Chapter 3: Breaking Sparrow Out & Commandeering The Interceptor.

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Chapter 3 - Breaking Sparrow Out & Commandeering The Interceptor

*Will's POV*
A pounding headache woke me up, opening my eyes I was blinded by the blazing sun. I groaned and sat up bringing my knees to my chest, resting my elbows on my knees and holding my head with my hands. The night before came flooding back, the attack, the pirates, the twice dead pirate that both me and Jay had killed.

I looked around trying to see where I was, apparently I had been knocked unconscious in the streets. The town looked like a shamble: smoke was coming from the port, windows smashed, citizens lying dead in the streets, soldiers carrying the injured. What had happened to this town?

To my right I saw Jay lying unconscious with cuts and bruises scattering her face. Gently shaking her I tried to wake her, "Jay, come on. You need to wake up." I cooed in her ear. Groaning she slowly started moving and held her head. "Will my world is spinning. Do I have to move?" She asked, clearly she had forgotten about the night before. "Jay, Elizabeth was taken by those pirates." I spoke as her eyes flung open. "Oh my god, I nearly forgot. We need to save her!" She said satting up and wobbling and closing her eyes again groaning holding her head. "I shouldn't have done that, I should not have done that." I heard her mutter as I slowly stood up myself. When my head stopped spinning and the headache died down I took Jay's wrist and pulled her towards where Commodore and the Governor were.

"William, stop. You're making my headache worse!" She hissed behind me with her eyes still closed. I forgot that Juliet wasn't the nicest person if you woke her up. "The more time we stay here groaning and whining, Elizabeth and the Black Pearl are one step away from us." I said with a slight irritated tone to my voice.


"They've taken her, they've taken Elizabeth!" I shouted at Commodore once we stormed to where Commodore and Weatherby were. "We have to hurry, we need to find her!" Juliet shouted next to me. "Mr. Murtogg please remove these two." Commodore said not even looking up from the map on the table. "We have to save her!" Juliet said loudly as Murtogg and Mullroy walked over to us. "And where do you suppose we look Juliet? If you have any news concerning my daughter, please share it." Weatherby said directed to both of us as we shook the guards grip off us.

"That Jack Sparrow. He spoke about the Black Pearl." Murtogg said, "mentioned it, is more what he did." Mullroy corrected him. Both me and Jay looked at him not believing what we had heard. "Ask him where it is." I said, "make a deal with him. He could lead us to it." Juliet finished but Commodore had to be an idiot and decline the idea. "No, you see the pirates who invaded this Fort left Sparrow locked in his cell ergo they are not his allies. Governor, we will establish their most likely course-" I cut him off by throwing my hatchet into the map and table. "That's not good enough!" I snapped, how could they just stand there trying to figure out where the Black Pearl would be when there is someone in town who already knows where it would be?!

"How can you just stand there looking at your map? You could be making a deal with Jack to find out where Elizabeth is?!" Juliet screamed her hands rolled into fits her knuckles turning white, "remember your place Miss. Nickel. He's a pirate, and pirates are not to be trusted thus I will not work with them." Commodore said looking up from his map glaring at her. "He knows where Elizabeth will be! He used to be captain of the ship! He was the one who wanted to find the treasure in the first place and that is where they will be!" She yelled throwing her fit down on the table. What was she on about? "We need Jack to help save her!" I yelled making Commodore look at me after taking out my hatchet. "Mr. Turner, you are not a military man, you are not a sailor. You are in fact, a blacksmith and this is not the moment for rash actions. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth." Commodore said handing back my tool. "He seems to be the only one who acts like it." Juliet spat at Commodore only to be glared at by him. "Juliet, I don't know why you are so interested; a ship is no place for a woman unless she is traveling or she has been kidnapped." He said silencing her. You could almost hear the raging fire in her eyes as she shot a death glare at Commodore.

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