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"Holland, holland holland!", Sarah squealed running into the bathroom where I was finishing my make up

"what is it darling?", I mumbled focused on my mascara 

"holland look", she beamed 

"well hello", I rose my brows looking at my angel standing there in just her bra and underwear 

"no holland look", Sarah turned to the side revealing her bump to me

"oh my darling", I walked closer, admiring the bump that was holding our twins 

"I mean I'm only twelve weeks but they're coming through nice and strong", Sarah giggled with glee 

"just imagine when you're forty weeks.. oh my angel you look beautiful"


Sarah pov

"darling why aren't you in bed.. sleeping.. with me", Holland walked into the kitchen tiredly, a robe hugging my body 

"I'm starving", I groaned looking through the fridge and cabinets but nothing seemed appealing 

"but we had a big dinner about two hours ago", holland walked up behind me placing her hands on my shoulders 

"I know, but there are three of us", I giggled 

"are you two hungry?", holland looked down, hands on my bump that was quite prominent even though it was still early. "well let's get you three fed then", holland stepped in front of me looking for food "how about a sandwich or something?"

"no the thought of bread makes me gag", I swallowed in repulsion 

"yesterday spinach made you gag"

"I can't eat that either"

"okay let's see", holland hummed 

"you know what the babies really want?", I spoke lowly. holland turned to me unamused, knowing this wasn't the first time that I had used the babies as a bribe to get what I want 

"what darling? what do the babies want?", she smirked 

"Chinese food", I smiled 

"do they now?"


"so you're telling me that the fifteen week old twins want Chinese food when they don't even have taste buds yet?"

"actually they develop taste buds around nine weeks", I wrapped my arms around her neck 

"I'll call, but it's almost twelve and I can't guarantee that they'll be open" 

"thank you my love", I kissed her cheek 

"anything for you three", holland returned a kiss before grabbing the phone 


"there you go darling let it all out", holland cooed, holding back my hair while rubbing soothing circles on my back 

"I thought morning sickness would have ended by now, I mean it's the second trimester", I spoke through heavy breaths 

"there are two of them remember honey", holland smiled softly, running over my face with a wet towel "you still look gorgeous darling", her soft words touched me, her hand placing my lose stands of hair behind my ear 

"well I feel gross"

"let me have a quick word with the twins", holland moved down to talk to my stomach "its your mom here. would you two mind doing your other mom a favour and lay off the morning sickness, because it's stoping her from seeing how much she's glowing"

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