"Just thinking," Irene responded.

Elle wiped her hair with a towel, Irene looked at herself in the dressing mirror, "I grew up nicely," Irene spoke, "minus the whole part being unrelated and separate from my family, but other than that I grew up nicely," Irene quickly said.

Elle dropped her comb, Mal hold in a chuckle, Ralph gave a 'the fuck did I just hear' face, Roxy, the woman was just too stunned to speak.

"I said what I said," Irene replied to their reaction, Elle quickly picked up the comb, "Yes, I agree, and you grew up beautifully," Elle said changing the topic as she admire Irene's beauty. "Well, I got my mother's strong genes, as I was told," Irene smiled.

Now that was the last straw.

Mal started laughing, she gets it.

Ralph just stood there, he didn't know how to react.

Roxy was still too stunned.

Elle's eyes widened, "And as courageous as your mother, Lady Irene," Elle said still trying her best to keep her cool. Irene started laughing, "I love your reactions," she took some breaths after laughing "too hard".

"I love that your speaking for freely Lady Irene," Mal suddenly mentioned.

"Oh right I am," Irene said covering her mouth, Elle just smiled still processing what Irene just said a few seconds ago.

Irene really dropped so many bombs at them and Mal was the only one who was not shocked. Irene touched her hair.

Even though I am much more braver to talk freely in front of them, I am not doing this in front of the Grand Duke even though his reactions and the sons will be so funny, Irene thought really considering it.

It was like an angel and a devil fighting one another, one wants to live and peace another one wants freedom and revenge.

Irene was then debating if she should do it or not, her relationship with the Grand Duke is as cold as ever, however, she became to talk more freely and express her distaste around them. Even rejecting Lucas's ridiculous request to talk.

I used to be so scared, if my past self saw me doing this, I would've passed out, Irene thought about the first time in this world.

While she was thinking about all these things she was getting ready for breakfast, getting dressed, and everything.

Irene walked out of her room door, was greeted by faithful workers, they all had smiles on them.

"You're growing up too fast," Ralph said as he started to pat Irene's hair aggressively stopping Irene's train of thoughts.

"Your hair is so soft," Ralph said surprised, Irene glared at his hand, "Alright alright, I will leave your hair alone now, but aren't excited to see the Count's family again?" Ralph asked.

"Yes, of course," Irene responded, "We are going to the main mansion right now to eat breakfast together," Irene's side glanced at the scenery of her peaceful outdoors as she remembered her first time there.

This was the reason why Irene had to wake up quite early and why Elle didn't want her to sleep for a bit more.

We are going to the Grand Duke's mansion once again, Irene thought, how tiring it will be for her.

"I greet, Lady Gracia," a servant greeted her, Irene looked at them, and nodded, then they lead her to the dining room.

The door opened and she was greeted by bright lights.

Robert who is now 19 years old still looks the same as before just taller maybe more manly?

Lucas who is now 17 years old, has his hair in a small ponytail now and is much taller.

Trevor who is now 15 years old, has his hair even longer than before but everything else is the same old same old.

Irene looked at them, looks like they haven't changed, and the Grand Duke ages like fine wine.

"Irene!" a brown-haired girl shouted, "It's so nice to see you again! It's much more seeing you in person compared through letters," the excited girl spoke.

"Ah Alice, nice to see you again," Irene smiled.

This is going to be one hectic breakfast.

~Author's Note~

Said I wouldn't be able to post, however, I need to write for you guys, those assignments can wait. I hope you enjoy this mess of a chapter. I wonder where all the time go. Man I do missed my childhood, I didn't have the best one, but it was something.


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