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Jeff quickly wrote a note, took the rope and left to go to the oak tree, by the river. It was where Nick and Jeff had met and it seemed fitting to Jeff to end his life there. Suddenly, Jeff felt a memory stir in his mind.

/Jeff was six years old, going to picnic with his family by the river. When they got there, another little boy, around the same age as Jeff was wading in the river while his Mother gently splashed him. Six year old Jeff was delighted. Being an only child, he had no brothers or sisters he could play with and he was excited to have a new friend to play with. Jeff was shy, but he managed to walk up to the boy who was sitting on a towel, enjoying the summer sun.

"H-hello." Jeff said, his face beet red. The brunette boy looked up and smiled at Jeff, his hazel eyes twinkling.

"Hey! My name's Nick! What's yours?" the five year old boy said, patting the spot next to him, indicating that he wanted Jeff to sit next to him. Jeff sat down obligingly.

"My name's Jeff, but my Mommy calls me Jeffy." Jeff said, slightly embarrassed. Nick didn't say anything for a moment and Jeff was wondering if the five year old was trying to come up with a clever and sharp comment.

"My Mommy calls me Nicky, so I guess we're even Steven." Nick said, smiling. Jeff smiled back at the younger boy. He didn't know how he knew it, but he knew that Nicky and him would be the best of friends./ Flashback end

Jeff's eyes watered slightly at the memory. Nick and him had had a lot of fun that day. It was in seventh grade, when Jeff realized that he could possibly have fallen in love with Nick. But that didn't matter now. Nothing will ever matter again. After driving a few miles away from campus, Jeff arrived at the spot, the two boys had deemed special.
Nick was happy. He had everything planned out for Jeff's special surprise. He would take Jeff to the spot where the two boys met, an oak tree by the river. Nick would bring a picnic and the two would enjoy a very romantic evening and who knows where it might lead? Nick giggled inwardly at the thought. He opened the door to the dorm and the smile faltered from his face.

Jeff was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't in the bathroom or hiding under the bed (Jeff was weird, he did that sometimes). Nick took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Jeff would usually go to the gazebo and stare out over the horizon when he couldn't sleep. Nick was just about to head towards the gazebo when he noticed a white piece of notebook paper, some of the words were blurry as if someone had been crying while writing it.

Dear Nicky,

If you didn't love me, you should have told me. I could have taken it. I'm strong. You didn't have to tell me that you would kill me. So instead, I've decided to kill myself, so you don't have to. I'll be by the river, where we met. Know that I'll always love you, even if you don't feel the same.

Love you always, Jeffy

Nick was confused. He had never written any note telling Jeff he would kill him. Nick turned over the note in his hand and saw the aforementioned note, that was written in a style very similar to Nick's. But he had never written it. No. He knew who had. He couldn't get him now, no. His time was limited. Nick had to rescue Jeff before it was too late.

Jeff slipped the noose around his neck. He was waiting. Waiting for someone to tell him to stop. He was hoping Nicky would come after him and comfort him and hold him and never stop kissing him. Jeff was feeling a sense of regret, but he couldn't go back now. He would jump at 6:00pm. That was five minutes from now. Maybe Nicky would save him. But maybe not.
Nick jumped into his car, panicking. He only had about three minutes before six. Something kept nagging at him, telling him Jeff would be dead when he got there. Nick refused to believe that nagging feeling.

"The power of love conquers all." Nick mumbled under his breath. His love for Jeff would conquer over Francisco. That evil bastard. Nick slammed on the brakes. He nearly crashed into the gates, leading into the park by the river. Nick ran. He ran faster than he ever had before, hoping and praying to God above that he wasn't too late.

This next parts gonna be a little graphic, so sorry

Jeff jumped. He began choking, his breath coming in rapid gaps. Jeff sobbed. He cried because of Nick. He cried because of the Warblers. His life was slowly draining before his eyes. Suddenly, everything went black.

Jeff was dressed in a flowing white robe, standing in a white room. Someone was in the room with him, but Jeff couldn't make out who it was.

"God?" Jeff asked in awe, breaking the peaceful silence. The person turned around and Jeff gasped. Tears stung his eyes, but these were happy tears. This was the person who he had missed most. The reason why he would let no one (except maybe Nick) call him Jeffrey.

"Mommy." Jeff sobbed, sounding like his six year old self again. His mother looked radiant. She looked so healthy and glowing, not like she had when the disease took her life. Mrs. Sterling rubbed Jeff's back, not saying a single word until his tears were all gone.

"Jeffrey Thomas Sterling." Mrs. Sterling said, sternly. Jeff's face fell.

"Mommy, am I dead?" Jeff asked, dreading the answer. Mrs. Sterling shook her head.

"No, my baby Jeffrey. You are merely dreaming. Why, Jeffrey? All I ask is why?" Mrs. Sterling asked, stroking the blonde's hair.

"Nicky..." Jeff said, trailing off. Mrs. Sterling didn't have to ask. She knew. She watched from Heaven as Jeffrey fell in love with Nick and that horrid boy Francisco slowly ruined her son's life.

"Jeffrey, God's given you another chance, don't ruin it." She smiled at her son for a moment. Mrs. Sterling kissed the top of her son's head and turned her back on him and began walking away. She didn't dare look behind her, for if she did she would begin to weep. Jeff watched his mother slowly disappear and then everything went black once more.
Nick squeezed Jeff's hand. He couldn't help but blame himself. If only he hadn't left that night, Jeff would be cuddled next to him on the bed, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Nick dare not cry. He had cried too many tears these past few days. Blaine and Kurt had just left, not wanting to disturb Nick's (possibly last) moments with Jeff.

"Jeff, I'm so so sorry. I just... ruin everything." Nick said, kissing Jeff's hand. Jeff moaned in his sleep and a smile spread across his face.

"Don't stop now." Jeff said, peeking under his eyes. Nick fell into Jeff's open arms, letting his tears flow freely. Nick began kissing Jeff ferverently, as though he'd never get a chance to again. Jeff slipped his tongue inside Nick's mouth and he moaned. He wrapped his arms around Jeff and began to straddle him.

Heheh, good thing I locked the door. Nick thought to himself. He pulled away from Jeff for a moment, getting off of the bed. Jeff looked slightly hurt. Nick pulled the curtains around Jeff's bed so no one looking in would know what was going on.

Nick got back on the bed and began to straddle Jeff again, pressing heated kisses against the pale flesh on Jeff's neck. Jeff moaned. Jeff stuck his hands underneath Nick's shirt, feeling how muscley and toned he was. Jeff pulled away for a moment.

"Nicky, are you sure you want to do this, right here right now?" Jeff asked.

"Right here. Right now. Tomorrow can wait to some other date to be, but right now it's you and me." Nick sang. Jeff smiled and pulled Nick in for another kiss, forgetting about everything for just a moment. Only knowing that Nick was in his arms and he was about to make love to him.

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