19. He's so bloody confusing!

En başından başla

I looked at Mr Arnold who gestured for me to come to him. I felt a sense of excitement when I saw him. Today he was wearing a brown suit and he looked nice. Once I was near him, I saw the same pair of oval magnets between his left hand's index finger and thumb. I wonder why he has them every time I see him?

"Good morning.", I smiled at him warmly. He didn't respond. He just stared at him with those intense steel grey eyes of his. I felt my heart beating faster. What in the world is he thinking? He stretched out his hand and pulled me into what seemed me his private elevator. I was left stunned at his reflex action.

"Mr Arnold. Are you fine?", I asked once we were inside, away from all eyes. He centred all his attention on me and I felt my heart racing when I saw the same weird look cross his features again.

All of a sudden he placed his right hand on my right cheek. His touch was light and I felt a shiver run down my spine. He tucked a few strands of my baby hair that didn't get fixed in my bun behind my hair. I felt so warm and then I felt my heart explode seeing a smile on his face.

He cautiously touched the pearl of the earring I wore. He gingerly traced the pearl with his finger. His touch was soft and gentle which made me wonder what he was thinking. I couldn't help but feel my body heat up and I felt my heart beating rapidly.

"You wore it." He whispered, his words filled with a hint of surprise and wonder. I looked away at that moment, not trusting myself to not do anything stupid.

This man is driving me insane.

"Can I hug you again?", he asked and my heart literally jumped out of my chest. I nodded and within a blink, he had wrapped his arms around me. I rested my hands on his broad chest. I felt his heart beating and bloody hell! It was beating faster than before. I felt my heart melting at his touch.

The elevator dinged and I swear I heard him groan and mutter something under his breath. For the moment even I didn't want him to pull away but I controlled myself and unwrapped my arms from around him.

I don't want him to think of me as some clingy woman!

"Jesus Christ! You're making it so difficult.", I gave him a questioning look to which his eyes widened and he looked away nervously.

What the sh*t?

I sighed and proceeded to his office, him beside me. His office had some passcode lock. I averted my gaze to not invade his privacy.

A chuckle escaped him and the very next moment his lips were near my ear."0710"


"The passcode, it's Kia's birthday.", he whispered and turned the doorknob unlocking it. He kept his hand on my back as we entered the office. I turned to face him, my brows knitting with confusion.

Why did he tell me the passcode?

He ignored my expression and moved on. I stood there and watched as he pressed a button on the wall. The wall opened and revealed a staircase. He gestured for me to go first.

I was a little confused but I did as he said and proceeded to go upstairs. I reached the top and was surprised to see a small room. It was small but big enough for a table and two chairs. On one side of the room was a window and on the other side was a door.

I walked over to the window and reached for the curtains, pulling them aside. I gasped at what I saw. The beautiful city of New York and the glittering lights of Times Square. My heart literally melted at the sight.

I turned to look at him, my eyes wide with surprise. He was standing in front of me, his hands shoved in his pockets, lips curved up into a smile. He was beaming at me and I felt a lump in my throat. I tentatively stepped closer to him, my eyes never leaving his, afraid that he would disappear if I looked away."The view is breathtaking."

"Mine is better.", he said and instantly my eyes went to his, curious to know what was more breathtaking than this, but I was once again left confused when he didn't elaborate.

"Miss Summers?", he asked, cutting my thoughts. I raised my brows questioningly." I want to confess something.", he said taking my hand in his."I wanted to say it yesterday at the Christmas party but f*ck I couldn't muster enough courage."

I smiled at him. He was so nervous, I couldn't help but feel flattered. He was so adorable when he was nervous. "I'm listening Mr Arnold."

"I never meant to offend you that day after we came from the hospital." The smile on my face drained and I found myself pulling my hand out of his hand but he tightened his grip, not allowing me to do so."I asked Sienna to stay at your home for my sake, I really didn't want you to be alone. Trust me, I know you've been by yourself for the past years and you'd have managed, but It just didn't feel right, especially when I knew you felt alone even if you say you don't."

My heart almost stopped when I heard his words." And why did you feel that way? Why do you care?", my question came out as forward as my thoughts.

He looked hurt by my tone and I cursed myself for being so cold but I can't help it, my panic attacks are a touchy subject. I feel weak and pathetic when I have them. I just want to be normal again. I just want to live a normal life where I don't have to think about dying every other day.

But the very next moment he smiled, "You have to wait to find out that. For now, accept my apology, will you?"

"And what if I didn't?", I wanted to tease him, somewhere in my subconscious, his words melted me and I liked the fact that I could be so bold with him. It was rare for me to talk to men this way and I liked it.

I was so wrong about him till yesterday, not that I'd known him for months.

It has been only a few weeks.

But I really passed a judgement about him very soon.

He paused for a moment as if shocked by my words. He laughed softly, a genuine laugh that made my heart melt, "Then I'll have to make you.", he said and within seconds he had me in his arms, lifting me off the floor as one hand grabbed my legs and the other my arms, holding me close to his chest. I screamed in surprise which made him laugh.

He moved in a circle making me dizzy. I could feel his laughter vibrating through his chest, his arms were still encircling me, holding me close. I squealed as he stopped spinning me, instead, he carried me to a chair, setting me gently.

"So you forgive me now? Because I'm not giving up until you do."

I kept a hand on my chest to control my breathing."Yes. I do."

"I do too.", he muttered making me scowl.

The man is so bloody confusing!

But before I could question him for what he said-I do, his phone rang and he smiled."Yes, Kia. She's here."

"Come on Ms Summers.", he held my hand in his so that I don't hit my head while descending the stair because in his words. 'I'm so f*cking clumsy.'

He has a dirty mouth.

Oh, wait!

I'm such a hypocrite calling his mouth dirty when I myself can't speak a f*cking paragraph without using a cuss word.

But who cares?

He has a dirty mouth. Periodt!


Mr Arnold has got it bad! ;)

Mr. CEO's Fiery NannyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin