The Caster

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With Klyn returned home I set off to find out who exactly this caster truly is.

Vexx: "Klyn I am going to head out but I have a request, which is to scout out other nearby settlements and possibly a town". I am going to get her to become an adventurer but we need to find civilisation first.

Klyn: "Call me at a seconds notice if the magic caster is a problem given you engage at all, with that ill be off I will contact you when i find something". I hope she finds something it would be quite fun to cause issues.

Not a second later I teleported myself outside and made my way to the tree line off to the side of the village. I used an enhanced eyesight spell to peer at what the caster is up to.

It's apparent that he is convening with the chief of the village, what strikes my interest is the death knight and fully armoured humanoid at either side of his figure.

It's at this point I sense a semi large force making their way over. The caster has just been to the funeral for some of the villagers. I am much more hesitant to appear in front of them because if this caster is a player he has to much backup and I have no clue what trump cards he is hiding.

A battle incited between those knights and magic casters from the group previous, as expected they were wiped out except one who had some heart I have to give him that. We all seemed lost the caster and armoured bodyguard appeared were the knight stood. If the caster manages this I will introduce myself I hope he doesnt act against my but that is part of the fun.

Shouts and cries of despair were heard from the large group of small fries. It seems the battle has been concluded but one of the members are still left.

*Greater Invisibility* with that I snuck up behind the last remaining magic caster before he was executed.

Breaking the invisibility much to the pair that have taken so much of my interest.

Vexx: "Well it seems the battle is over i hope you dont take offense but this man is going to be my prisoner if you object then this may get interesting".

The pair are totally perturbed as to how this anomally managed to go undetected, well I say that but it's difficult to tell with the armour but no matter for me.

***: "How dare you interfere with our fight you pathetic low life"

Vexx: "Ahh the cat has fangs this could be most delightful, to save further confusion may I know the names of the master and slave kukuku". I love trying to get under peoples skin or maybe that is because I am now in this world, who knows?

Ainz: "I do not appreciate the sly comments but that aside my name is Ainz Ooal Gown and this hear is Albedo".

Vexx: "Well thank you for the info, my name is Vexx of the Crimson Fang" with this information the caster is taken aback, he might know me kukuku glorious.

Albedo: "Ainz-sama i feel it appropriate to exterminate this vermin of an elf" wow she really is a feisty one.

Vexx: "Struck a nerve did I, Ainz you should have a tighter collar on the pup. Anyway as much as i would love to stay and talk shop i should be leaving hope you take care and watch your back kukuku". Albedo seemed extremely pissed of at the comment i made about her, ahh what fun.

I attached a listening spell to both of them but it only stayed on Albedo, it may be that she doesnt have the specific resistance, either way it allowed me to listen to their conversation from the comfort of my home.

Ainz: "He is gone, Albedo we need to get back, set security to maximum that Elf is an extreme problem" Ainz exclaimed to an irritated Albedo.

Albedo: "Without issue my lord but may i ask why is he relasing an aura similar to Ainz-sama" sounding pretty concerned.

Ainz: "He was meant to be a supreme being at one point but i denied entry for reasons only the Supreme beings are aware of, which means he is a player" with that they both went out of range of the audio tap.

With that out of the way i wonder what this prisoner will tell me?

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