I will cherish you. Until my last breath I will cherish you.

Start from the beginning

Optimus had left you in Ratchets care. The old mech insisting on checking over you. Making sure that there was nothing the human medics had missed.

A once over and then.

"The kids a fragging idiot for leaving you." Ratchet puts the scanner he was using to the side. "Anybot with functioning optics could see what you have." He rests a servo to the side of you. "But he's here now. Do you want to talk to him?"

Your chest warmed and your spirit lifted. Maybe it had just been a misunderstanding? Mistakes do happen.

"Yes!" You breathed out hastily. Not even caring if I sounded a bit desperate. All you wanted was to be with Jazz in this moment. To find some sort of solace after all that happened.

As Jazz passed through the doorway Ratchet slapped a servo down on his shoulder. Sending something over a comm link that had Jazz's already tired looking face falling even further.

"Y/n. Ah'm sorry ah didn't mean for ya ta." You cut him off as you stand up on the edge of the berth and wrapped your good arm around his neck. Face pressed into cabling as you spill every ounce of worry you had. From a press of your lips against his to cupping his face to looking him over and over again to make sure he wasn't injured.

It took longer for you to notice how still he was. Optics free of his visor as he looks over the top of you. Gone was he from this plane of thinking. You press your hand to his chest plate feeling the ever constant thrumming of his spark. The feeling soothing to your frya d nerves. Jazz's servo presses over your much smaller one. Brings your knuckles to his lips and presses the softest kiss to them.

His servo then trails over the bruising along your jaw. The split in your lips before gently tapping the cast on your arm.

"Ah don't deserve ya." His voice sounded broken. Static thick in his normally smooth voice.

"Well that's far from the truth and you know it." You tell him. Your brows furrowing in confusion. Jazz's servo begins to shake.

"No. Ah don't deserve ya." Every so gently he pulls you away from him and in that moment you know. Something swimming deep in the pit of your stomach. Dread. Fear.

"Ah certainly don't after what's happen. Y/n. Sweatspark." His digits brush away loose hair that had fallen into your eyes. "Ah couldn't keep ya safe. Ah hurt you when ya needed me the most. That scream. Primus that sound you made will haunt my processers for vorns ta come." Every so slowly his accent fell. "Ah failed you when you needed me the most. I. I don't deserve ya." He pushes himself away from the berth table knowing full well you couldn't get off if it yourself. Broken arm or not.

"I can't be with you knowing I'm the one causing you harm. I love ya. I just. I love ya to much to see you get hurt because of me. Ah'm sorry, y/n."

Nothing was real anymore. Your ears rang and rushed with the sound of your beating heart. The berth swayed beneath you as the breath left your lungs.

"Jazz." Your voice cracked a painful lump began to form at the base of your throat. "Jazz don't do this. Please." It hurt oh God it hurt. Your vision blurred and the mech you once called your heart shook his helm. "Jazz we can talk about this please. Don't. Don't leave me." You couldn't bare the thought of him not being there with you.

"A'hm sorry." His own tears fell and so did yours. Your bodies one last plea for it to be fake. One last desperate act for this to not break your already shattering heart.

Jazz left as silently as he came in. Stopping briefly in the door way before shaking his helm and leaving.

That closing door signifying more than just an ending.

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