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A knock sounded on Nick and Jeff's dorm room and Nick awoke with a start. Nick carefully climbing out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping Jeff beside him. He rubbed his eyes sleepily and opened the door. A tan girl, with black hair and glasses stood, smiling at him, clutching a notebook to her chest.

"Hi!" she said, excitedly. Nick looked at the young woman, totally and utterly bewildered.

"B-but you're a girl!" Nick spluttered. The young woman's face fell slightly.

"Glad you've noticed. I'm Mia. You must be Nick... and who's that sleeping in your bed? Is that... Jeff?" the young woman said the last part with her eyes growing wide.

"How the hell did you manage to get into Dalton?" Nick asked, ushering Mia in before she drew attention.

"Oh, I'm a master of breaking and entering." Mia said, casually. Nick sat down on the couch, gesturing to Mia to do the same.

"So... why are you here?" Nick asked, trying not to be rude. Mia opened her book and noticed Blaine's name and Kurt's in little hearts and their signatures underneath.

"Oh, so you're a fan of the Warblers?' Nick questioned. Mia nodded. She pointed to an empty spot on the page, handing Nick a pen. Nick quickly scribbled his name.

"Jeffy, baby get up. We've got company." Nick said, shaking Jeff. Jeff groaned and got up, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Here, right your name here, baby." Nick said, dragging Jeff gently over to Mia. Jeff took the pen and wrote his name on the page, groaning again loudly.

"All right, baby. You can go back to sleep." Nick said, ushering Jeff back to the bed. Jeff crawled under the covers and was asleep within minutes. Nick laughed to himself.

"Are you guys dating?" Mia asked, her voice rising slightly. Nick nodded.

"And I love him so so much." Nick said, looking at Jeff.

"You better." Jeff said, from the bed. Nick laughed again, turning back to face Mia, but she was gone. Oh, well. Time to go back to sleep. Nick crawled back into bed, snuggling next to Jeff, content that Jeff's warm body was there, making Nick feel safe.

Jeff woke to find Nick cuddled into him, a smile upon his face. Jeff pressed his lips to Nick softly and quickly. Nick opened his eyes to find Jeff's beautiful ones looking at him.

"Good morning, beautiful." Nick said, kissing Jeff's nose. Jeff smiled at Nick, propping himself up on one elbow.

"I think today would be a perfect day to spend in bed." Jeff said. Nick nodded. He wrapped his arm around Jeff's waist.

"So... who was that last night?" Jeff's warm breath ghosted over Nick's lips.

"Just a fan." Nick said simply, tracing a trail on Jeff's side. Jeff shivered with delight, closing his eyes then opening them suddenly.

"You're sure?"Jeff asked, worry in his hazel eyes. Nick kissed him.

"Does that answer your question?" Nick questioned. Jeff nodded and brough his face closer to Nick's until their foreheads were touching.

"I love you, Nicky." Jeff said, dreamily.

"I love you too, Jeffy." Nick smiled. He pressed his lips to Jeff's

~hope you like it.

Your Laura

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