Sarvente: Hmm...
Ruv: Sarv!!
Sarvente: Ruv!!
Ruv: Sarv, the promise-
Sarvente: Don't worry, don't worry, I have healing powers, remember? I'm a demon, they can only kill me by stabbing me in the heart.
Ruv: Still, who did that?
Sarvente: ... Who do you think it was...?
Ruv: *sigh*
Sarvin: Sarv!! Oh my goodness, are you ok?
Sarvente: (gets up) I'm ok, brother. My wing just hurts a bit.
Selever: Oh, this won't (eyes glow pink) stand.
(Crimsong [Instrumental] starts playing)
Selever: You Russians really think you can do whatever you want, huh? Uh, (looks at Ruv, Tabi, and Ruvina) no offense...
Tabi: It's ok.
Selever: But don't even try to escape from me this time.
Tabi: (walks next to Selever) You know what, Selever? You should take a rest for what you've done at the talent show.
Selever: But-
Tabi: Just go. Так скажите, где Азазель Сидоров [So tell me, where's Azazel Sidorov]?
Military#2: Ты смеешься [Are you kidding]? (points the gun at Tabi)
Tabi: (grabs the military, and twists his arm)
Military#2: Ах, больно [Ahh, that hurts]!!
Tabi: Я выгляжу так, будто шучу [Do I look like I'm kidding]?
(Genocide, but it's just Tabi starts playing)
Military#2: Ты спятил [You're crazy]!!
Tabi: Может быть, я [Maybe I am]... (looks up to Whitty, and makes a hand sign)
Whitty: (looks at Ruv)
Ruv: Let the war begin.
(After the whole music played...)
Tabi: (breathing heavily, and smoke coming out of the nostrils) Почему [Why]...?
Mr. Sidorov: Я ... прости [I... I'm sorry]...
Tabi: Прямо сейчас? В САМОМ ДЕЛЕ [Really? JUST NOW]?!?!?
Solazar: (jump off the ramp and straightens his suit) Sidorov.
Tabi/Mr. Sidorov: What?!?!
Solazar: I'm talking to your father, Tabi.
Tabi: (looks at his "father" sideways, and drops him violently on the ground) Err...
Mr. Sidorov: (looks at Solazar) Who... Are you?
Solazar: My name's Solazar, I'm Agoti's father, also known as the father of your son's boyfriend.
Agoti: 'Sup.
Mr. Sidorov: I-I don't understand... You've changed, since the last time you've been here.
Tabi: I did... a lot actually.
GF: I definitely have nothing to do with it.
Tabi: Don't pretend you don't know anything, I've mostly changed, thanks to you and your stupid father!!!
Carol: *gasp* (looks at GF)
GF: *sigh* Yeah, you're right, I'm just kidding.
Solazar: Look, I know it might seem hard to understand, but you need to accept your son, even if he... isn't... your actual son. But hear me out, mister. If you don't want to accept, I may have to make some moves here, which I really do not want to.
Updike: I may have to agree, with you, Mr. Andromeda.
Solazar: *sigh* So you have two options. Number 1: You get your freaking ass up and talk to your adoptive son- because I really know how it's having an adoptive kid. Or 2, we'll let you die here. I'm sorry for what I'm about to say but (turns around, covering his mouth)... (turns back) I can't take your f*cking Russian rules!! Your rules are sh*t!!
(Everyone just staring at Solazar)
Agoti: Yeah, go dad-!!
Solazar: (looks at Agoti) Shut the f*ck, Agoti.
Nikusa: Solazar?!!
Solazar: (looks at Nikusa) Ugh, what?
Nikusa: Look, I'm sorry for interfering, I know you're not good when people... interfere to your madness side, but.. maybe... We could-
Agoti: Lemme guess, trap him in the void?
Nikusa: Well... Yes. As the Queen of The Void, I could do that.
Agoti: Just do me a favor if he goes there. Treat him like you treated me there, but muuuuch worse. (crosses his arms) Just to give him a lesson.
Nikusa: Deal.
Whitty: I just... don't understand... Why doesn't Russia allow LGBT people here? We're in the 21st century, folks. You should already be aware of today's society. First, you guys are the most country on Earth, and you're much better known for... This sh*tty LGBT community ban rule!!
Selever: As a straight guy, I must say... I'm disappointed.
Nonsense: I don't think you are straight anymore...
Selever: Shut... the f*ck... uuup...
Mr. Sidorov: *sigh* Maybe I can... Change... Somehow...
Tabi: And how are you gonna do that exactly?
Mr. Sidorov: Just take me to America with you, and show how gay life is here.
Tabi: Hmm...
BB: (walking down the ramp with Lost Silver in the wheelchair) I don't think it would be a bad idea.
Whitty: Should we go then?
Ruv: Yeah. Let's go home, I'm tired of being here.
Nonsense: Hey, Selever. Don't forget the promise you did.
Selever: What promise- Oh... Sh*t... Could you help me...?
Nonsense: The magic word.
Selever: What?
Nonsense: The magic word, say it, (points his gun at Selever, glowing his eyes yellow) NOW!!
Selever: Huh... Please?
Nonsense: Much better. Now c'mon, let's make it quick.

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