Ch.59 Grandmother

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Rozemyne's pov: 

Leaving the colosseum I hoped to see Tuuli waiting for me at the exit, however she was not. That was relatively annoying, though for the time being I ignored it and stayed with Florencia and Sylvester. Sylvester was excitedly talking about ideas he had for cool names for attacks he'd use by combining spells, after seeing the humans do so in their matches. Wilfried assisted this process, and led his father on, while Florencia was mildly annoyed but allowed them to have their fun this time. 

Suddenly Wilfried mentioned someone I had nearly completely forgot about, "Grandmother is in Tempest, right? Can we go see her? I have been away from her for a long time." He seemed immediately enthused to see her, Veronica if I remembered her name properly. I had only seen her a few times out of the corner of my eye and had never properly been introduced to her. 

'Didn't Florencia say she was a bad person?' I trusted Florencia in this, as so far she had been kind to me. I thought about who else might be in Tempest who could be causing problems right now as well, a big event like this is sure to attract trouble makers and tricksters. "I have not met her yet." I replied to Wilfried's comment in a sort of distant way due to being lost in thought. 

"You need to meet her then!" Wilfried exclaimed and immediately gestured for me to follow him and split off from the rest, though I was not sure if he knew where she was is the first place. That likely meant Lamprecht would be doing the work of finding Veronica, while Wilfried followed. 

Charlotte lightly glared at Wilfried before, surprisingly Florencia was the one to speak after a restrained sigh. "You should go meet her, just please remember what she says to you and tell me when you next see me." She gave me instructions on what to do about Veronica speaking to me, but did not tell me what to say to Veronica. 

"Yes, ..mother." I replied with a bit of effort and then looked to Wilfried, he already looked excited. I supposed he had gotten used to me now, or at the very least no longer saw me as a commoner like he had initially. 

Ferdinand spoke up before anything else could happen, suggesting something. "That girl isn't here, so please take Eckhart with you, Lady Rozemyne. I should be perfectly safe." He was quick to suggest this the moment I was going to follow Wilfried, and it seemed Eckhart easily stepped up from behind Ferdinand, accepting the request. 

"I suppose, thank you Ferdinand-sensei." I thought how weird it would be to see me call him that from an outside perspective with how small he was, but I didn't exactly care. "Please follow me, Sir Eckhart." It was still a bit forced whenever I tried to speak to someone who was supposed to be at a lower social position than me, it felt wrong. Rimuru didn't have to play this silly word game, but unfortunately I did. It made me quite jealous for a moment. 


Walking down the street now felt pretty much as safe as I had in Tempest before, though there were many more people now. I got lots of looks from humans who seemed to recognize my face from my few public appearances, and they seemed somewhat disturbed while looking at me. I suppose my cuteness may be bordering on levels of uncanny at this point, and may cause someone to be afraid if they see me. I wondered if there may be any remedy for that, it seemed I would just keep looking better the more magicules I accumulated like this. However it did make me curious what I'd appear like as an adult in this body, and with the demi-spirit form. 

Wilfried spoke up a lot, his most recent topic had been asking me more about the spells I knew. He had seemed more interested in how you could use them in combat ever since Ferdinand's match. "So how do you think you might be able to use that gravity stuff for fighting? I have seen you use it a lot, you seem to do it really naturally. It doesn't even seem like you put much thought into it, have you used it when defending yourself at all? I heard Tempest was attacked before all this, so it seems like you may have." With this said he was walking at a brisk pace, luckily I could keep up. If I was still in that frail human body, I doubt I could have, which would have left me quickly exhausted. 

I though back to the one time I had used the spell offensively, it left me somewhat disgusted with myself as a small shiver went down my spine. It also reminded me of how I'd been feeling at the time, but I did try to answer his question. "You can, yes. I used it to crush some Tempest scorpions attacking a caravan." I explained, while looking away so he would not see the disgust on my face. 

Wilfried seemed to get small lights in his eyes while looking at me, as if the idea was very cool and not completely disgusting. Though he was stopped from a small cough by Lamprecht who had noticed my body language, and seemed to be looking out to not make me uncomfortable. 

looking around the street, I noticed the stand from when I had initially come, it seemed they still had plenty of books without many passerby catching their interest. It made me angry they weren't that interested, but I was happy they still had plenty of books. "Hey, could we stop for  a minute? I would like to see those books." I commented with a glance over to Wilfried, I had also realized I had naturally come to hover in place at some point while looking at the books. 

Wilfried turned to me with a raised eyebrow for a moment, as I had forced myself back into my feet. "What would you want to see books?" He tilted his head a bit and raised an eyebrow, in an expression of genuine confusion and shot a quick glance over to the stand. 

"What?!" I exclaimed immediately, I had some issue even thinking someone could not enjoy books. 

"Well, I mean. Aren't they a little boring? I am not able to write well, but I can't think of someone sitting there for hours just writing and reading. Seems really boring." Wilfried explained his position, in a way that left me a bit dumbfounded. Though a certain part of that drew my attention. 

'He can't write well? I need to look into that, I don't think Florencia will be happy if she learns about that.' I though to myself as a mental note while explaining why I loved books so much, "You can get lost in a book that catches your interest, and learn lots of things from them. They can have fantastical stories, or just history and events." I thought about my time in the libraries of Japan, simply being able to enjoy myself reading for hours and hours. 

He seemed to kind of brush this aside, "I don't think we should keep Grandmother waiting for books, so I don't think we should stop." He seemed to get somewhat serious at this for a moment with a more solid expression than I had seen from him in the past. As if books were not important. 

I puffed my cheeks out a bit and turned away again. "Fine, fine." I just agreed, seeing as I did not want to make a scene in public and get Florencia angry with me. It would be bad if I were to get into trouble so soon after meeting them all, I'd think. 


I was surprised Wilfried seemed to actually know where to go, with only a small prompting from Lampretch. It was as a result not long before we were standing in front of one of the luxury hotels in Tempest, one of the more expensive ones. It was closer to a rented villa in my opinion, which made it even more impressive. The building was mostly composed of a white marble stone with a small garden in it's own plaza. The architectural style looked somewhat like what I had seen of early spanish-american colony houses I had seen in history books, which the roofs supported with long wooden poles sticking out of the sides of the walls, and rested on ths stone of the walls. 

The number of people buzzing around and the amount of magicules they had was surprising, I could tell at a glance most of them were nobles and it seemed they all had thing to do as they buzzed around like worker bees. Wilfried seemed very at home at he walked up the steps, and Eckhart seemed to get several glares as he walked past with me. 

The interest on myself was the highest though, I got many stares, and I even saw one of the people seem to rush inside once they stopped me. I tilted my head a bit at this and held the wrist with my bracelet tightly, making sure the bracelet was still on before someone finally greeted us. 

"Lord Wilfried, Lady Rozemyne, may I offer you the summer's blessing?" It was a man I had not seen before, he was dressed in a suit that was far too fancy. It seemed to be something bought brand new from Tempest, and was made of hellmoth silk. It set quite the mood for me immediately. 

Wilfried replied immediately, covering for me completely. "You may, for us both." I paid attention to the way he said the words and nodded his head. He was not exactly fully polite, but I'd be able to check with Florencia later, so it did not matter too much. 

Once this was allowed, the man went on some lengthy expose that was too long for me to understand or remember, it seemed like Wilfried was even a bit annoyed. I wondered if this was something that was still done in noble society, or if it was an outdated custom by the older folks. Like seasonal shrine visits, and the like. Something nice, but not something you absolutely need to do.

After this, the man was quick to lead us into the villa, and led us to a large living room, where an older woman with darker blonde hair and green eyes. She was sitting in a blue dress with a corset and a veil which had been pulled back, there were several other nobles sitting in the room but they were less important looking than she was personally. She appeared to be drinking tea at the current. The man left on a small gesture from the woman, who I already knew was Veronica. Wilfried seemed to be smiling brightly in her presence. 

Looking up from a parchment, the woman immediately greeted Wilfried, kindly. "Wilfried, you look very well." She seemed to not immediately go to using his title, which is not something I had noticed from anyone in Ehrenfest's nobility outside of close family members. After she greeted Wilfried she turned to me with a nod, "So you are my grand-daughter, Rozemyne?" She smiled in a bit of a more forced way while straightening her back. "I'd have liked to see you before now, but it seems your mother would not have that, am I correct?" 

Wilfried seemed to frown a bit and I could almost see the gears turning in his eyes for a moment, he was thinking hard about how to change the topic. I suppose he did not predict this would be the first thing Veronica would speak on. 

I tried to think of something to say myself, but decided against it and instead simply  gave a very faint nod to the woman. I could see the magicules well up inside her from my response, so it was clearly something that angered her in some way. 

She masked that however, and replied with a light nod in return. "All I can do is deeply apologize I could not have sought out a meeting with you sooner, dear." With this said she motioned for me and Wilfried to sit in newly gathered seats, and gestured to the tea kit in front of us. "Ask the help for anything you must, or would like." 

Her friendliness left me off-put, it seemed uncanny, especially when I could see the boiling storm of magicules inside her clearly. I shivered ever so slightly once I sat, get a bit of a stare from the woman for a moment as she refocused on me. 

"What is wrong, dear?" She seemed genuinely surprised for a moment as the magicules took a moment to calm while she stared at me with a bit of a wider expression. 

"Oh, nothing." I tried to ignore it so I could keep a calm outer expression myself while thinking about what she might after me and how to answer it, though I needed to remember these question for Florencia. I wondered how I may be able to do so for a moment as well, but came to a conclusion fast enough.

"Very well, now, Rozemyne. I have a few questions for you." With this said she seemed to start actively controlling her emotions and I saw the magicules calm down inside her. I wondered why she had such fine control compared to the others in Ehrenfest, but I could not hope to explain that myself. 

I put a smile of my own on and tried to answer as best I could, like a cheery girl. "Of course, Grandmother. Anything." I kept a firm grip on my bracelet, happy it wass there to control my aura for me. I was in a bit of tress already from the situation and was unsure of if I'd be able to do so myself. 

Veronica smiled again, "Good, dear." She seemed to relax a small bit as her face loosened and she leaned back ever so slightly. "What do you know of our history, and what course did you plan to take in the ducal academy?" 

I thought about this for a moment, I actually did not know what the ducal academy was yet, but I had heard it referenced to several times now. The question I could answer was still a bit shaky though. "I just know recent history, I am more interested in the history outside Ehrenfest." I answered honestly, thinking it may be better. 

I could see the expression of Eckhart behind me grimace in a faint way while I could ever so faintly sense some of Ferdinand's magicules. 

'Is Sensei spying on this conversation?' I wondered to myself for a moment, before Wilfried took over from me. 

"Both of us are taking the archnoble course, and the will be having the archduke unit." Wilfried also answered honestly, though more out of trust than fear. His response got yet another grimace from Eckhart while I could tell that Lamprecht had noticed his brother's expressions and seemed to be getting uneasy in his own right. 

The magicules inside of Veronica bubbled to the surface again, this time raging even moreso. It seemed that she had some small issues with control, but it was not notice able to anyone except myself, clearly. She kept her outward appearance the same except for a small twitch in her smile. "Thank you, dear. Thank you as well, Wilfried." After this she seemed to stew for a moment, and then came up with a new question, "Tell me of what you've done? I've heard you had a pet project in the Temple." 

I smiled a bit at this, it was something easy to answer. "Yes, ..Grandmother. I sought out several reforms to the orphanage to guarantee the orphan food and money. Along with setting up new businesses in the lower city, and making a new source of revenue for the Temple." I was very proud of what I had done in the Temple, and I hoped to be able to continue it. I certainly wasn't going to let Gil and Deliah down, and leave the orphans for naught.

Her eyes widened a bit at my answer, and she seemed to get a small bit more uneasy, and she asked her next question. "Now, tell me of this demi-spirit business. The four of you gave quite the show, Ehrenfest has become very prominent in discussions between foreigners." At that she took a sip of tea, something I noticed Wilfried seemed to want at the moment. 

I didn't want to answer that question, and got a bit restless sitting there. Jittering a small bit and looking away, "It is an uncomfortable topic, you know?" I hoped that would suffice her, and I was almost begging for Eckhart or Wilfried to do something in my mind. I may not be so useful now. 

A small twitch upward occurred on Eckhart's lips before a small stone bird flew into the room through the window, I had seen one of these before. Ferdinand had spoken with them, one the bird landed, it stayed silent in front of Veronica. 

Veronica seemed to get her eyes wide for a moment before she quickly leaned forward and tapped the head of the small stone bird, at which it began to speak. "Lord Ferdinand, and Lady Rozemyne have been requested to return back to Rimuru's City Hall." The message was repeated twice after this before the small bird turned into a small stone. 

Veronica's eye twitched a bit, and she seemed to almost explode inside. Though she quickly summoned a wand, a schtappe. After this she spoke to us, "Everyone, silence." She was incredibly demanding and it came off as very mask off, even Wilfried seemed frightened by her. She tapped her schtappe onto the stone twice, and spoke, "Ordonnanz," she waited a moment for the small yellow stone to form back into a bird, then spoke again. "Wilfried and Rozemyne will be sent back at once, I would like to request to meet Rozemyne again." It was a short message, and she waved her Schtappe once, causing the bird to fly off. 

With this, Veronica looked up to us and spoke, "Sorry, dears. It does appear you must go now, please do find the time to speak to me again." She begrudged and allowed us to leave with a small wave. 


We were led back outside and I could see the small shock on Wilfried face as we left, once back onto the street, I decided to ask him about it with a [Thought Communication]. 'What is wrong, Wilfried?' I tried to use his name without an honorific, to encourage myself to do so more in the future. 

Wilfried's eyes went a bit wide at a moment, while he looked around then to me. Realizing what was happening, he tried to think to me. 'Is this what Father was speaking of planning to use during tomorrow's match?' That was questionable, but I ignored it while thinking back to him. 

'Nevermind this, tell me what is wrong? Was her behavior odd?' I could see in his eyes a small bit of what looked like fear welled up for a moment. 

He mulled for a moment, before thinking back to me. 'Grandmother, she was.. Frightening. When she told us to be quiet, she has never snapped at me like this before.' He got a small bit of a pale expression while thinking it to me, I suppose it may have changed his perception somewhat. 

I did not know if it was best to tell him he may be getting manipulated, it may backfire to say it at once. So I tried to comfort him instead. 'I'm sure she was just stressed, you should talk to ..Mother.. about it.' 

Wilfried seemed to purse his lips for a moment, and then responded to me. 'Mother may be angry with me, she does not like Grandmother. Are you sure she is the right person for this discussion?' I was not, but it was my best bet.

'I believe so, I can't think of anyone else. She has helped me.' I cut off [Thought Communication], feeling a bit drained. I could not quite place why I felt that way, though I otherwise felt nothing wrong. 

Eckhart seemed to be keeping a close eye on me when I was slowing, and seemed to take a mental note of it from his expression. It took us some time to get back. 


Immediately upon entering Rimuru's office, Ferdinand confronted me with a scowl. "You clueless, idiot!" He seemed very angry while keeping a small bit of space from me, though it was clear he was a bit inclined to physical violence at the moment. 

Florencia seemed passive, but she had a small expression of resignment on her face, leading me to believe she knew what Ferdinand was talking about. 

"So, you were listening in?" I grimaced a bit, realizing I may have made some mistakes. 

Ferdinand seemed to smile a bit while his eyes darkened, "Of  course I was. I should have been obviously, you lead her to believe you were Florencia's preferred heir, regardless of your intention in doing so. It comes across clearly from what you said." He seemed to tightly grip his face with his hand for a moment before taking a seat and gesturing for me to do so. "Sir Wilfried, of course, made it significantly worse." 

That was not exactly what I was expecting to hear, "W-what do you mean? How does what I said imply that?.." I did not understand the context whatso-ever, it seemed completely impossible of a conclusion to me. 

"You simply accepted the accusation of Florencia keeping you from her, even if this is the story, you do not need to confirm it outright. This is what rumors are for. Then on top of this, you make it clear you are interested in foreign history, suggesting you have outward ambitions." He let out a loud sigh, then stated further. "Sir Wilfried simply needed to make this worse by telling her sincerely you were both going to be attending the archduke unit." He seemed to almost be in a state of utter defeat, which was somewhat cute with his young boy face. Though it was still quite scary given the context. 

I realized a bit as I heard him out, how this may imply I was interested in becoming the archduke. Though I had never even considered replacing Sylvester. "I am so sorry!" I almost yelled, while thinking of anything I could do to make up for this. 

Florencia seemed to want to take over and made a quick comment, "Leave her alone for a moment, Sir. She won't learn anything if you keep bashing her over the head like this." She stood and stepped toward me, sitting in the seat next to me. 

I was a bit frightened at the moment, and heard a small distinct metallic cracking sound as Ferdinand stewed. I believed this was his bracelet. 

Florencia calmly spoke to me, "You've made a mess, already. I suppose it may be good though, this gives us plenty of fire against Veronica if she tries anything because of this. Please, next time you speak to someone like this, we will speak through the stone." She seemed a small bit upset, and I could tell she was wearing her bracelet at the moment, I felt quite angry with myself inside for a moment. She was the person in an imposition now if anything. Florencia already seemed to be scheming in her eyes though. 


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