She's a Maniac

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"Are you excited Eden?..." Angelina asked her daughter who had yet to return to her bubble self after visiting her father.

"Hmm..." Eden hummed lost in thought. The queasy feeling in her stomach had yet to leave. "Mom? does this mean he'll forget about us?" she asked her tone quiet. the question had been swimming around in her mind for the longest time.

"No baby! of course not! You'll always be your dad's number one priority" Angelina reassured pulling her daughter close.

"But will he not want to start a family with Susan?" 

"Eden, Robert is only getting married to Susan nothing will change between you and him and if they are blessed with a child.. you will have a brother or sister something you always dreamed of" Angelina spoke softly, remembering how her little face dropped when she was told the news. 

It was one of Eden's biggest fears.. to be forgotten. 

"But I won't even get to see the baby if they have one... can you have one? So I can play with it here?" Eden asked, her eyes pleading.

 Angelina's jaw dropped open trying to quickly formulate a reply, "Oh! Um well... maybe in the future" she smiled trying to ease the power of the puppy dog eyes directed her way. 

"Can we not ask for the stalk to delivery a baby now?.. I'd like a brother" Eden squealed looking expectantly at Angelina who was cussing Robert in her mind. "Sweetie your father is not planning to have any children at the moment. He's only getting married, and you my little princess will look beautiful in a bridesmaids dress.

"Hmm...but now I want a baby brother" Eden replied, biting on her lip as she got lost in her own world once again.

Angelina sighed in relief as the topic was dropped at least Eden wasn't upset anymore. But now she had to worry about Eden's new found want for a sibling.


"Let's Go! Now!" Abby's voice echoed into the den, and Eden feared it wouldn't going to be a good pyramid session. 

"Alright, we went to Powerhouse Dance competition in Ohio and we won!" Abby smiled loosing her scowl. Eden sighed in relief, Abby was pleased with their performance.

"With Cathy sitting in that audience having to watch you guys win the overall... Priceless" Abby grinned, laughing joyfully with the mothers.

"Your only as good as your last win! So I don't want you girls to rest on your laurels". She added always leaving a negative with a positive.

Eden watched silently as Abby began the pyramid, reminiscing on the weekend  she spent with her dad and soon to be stepmother. Eden never expected her father to get married it was a thought that never crossed her mind. She was no doubt happy for her father, but it still shocked her into tears afraid he would forget about her with time.

"Brooke" Abby's voice snapped Eden out of her thoughts. "You are here because not only did you forget the routine but you talked to Rosa Parks! Why did you talk to Rosa Parks?!" Abby reprimanded, reminding everyone of Brooke's major mishap at the last competition.

"I was just like Oh my god! I just messed up so bad and Nia jumped on the seat" Brooke explained awkwardly.

"She was just like what do I do? What do I do?" Nia added in. 

Eden listened intently to the story having missed it during the routine, she couldn't believe how lightly Brooke was taking it. Knowing she would've cried at her large blunder.

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