remembering Ferdinand would be running the new wing of the church in tempest. Though I needed to wait for that to come later. 

"Ah, you will need to dress as an executive. You aren't but you'll need to present yourself as one. I think it may be best as well that you have a cover story for being a demi-spirit. It would seem quite  weird otherwise, and I don't want your safety at risk." Quickly explaining what he had in mind, he then showed me a small card with the designs for the attire the executives had been given. It was very reminiscent of Rimuru's own demon lord attire, though it seemed that it was less puffy and more sleek. 

"I can ask anyone to make this as long as it fits among the others?" I asked while looking it over, really it was a very nice design. I don't think I would have minded wearing something like this to a fancy restaurant as Urano. 

A small nod. Then a quick glance up at the ceiling. "Please prepare four seats, I will be bringing a guest with me. None of my attendants will be coming, however. Diablo would likely have something to say on the topic, and Shion would not understand it." Rimuru immediately justified keeping his secretaries out of the discussion. 

'Who are the guests then?' I wondered to myself as I took a small look in confusion. Though I simply nodded and made my way out of the room. I would need to assist construction in the city today, and also deliver the letter to Benno. 


Walking into the house felt great, I shivered a bit in bliss as I walked in every time. It felt great to have something that I had been able to have built to my exact instructions. Once you got through the door it led to a small hallway, across the hall was a stairway to the second floor. There were five doors in the hall, one leading to a small living room that could be used for various things. Another door led to a dining rooms, and had a nearby door leading to the kitchen. Both were very large on Myrd's insistence. Another door led to a bathroom and finally a closet, both close together and leading to the smallest rooms on the lower floor. 

I creaked open the door into the living room, having expected to see everyone in there. I could technically already see inside, though [Magic Sense] like that was still vague to me even if I could focus to get a clearer idea. 

Inside was everyone I was expecting to see, My parents, Tuuli, Benno. Lutz. Seeing his face sent a small cold feeling through my cheeks from what had happened several days ago. I ignored it for now though, we'd be able to talk about it later. "I got the bracelet repaired, sorry for leaving so suddenly earlier. It's for your safety, ehehe." I got a bit apprehensive about saying I was a danger to them, even if it was true. 

My father looked up from the small puzzle cube he had been trying to figure out on the small table next to the couch, it seemed he had still yet to solve it and that made him look a bit frustrated. He tried to hide the cube from my view, to cover for himself. Then he got a bit serious, "You could never be a danger to us, you are just our little girl." It was a confident declaration. 

Lutz seemed to shiver with a bit of a knowing glance to me for a moment. Though he seemed to agree with the sentiment my father put forward in his eyes. Not saying a word, he simply stared at me for a moment. He was sitting on one of the chairs next to Benno and reading over several reports from the factory. 

"Not right now, not gonna talk about that. I have a letter for Benno." I walked over to the pair of chairs and offered the letter to Benno, really I did miss having my retainers around like I did as a blue robed priest. It was actually my request, I had wanted to request they could be transferred back to me as citizens of tempest. 

Benno took the letter and looked at the envelope. His eyes went wide a bit realizing it was from Rimuru, though he just calmed himself down. Afterward he slowly opened the letter, being careful not to damage the envelope. It took him almost a minute and a half to read the entire contents. Though when he was done he was smiling like a maniac, what had he gotten? "Boy, we are getting a massive break. This order is immense." 

Lutz seemed excited for a moment while leaning over to peek at the letter, once he saw what was written he himself also almost shouted. Though he was quick to lose that and sit back down, looking back at me again. 

I looked away, then made a quick declaration while making sure to keep my emotions under check. "I invited Rimuru-san to dinner, he said to have four seats ready." Everyone in the room just stared at me, with an exasperated face. Tuuli simply gave a knowing sigh. 

"You can't just invite someone of his station to dinner! How would you even prepare for that! He is not just a king, but a demon lord!" It was Benno, already trying to lecture me about this. He was quick to give me a very serious stare and a bit of an offended tone. 

"He agreed to it, and he is coming for me. I need him here to talk about what he wants me to." I said simply while trying to maintain my temper inside. Really it was quite hard to do so. I could tell some pressure was still being exerted through the bracelet as Benno already looked winded just yelling at me. 

Benno looked almost more exasperated. Then he just smiled and looked into the ceiling. "So he's just like you then, huh?" Sitting back down while shaking his head, Benno resigned himself. After that he looked over to my mother. "Are you able to cook, you are very heavily into your pregnancy now. I am not sure I feel comfortable asking you to." My mother now looked pregnant, she hadn't looked like that the last time she was here. It was really quite a surprise to find out she was before Ferdinand had read my memories. 

Tuuli has a response to this, she seemed like she had a small determined look on her face as well. "Don't ask her, I will call Haruna-sensei. She has cooked for Rimuru-san before. I want to prove I can too." She had a small fire in her eyes while saying it. 

"I can watch, and attend dinner. No though, I don't believe I should do anything more physical. The travel alone was quite taxing." She had said in a soft voice, I could also tell I had given her magicule poisoning while I was asleep. I could see small clumps of magicules stuck inside her blood, with [Magic Sense]. Though it seemed like it was more than I could have caused on my own, so I was left a bit confused. 

'I'll think about that later.' I thought while making sure to make a mental note of it. "I suppose we'll be busy then."  It wasn't long after I said that, that we had gotten into full swing for preparing dinner. It was still another hour earlier than we would normally. 


--2805 words--

--Effa's magicule poisoning is in advanced stages that would require long exposure a strong monster to cause.--

(AN: I hope you all enjoyed this one, my rationale for Myne being calmer here is mostly her having time to rest after the event. Next chapter gonna see a bit more emotion though.) 

That Time a Bookworm Got Ascended in TensuraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora