Chapter 15: New Years

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You decided to wear the dress Loki got you, simply waiting until the last minute so you wouldn't be able to go and change even if your mother wanted you to, although you would be hiding it under your long winter coat until you got to the party. Before leaving however you did add a little bit of extra highlight so you'd look a little bit more like Danielle from the movie before rushing out the door, nearly tripping in the sparkly silver kitten heels your mother got you. Luckily your mother wasn't really paying attention as you got into the car and only after arriving did she complain about it, saying this wasn't a costume party. She couldn't bring down your mood though, you were still so happy about looking like a princess to care, even noticing the accessories you had on went well with your dress, giving it perhaps a modern little touch. 

Eventually, you ran into Ms.Seki and her husband, they absolutely loved your dress, you even gave them a dramatic spin to show it off, having a hard time keeping still. You felt very confident and chatty, being so happy, going up to most of the guests to say hello and hand out compliments, receiving many yourself, even your mother received some on your behalf. "You're practically glowing my dear," one older lady said and looking down at your dress you realized you were actually glowing, just a little bit and you quickly excused yourself to go hide and calm down. You quickly left the ballroom, heading down what was, unfortunately, a somewhat dark hallway, making it more obvious that you were actually admitting light but you soon arrived at a well-lit hallway and slowed down as a result. You found an unlocked door and entered into an empty room, quickly closing the door behind you, walking further in, sitting down at a window seat to stare out through the glass at the falling snow. 

You realized you were in what used to be an old drawing-room, not uncommonly found in the older giant, mansion homes in New York, there weren't many of them left though, at least in Manhattan. You didn't care too much about it, as you had much more pressing matters at hand, the fact that you weren't in control of your powers again and might have just exposed yourself as a mutant was freaking you out. You wondered if you should just leave and go home, first trying to figure out how you'd get to your house from here as you couldn't drive, nor were you planning on walking, taking the subway or a bus this late into the evening. You were certain your mother wouldn't notice you leaving as after introductions you'd be lucky to see her at all before the following day, often catching a ride home with Ms.Seki and her husband. You gazed out over the city and the gentle falling snow, the wind blowing it this way and that, it was so soothing and peaceful, helping you relax from the sudden stress you had been feeling, but unfortunately, the new serene atmosphere was disturbed by some unwanted company. 

You weren't really paying attention, too distracted watching the snow but you did see the light from the hall reflecting on the window as someone opened the door. You suddenly straighten up, knowing you probably weren't supposed to be here and as you turned around your nervous feelings did not go away, as it was Adrien Cross who walked in. You immediately got up, planning on leaving right away but you realized almost instantly that if you wanted to leave, you'd have to get by Adrien and you became even tenser. "You know, this was the room I used to sneak off to when I was younger... when I was avoiding my grandfather or my tutor, for some reason they never checked here, but to be fair there are a lot of rooms in this place", Adrien began, slowly shutting the door behind him. "I didn't know this was your house..." you say rather bluntly, you really did have no idea this was his place, one of the nicest mansions in New York belonged to the one guy you were trying to avoid. "One of several actually, but this is the one I grew up in," Adrien said nonchalantly, his current mood and behaviour feeling very different from the day you first met. You told him it was lovely and he thanked you for the compliment, before saying, "speaking of lovely, you, Ms.Andersen look absolutely stunning in that dress, truly enchanting, like a princess". You couldn't help but grin, before staring down as you tried to hide it, thanking him before saying that it wasn't true, but he insisted, you were truly gorgeous. "May I sit," Adrien asked politely, and you looked at him a little confused, merely stating, "it's your house, I'm pretty sure you can sit wherever you want". This earned a breathy laugh from Mr.Cross, who sat down on the opposite end of the window seat from where you were a few minutes before, asking you to join him, and against your better judgement, you do. 

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