02-'The Coffee theory'

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Wang Yibo's friends were shockingly interested in cooking and enrolled in Sir Charles' cooking class downtown

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Wang Yibo's friends were shockingly interested in cooking and enrolled in Sir Charles' cooking class downtown. He had no idea what else they went for, and he didn't care. Yibo disliked cooking, or more accurately, he was hopeless in the kitchen, and no one was patient enough with him to teach him the basics.

When his mother asked for his assistance when her wrist was injured, he made a mess and the cake had a hole in the middle. His mother had been horrified. He was certain that if she had any heart disease, she would have had an attack. His father had laughed so hard that day that Wang Yibo refused to speak to him for a few days.

He was hurt, and he tried to hide it with his constant whining, but they found out, so his mother gently put him to sleep while he cried. His mother had cooed at him kissing him all over his face to show him she wasn't angry. His heart had been repaired.

He was on his way to a downtown bistro, further away from his friend's classes. The sidewalks were as crowded as they had been the day before. He didn't bring his skateboard because he didn't want to bump into anyone else. When he remembered the incident from yesterday, he smiled unconsciously. The man he saw was stunning. He wished he could see him again.

The man from yesterday remained silent. Yibo wasn't sure if he was mute. He didn't care either way. He was thinking about how they would meet again because the man was intriguing and he wanted to know more about him, his life, everything. Yibo was never one to pry into other people's affairs, even with his friends. If they didn't tell him, which was unusual, he wouldn't nag them until they caved.

The beauty though, he wanted- no, he needed to know. It's like being thirsty in the midst of a drought. He kept his eyes on the people around to see if he could find him again however when he realized he was on the opposite side from yesterday. Yibo's mood was sullen, that of a child and he pushed open the door to the bistro.

"Yibo, thank god you're here. Look I made something new just for you." A blonde-haired man five years his senior said excitedly from behind the counter. He was a tall, lanky man wearing a brown apron. Yibo was fond of him. He was unique, and Yibo was a person who made friends wherever he went. When he said that strawberry tea was a fruity poison, he naturally connected with this guy.

Yibo had burst out laughing. It was entertaining. He despised strawberry tea because it was bitter and tasted nothing like tea. The joke was bad, but they got it, so he liked him. He was astute as well. He was a science nerd who knew his arithmetic to the letter. Yibo was an excellent mathematician, but he had no kinship with the sciences. He despised it in high school, despite receiving good grades thanks to his parents, who taught him.

"Hey, Mark! You look cheerful today." He said, smiling.

"Of course, you're here aren't you. It's enough reason to be cheerful, my friend."

Yibo chuckled and easily laid his arm on the counter, leaning onto it sideways. "So, you sent me two messages. I understood the first but you asked me to hurry up, may I know why?"

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