The Siren's Song (Part 1)

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At the airplane...

Edd: Alright Matt, we go to A&B7. (points at Tom) You will have to go with Tord to E&F7.

Tom: Wait... Why do I have to go and sit with Tord?

Edd: 'Cause your ticket says so.

Tom: Ugh, really...? Why can't I just sit with you guys? (points at the seat next to Edd and Matt's)

Edd: *sigh* Tom...

Tord: (gets in the airplane) Ok, so... (puts his hands on his pockets) Who am I sitting next to? (looks at Tom)

Tom: (looks away and crosses his arms)

Tord: Oh...

Edd: Yeah... I think you'll have to take the whole trip with him... Sorry.

Tord: It's cool. I guess...

Tom: Ugh... Really?

Hostess: Excuse me misters, but I may have to ask you to sit down, the plane is about to take off.

Tom: Fine. (seats on his seat and starts watching the view)

Tord: *sigh*

Edd: Hey, Tord? Try to ignore him at least...

Tord: I'll try. (walks to his seat)

Edd: (looking at Tord) *sigh* I just wished those two could get along... (seats)

Matt: They've always been like that for years, Edd, so... Why even try?

Edd: (looks at Matt) Look, I know I try hard, but I just want my friends to be ok with each other...

Matt: I know, Edd. But... It's Tom and Tord we're talking about... You can't just put them together.

Pilot: (from speaker) Attention passengers!! We affirm that the plane is about to take off, please put your senses and your devices in airplane mode, please. Thank you.

Edd: (picks his phone) Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Matt: Yeah, (picks his phone) me too.

Tord: Well, (picks his earphones, and puts them) this will be a long ride... (looks at Tom, still looking at the view) *sigh* (scrolling through his music playlist)

Tom: What're all the sighs for...?

Tord: (looks at Tom) Hmm? Oh, so now you wanna talk?

Tom: I'm just asking. What? Can I just ask something now?

Tord: Yeah, but... Nevermind... (keeps scrolling)

Tom: (looks at Tord from the window)


Tabi: It's been quite a while since I've been on a plane. Jeez, I can't believe I'm getting back home.

Ruv/Ruvina: (getting up from their seats) WE!!!

Tabi: Ugh, yes, we.

Agoti: Question. Is Russia that cold? 

Tabi: Around 17ºF or something I guess.

Agoti: Oh so-

Tabi: Still. It snows there, so there's the possibility of being around 34ºF or so...

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