Chapter Ten

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Merissa tried not to cry as she handed her luggage off to a worker at the airport to put into the cargo area of the plane. She couldn't believe she was leaving. She had lived in this town since she was born and had known her friends since preschool. "Merissa, come on. We're gonna miss our flight." Her mom said, taking her hand. 

"Wait!" Someone yelled from behind them. Both of them spun around and saw Lukas running toward them, the security guards chasing after him. "Merissa, wait!" 

"Lukas?" She asked, dumbfounded. "What're you doing here?" 

"I love you too." He said out of breath. 

Her breath hitched in her throat and she whispered, "what?" 

"I've loved you since that time in kindergarden when those bullies were picking on me and you stood up for me, then stole my turkey sandwich." 

She laughed, "that was a good turkey sandwich." 

"Yeah, it was." He took her hands, "and I'm sorry it took me so long to figure it out. I'm sorry it took you leaving for me to get my foot out of my ass." 

"Come on, boy. You're coming with us." One of the security guards said, taking Lukas by the arm, and pulled them slightly apart from each other. 

Merissa looked over at her mom to see if she would do anything. Her mom sighed and gestured to the guard. "Wait," her mom said. "Let them finish up." 

Merissa smiled and looked back at Lukas. The security guard let him go begrudgingly and went back to his station. "Merissa, again, I'm really sorry." She looked at him for a moment before hugging him, hard. "Uh, you're squeezing me to death." 

She let go of him, "sorry. I was the last one to know, wasn't I? About your memories?" He nodded hesitantly. 

"But I-" 

She punshed him in the arm, "figured. It's not like I'm your best friend or anything." 

"Ow!" He rubbed his arm, smiling sadly. "I'm gonna miss you." 

"I am too." Then he kissed her and she kissed him back.

He pulled away, tears filling his eyes. "Goodbye Merissa." He hugged her.

"Bye." She hugged him back. 

"Flight 214 will be leaving in five minutes." The lady on the intercom said. Then a couple minutes later, said it again. 

She let go of him, "I love you." 

"I love you too." Her mom started dragging her toward the door. He waved them off. 

She waved back but turned around quickly so he couldn't see that she was crying. 

West looked around the house. This was the first time he'd actually been in Harley's house, though she'd been in his plenty of times. "Wow," he breathed out. Her place was a lot nicer and bigger than his. 

Robbie smirked, "you like it?" West had no idea when he showed up there, but he didn't like it. 

West glared at him, "shut up." 

His smirk faded and he sighed, "can we just talk. In private. Try to get everything sorted out? I miss you man." 

West shook his head, "no. I'm just not ready yet. You hurt me, Robbie." 

"I didn't even do anything!" 

"I know! And that's the problem! When I got expelled, you did nothing to back me up. You didn't even try! And it was all your fault with that stupid bet!" 

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Robbie yelled, getting in West's face, causing him to take a step back. "Do you think I don't bash myself everyday for what I did to her? To you? I hate myself for what I did but I want to make it better! I want to fix my mistakes!" 

West was speechless. "I thought you didn't care..." 

"Of course I care, West. You're my brother, I'll always care. I messed up again with the whole Ayla and Harley thing, I know, but I'm sorry. And I hope you can forgive me, and yourself." He walked off, leaving West standing there dumbfounded. 

Ayla walked up after Robbie, looking back confusedly as he walked past. "What's wrong with him?" 

West shrugged, "we still haven't worked out our issues." 

"Oh," she said akwardly. "That's actually why I came over here." 

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "to fix mine and Robbie's issues?" 

She rolled her eyes, "no dumbass. To fix our issues." 

His eyebrows shot up, "our issues? You mean..." 

"Yeah, the whole... Harley and I situation, if that's what you want to call it." 

"What about it?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Ayla sighs, "I'm sick of feeling like I should hate you for mine or Harley's sake. It's honestly exhausting and I'm done. So, I'm forgiving you." 


"Yes. I'm forgiving you." He stood there, dumbfounded. Is she really forgiving me? Does she still have feelings for me? I know I definitely still have feelings for her. It was like she could read his mind. She shook her head, "I'm forgiving you as a friend, not as a girlfriend or whatever. I'm not ready for another relationship, not right now anyways." 

He nodded, a little disapointed. "Yeah, yeah. I understand. I'm just glad you've forgiven me. I'm actually really happy right now." He said, not able to hide the smile that danced across his lips. 

She also smiled and said, "hug as just friends?" 

He nodded, "hug as just friends." 

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