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it was around four, and I still had another thirty minutes until I was officially on break. Amanda was pissed because she still had another lecture to go to, where as I was allowed to go home. Holland had drove by in the morning so I could place my bag in her car. 

Holland was teaching her last class, while I was in mine. Amanda and I were bored out of our minds in business studies until the class was interrupted 

"Ms.Taylor, lovely to see you", spoke my Professor as holland walked through the door

holland stood at the front of the class, with her head held high, gazing over the class until she found me. 

I couldn't help but marvel at how she was always so confident, at the way she could make the whole room bow down to her.. easily 

"could I talk to Ms.Paulson for a minute?", holland pointed at me

"certainly.. Ms.Paulson could you step outside for a moment?"

"oh no, keep teaching its just a quick word, I wont be a moment", holland squeezed the mans arm before walking over to me.

holland leant over me whispering into my ear

"what are you doing?"

"business studies", I replied blushing "what are you doing here?"

holland pulled out the chair sitting next to me "I'm bored. those fucking freshmans have no personality"

"shouldn't you be teaching?", I giggled 

"I told them I had to get a cigarette", holland huffed

"oh real classy", I smirked "there is twenty more minutes of class, don't you think you should get back? Not to mention the fact that you're disturbing my class"

"ugh fine. But if you don't see me back at the car, its because I've died of boredom"

"I'll see you soon", I smiled as holland began to stand up

"oh and one more thing", holland knelt close to my ear again "I hope you don't mind, I brought some fun little toys for us to play with at the lake", holland spoke seductively 

"what kind of toys?", I swallowed, completely flushed 

"ones that include batteries", holland pulled back "thank you Sir, have a great break", she spoke to the teacher before leaving 

"what the fuck did she say to you?", Amanda pulled me back to reality 

"nothing much, just that her class was boring her", I shrugged

"well, you look like you've seen a ghost"

"yeah.. sure", I laughed awkwardly 


"fuck you bird", Amanda cursed playfully while pulling back from the hug

"you only have two more hours to go", I encouraged sarcastically

"you two have fun", she rolled her eyes

"I'll see you in a week okay", I kissed Amandas cheek before walking to the back of the college, where holland and I always met, making sure no one could see us

"well I'm glad you didn't die of boredom", I smirked as I sat in the car, holland had her head down on the steering wheel, clearing soaking up the stupidity of her students 

"I told them they could all leave when I got back, they asked why.. I just left", holland turned her head to the side to look at me

"well now we don't have any classes for four weeks", I ran my fingers through her hair, her head still on the steering wheel

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