The Date

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Carol: So, Abby. What are we gonna do today?

Abby: Why am I even here?

Carol: Huh, are you going to have a date with Lucian?

Abby: Wha- Who told you about that?

Carol: Tac?


Tac: Girls!

Carol: Huh?

GF: Did 'ya hear something?

Tac: Over here!

Carol: (turns around) Is that Tac?

GF: I think it is.

Tac: Hey! Huff... Sorry, I ran as fast as I could to get to you.

Carol: Do you need anything?

Tac: Not me, but Abby does. You see, Lucian asked her if she wanted to go on a date with him, and well, she said yes, but now she has no idea what to do. She never had a date before...

Carol: Well, guess we'll have a change of plans today. We have a girl in need!

[Back to Present]

Abby: Oh, how... nice of him... Anyway, what are you gonna do with me?

Carol: That's what I ask you. What are we gonna do with you?

Abby: About what?

Carol: Oh, huh, you know... Makeup, haircut-

Abby: Hold on just a second there, Carol. I won't be doing makeup for sure, but for a haircut, I don't have that many ideas though.

Carol: How about a Braided Bun hairstyle?

Abby: What's that?

Carol: Well, kinda looks like this. (shows a picture of a woman with a Braided Bun hairstyle)

Abby: Ok, look. I'm going on a date with Lucian, not going to marry Lucian...

Carol: Well, sure, but who knows?

Abby: (looks at Carol, and then looks at the hairstyle album) How about this "Wob" one?

Carol: That would look great on you!!

GF: (quicks the door) Ok, I was able to pick up some dresses from my mom, and also from Nene's house.

Abby: That Asian girl with suicidal thoughts?

GF: Unfortunately, yes. But, she has Pico on her side now, she doesn't seem that much of 'killing herself' now.

Abby: That's good.

Carol: Ok, let's start with your hair then.

A few minutes later...

Carol: Done!!

Abby: God...

Carol: What? You don't like it?

Abby: No, it's not that. It's just... I was thinking... I'm pretty sure that Lucian is onto something with this 'date thing'.

GF: Of course he is. I bet he's going to ask you to date him.

Abby: What? C'mon, Lucian wouldn't be that stupid... He's just started to move on from Liam...

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