12 Chapter

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AN: So, yay for that last chapter! I know this is a Niff fanfic, but this chapter will be centered more around Klaine and how they view Niff. Also, beware of Francisco. He's in this chapter. Oh, let me describe him to you. Francisco Viraldi is of Latin American descent. He has brown eyes and cropped black hair. And I guess I should explain why he was kissing Nick all the way back in Chapter 2, was it? Anywarbler, Nick (being the ever adorable, sweet, nice person he is), heard rumors about a new Warbler and went to Warblers Hall to introduce himself. Francisco used his seductive powers, but Nick was immune. So he started smashing his lips against Nick's. Nick was shocked, (yet slightly flattered) and then he thought of Jeff. Nick was sure he loved Jeff at this point, and the only reason he looked like he was enjoying it (at least that's what Jeffy says) was because he was thinking of Jeff while kissing Francisco, which on Nick's part wasn't very smart, because Francisco believed Nick liked him and blah blah blah, you know the rest. Mentions of self hurt and all that jazz. Anyway, on with the story!
#####################AN Ends

Sleeping with Kurt had to be one of Blaine's favorite things. And no, they didn't have sex, he literally slept with Kurt, as in sleeping in the same bed. Blaine always woke early, so he could shower and put in his hair gel. He knew Kurt loved his curls, but still, he hated the thought of them flopping all over the place. When Blaine was finished showering, he made breakfast for him and Kurt. While he was working on the french toast, two slim arms wrapped around his waist.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Kurt said, sleepily. Blaine turned around and kissed the tip of Kurt's nose. Kurt smiled and stumbled out of the room, going to take a shower. Minutes later, Blaine felt those slim arms wrap around his waist again. Kurt rested his head on Blaine's back. Blaine smiled. He loved little moments like this that he spent with Kurt. He finished the french toast and carried two plates over to the table, Kurt still clutching his waist, reluctantly letting go as he sat down.

"How do you think our children are doing?" Blaine wondered aloud. Kurt nearly spit out his food.

"Uh, honey, I know you love me and all, but don't you think it's a bit too early to be thinking about children?" Kurt asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin. Blaine shook his head.

"I'm not talking about real children, I'm talking about Nick and Jeff. They're practically our children with the way we're always helping them and stuff." Blaine said, shoving another forkful of french toast into his already full mouth. Kurt laughed.

"They are adorable together." Kurt said. Blaine swallowed his food, covering Kurt's hand with his.

"Almost as adorable as us." Blaine smiled, leaning closer to Kurt. Kurt closed the distance between him and Blaine and felt the warm softness of Blaine's lips. They broke apart quickly.

"I think it's a perfect Saturday to stay in bed." Kurt suggested. Blaine beamed. He quickly cleaned up and grabbed Kurt's hand, dragging him to the bed and under the covers. Both boys faced each other, grinning broadly.

"I love you, Kurt." Blaine breathed.

"I love you more, Blaine." Kurt sighed.

"I love you most." Blaine said, kissing Kurt with so much passion. Kurt pulled Blaine closer to him without breaking their kiss. Blaine shoved a hand under Kurt's shirt and Kurt shivered.

"Your hands are cold." Kurt said, before kissing Blaine again. Blaine rubbed Kurt's back while Kurt unbuttoned Blaine's shirt. He was just about to take it off before they heard sobbing.

"What was that?" Blaine asked, turning his ear to the wall.

"What was what?" Kurt asked, nibbling Blaine's neck. Blaine pushed Kurt away and sat up. Kurt sat up too, listening. Then they both heard it. A long wail that sounded as if someone was in so much pain.

"It sounds like it's coming from next door." Kurt said.

"Isn't that Francisco's room?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded, pulling his shirt down. Blaine buttoned his shirt up and then took Kurt's hand, both boys going next door and knocking.

"Go away." a voice said from inside.

"It's Kurt and Blaine. What's wrong, Francisco?" Blaine said. A sniffle from inside the room.

"Why do you care? You all hate me anyway." Francisco said. Kurt raised his eyebrows. Francisco sounded fragile and broken, like something inside had destroyed him.

"Let us come in now." Kurt said. It took a while but the dorm door opened. Blaine and Kurt entered cautiously. Francisco was sitting on his couch, eyes red and puffy like he had been crying. His wrists were covered, but Kurt could see the fresh cuts on his wrists. Kurt and Blaine took seats on opposite sides of Francisco, awkwardly sitting there, waiting for the broken boy to say something. Francisco sighed.

"Nick hurt me. I met him before at my old middle school. We were friends. I was sure I was gay, or at least bisexual and pretty sure I was falling in love with Nick. But he never paid any attention to me. He always had those hearts in his eyes when he saw Jeff. I was heartbroken. I couldn't sleep for days and when I finally could get to sleep, all I'd dream about was Nicky. At the beginning of the year, Nick kissed me and finally, I thought finally I could love him, but it wasn't to be. He loved Jeff and I could never have any of that love. I got jealous. I didn't even mean to hurt Jeff. He's always been so nice to me, despite taking away the only thing I ever loved." Francisco said, sobbing again. Blaine rubbed the boy's back, not sure what else he could do. Francisco let out a long wail and went limp onto the couch. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows, frowning.

"Now I feel awful." he mouthed to Kurt. Kurt nodded, a look of deep understanding and sadness on his face. They stayed with Francisco until he stopped sobbing.

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