The Siren's Song (Part 2)

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At McDonald's...

Whitty: (looking at the menu) Hmm...

Garcello: Man, you've been staring at the menu for the last 5 minutes...

Whitty: That's my problem when I come to McDonald's, I'm never sure of what I want. Everything looks so good!

Garcello: Well, just go with whatever your stomach desires.

Whitty: But I don't know what my stomach - *sigh*, you know what? I'm just going with a Big Mac menu...

Ruv: Hmm... They don't have anything spicy here?

Garcello: I guess they have spicy nuggets.

Ruv: Nice, I'll get those. Thanks, Cello.

Garcello: No problem. Wait did you just call me-

Vivian: Ух, а разве можно просто скидку получить? Раньше я здесь работал, хорошо [Ugh, but can't I just get a discount? I used to work here, ok]?

Cashier: *sigh* Вивиан, как бы я ни хотела сделать вам скидку, к сожалению, не могу. Правила работы [Vivian, as much as I'd like to give you a discount, unfortunately I can't. Rules of work].

Vivian: *sigh* (turns) Хорошо, дай мне рулет с креветками, так что ... Пожалуйста [Fine, just give me a Shrimp Roll then... Please]...

Cashier: (notes on the screen) Понятно [Got it]. (gives the bead to Vivian) Вот оно что [There you have it].

Vivian: Спасибо [Thanks]. (grabs the beab) *sigh*

Tabi: You seriously don't have the best luck, hehe.

Vivian: Tchh, shut up.

Tabi: Hehe, just sayin'.

Vivian: Hmm, so... How did you meet your precious boyfriend you got (points at Agoti with her eyes) there?

Tabi: Oh, Ag? Well, we meet on the streets?

Vivian: Really? Wow. So like, love at first sight?

Tabi: Weeee can say that... *sigh* I just hope, at least, my mom accepts me as you said earlier.

Vivian: She will, I'm sure of it.

Cashier: Вот, Вивиан [Here, Vivian] (gives her the Shrimp Roll).

Vivian: Спасибо [Thanks].

Cashier: Вы что-нибудь захотите [Will you want something]?

Tabi: Ой, незачем, друг уже заказал. Все еще жду этого [Oh, there's no need to, a friend already made the order. Still waiting for it].

Cashier: Понятно, мы постараемся сделать это побыстрее [I see, we'll try to make it quick].

Tabi: Хорошо, спасибо [Alright, thanks].

Vivian: *sigh* Things rolled so much faster with me on the other side of the bench.

Tabi: Tchh.


Annie: Hmm, that actually tasted pretty good.

Garcello: Indeed.

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