3. Chapter

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The weeks flew by in a rush. Summer break was fast approaching and the annual Summer's Eve Ball was being planned. Nick and Jeff were excited. Both boys had planned a big surprise for the other. Blaine and Kurt were secretly in on both plans. Nick flopped down onto his bed, completely exhausted. Jeff entered the room, sighing rather loudly.

"What's wrong, Jeffy?" Nick asked his friend. Jeff shook his head and yawned.

"Oh, you're tired?" Nick questioned. Jeff nodded. Nick pat the spot next to him on the bed. Jeff fell onto his friend's bed and was asleep within minutes.

"Oh, Jeffy. How I can't wait to tell you I love you, next Tuesday after the Summer's Eve Ball." Nick lay down and fell asleep, content.

Tuesday arrived much quicker than the two friends would have guessed. They were excited. Both their plans were in motion and Blaine and Kurt sent knowing glances at each other, happy for their two friends.

Nick tapped his foot on the tile floor, waiting for the ball to be over. Funny, but he never wished for the ball to be over. Soon it was over and Nick went over to his friend, grabbed his hand and dragged him down the hall. To say Jeff was surprised was the understatement of the year. His blonde fringe was in his eyes, but he didn't dare move his head.

"Close your eyes, Jeffy." Nick said, seriously. Jeff smiled down at his friend, pretending to resist, but afte a frown from Nick, he closed his eyes. A few minutes later, a band was heard inside his and Nick's dorm room. Jeff's eyes flew open and followed Nick inside.

"No Jeff! Watch out!" Nick shouted. Jeff looked down and noticed the wet hardwood floor. Luckily, he landed on top of Nick, much to both boy's delight. Their faces were so close, a few more inches and they would be kissing.

Jeff looked into his friend's beautiful hazel eyes. Should he kiss him?

"Should we... should we kiss?" Nick breathed, echoing Jeff's thoughts. Jeff didn't answer. Instead he leaned down and pressed his lips against Nick's. Nick was slightly startled, but soon responded with much enthusiasm. Jeff adjusted his body so both boys were comfortable. Nick's lips tasted like cotton candy and he didn't ever want to stop kissing him. Much to his disappointment however, Nick pulled from him and looked into his eyes.

"Jeffy, I... I love you." Nick said, stuttering slightly. Jeff smiled and his eyes were filled with joyful tears.

"Oh, Nicky. I love you too." Jeff leaned down again and resumed kissing Nick, both of their plans forgotten for the time being.

~hope you like it

Your Laura

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