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Lizzie POV :

I didn't slept well this night, my brain was thinking non-stop about my parents, why they wanted me... And even if I wanted to meet them, I was a bit scared.

I woke up early and saw that Sarah was already in the kitchen, but I wasn't hungry so I just took my packages out of my bedroom and started drawing on my notebook.

Few times later, Sarah called me to eat breakfast, but I told her I didn't want to eat. She didn't insist and I stayed in my room. I wasn't really mad at Sarah for what she told me last night, and I was feeling a bit guilty of what I told her, about our lives being different and everything. But I remembered I was strong, I couldn't let my feelings take over and I was going to leave this house in few hours so it was no use to go make up with Sarah.

While I was drawing, Holland knocked at the door.

"Come in."

"Hi darling, how are you ?" She asked me.

"Fine, and you ?"

"I'm okay, a bit sad you're leaving..." She whispered the last part.

I looked down at my drawing again because I didn't want to talk about that. In fact, I wanted to stay here, I was feeling so good with Holland and Sarah but I had no choice so what was the point to debate about it ?!

Holland stayed at the door frame for few minutes and told me that Sarah finished preparing lunch. I went downstairs with her and I sat quietly between my two foster moms. We ate in an uncomfortable silence and as soon as I was finished I came back upstairs. But before I could reach my room, I felt a hand gripping my arm.

"Lizzie..." It was Sarah. "Can we talk ?"

"Sar, I'm leaving, there is nothing we can do about it. Please, don't make it more difficult that it already is."

She sighed and let me go. I spent the afternoon ruminating, alone, until Holland came.

"It's time to go honey." She said sternly.

I stood up, took my bags and put them in the trunk. Sarah and Holland sat in the front seats and Sarah started driving. (I know that's dangerous ;))

Sarah POV :

We arrived quickly at the orphanage. A car was already parked and Helena was waiting for us at the front door, with a couple. Lizzie got out of the car and took her bags without even looking at me. We waited for her and walked to the front door. The couple was staring at us and it made me uncomfortable, but I tried to hide it, and Helena did the presentation.

"Hello ! So this is the Mitchells, Lizzie's parents."

We greeted them with a lot of hypocrisy and when it was Lizzie's turn, she shyly hugged them.

"Oh Elizabeth, I'm so happy to see you. You're a beautiful woman now." Said her mother.

"Thanks, it's Lizzie now, but thanks m-..."

"You can call me mom baby."

I knew Lizzie hated being called baby, but this time she said nothing. Her father put the bags in their car and Lizzie said goodbye to Helena.

"It's the last time you'll see the orphanage ! You finally found your definitive family, I'm so happy for you."

"Me too." Answered Lizzie.

Then she turned toward Holland and I and first hugged Holland. But the hug was different with the one she gave to her parents. Then, she faced me, and opened her arms.

"Goodbye Sarah." She only said after pulling off.

I saw her entering her parents' car and she was gone. My sweet girl was gone. Holland was talking with Helena but I couldn't take my eyes off of the road, where it would be the last time I see Lizzie. I was so sad, I felt so guilty because I thought I didn't took enough care of her. She was bringing me so much happiness, but what did I give her in exchange ?

After few minutes, Holland and I left the orphanage and we came back to the car.

"Helena told me that she'll keep us in touch for the next kid. Apparently, a little boy is waiting for a temporary foster home."

I answered nothing. I didn't want another kid, I wanted Lizzie. Her deep eyes, full of hope, her bright smile and her warm embrace which stopped the time. I allowed few tears to stream down my cheeks before we arrived to our house, which seemed so empty without Lizzie.

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