Mariana leaned down against my ear, pressing her smile against my neck. "I think I know now what your favorite position is," she said as she started rocking up and down with such graceful movements that made it impossible to look away from her even when my eyes fought to close. The curve of her hips grind against me as her tits erotically bounced in front of me.

Instantly, I propelled myself forward and latched onto her peaked nipple, sucking vehemently to suppress my own moans. "Wolff." She whimpered.

I pulled back. "Too much?"

She nodded, biting her lip. To apologize, I gently licked her nipple and dropped soft kisses along the sides and then to the middle of her breasts; up until I have her lips again. Our moans mingled together when Mariana started grinding against me with fervor, sweat coating our skins from the heat we project.

"You feel so good." I murmured against her neck; inhaling her, touching her, and still not getting enough of her. Her curves fit so well against me—her softness a contrast to my hardness, and when she pulses against my cock, gripping me steady, it felt as though she was made for me and I for her.

I flipped us over. As soon as Mariana's beneath me, encased in my arms, I drove inside her long and hard, watching every expression she makes and fighting every urge to come at the sounds the slipped from her lips.

We fucked for what felt like hours. When coming inside her once didn't feel enough, Mariana let me fuck her in every position I've ever dreamed of, receiving me in a way that felt like she was as hungry for me as I am for her. Every time she would cry my name and scrape her nails on my back, she drives me over the edge and rips the control right out of my hands. Yet, the slightest whimper she makes snaps me right back, my roughness and urgency recoiling into tenderness.

Touching Mariana and being with her made me gentle, made me soft. Even so, I've never felt stronger. Because for once in my life, I felt as though I was in control of my demons, fighting the dark with the light she bestowed upon me.


"How did you know about this place?" Mariana mumbled against my chest as I ran my fingers softly through her hair.

"I had a nanny when I was young," I started as I let my hand fall at the slope of Mariana's hips while she hiked her thigh over my waist. "I used to come here, even in the middle of the night when Victoria's in her manic states. Grace would welcome me here like her own son because she didn't have any. At the brief time that I knew her, she's made me feel more loved than my own mother ever did."

Mariana stirred, tipping her head up so she could look at me. Her voice was utterly soft when she asked, "Where is she now?"

I held the warmth in her eyes, only so I wouldn't break. Holding her close felt like standing next to a fireplace in a cold, winter night. She was both a necessity for survival and a fount of solace.

"She got sick," I said, finding the hand that she placed against my chest and interlocking our fingers. "Late stage of lung cancer. She died when I was fifteen."

Mariana's head fell onto the crook of my neck as she whispered, "I'm so sorry, Wolff. I know how much she meant to you." She pressed a tender kiss on my neck and squeezed my hand. "It doesn't matter if blood is thicker than water. Sometimes, the strangers that come into our lives  feel more like family than the once we already have. Blood doesn't define the only love we should receive."

I dropped my lips to her forehead, kissing her gently and whispering the words: "I know." Because she thought me that, too. For the little time that I've known her, Mariana made me feel more understood and accepted than anyone ever did. When I was convinced that I'm a monster, she held my hand and stood beside me. She trusted me. She didn't flee. She stayed, and because of that, she's given me the love I thought I'd never receive. She's given me hope and allowed me to dream of a future with her in it.

"I want to know more about you," I told her, turning my body so I could pull her closer against me. "Tell me what's your family like."

She sighed, pressing her back flat against my chest. "My life back home was like a written step-by-step to-do list. Everything was planned. My major, my first job, my first apartment, my wedding, my husband, when I'm going to have kids..." She paused to pull on my arm, wrapping it around her waist like a blanket that would keep her warm. I pressed my smile against her neck as she continued, "My parents were really strict and molded me into this person that was so far from who I truly am. Running away and coming here was the most freedom I've ever had in twenty-four years."

"You don't miss Vernazza?" I asked softly. "I heard that it's a pretty little town. Didn't you have friends there growing up?"

She was quiet for a moment before she said, "I had a best friend. He was my fiancé."

I stiffened at her words. I almost forgot that she mentioned being engaged and almost getting married.

A sudden sense of possessiveness hit me, rendering me silent for a few moments before I was able to compose myself enough to ask: "Did you love him?"

Her response was instant, as if she had long decided on it. "I loved him like a sister would love her brother. I was never interested in marrying him." She explained, stroking my knuckles over her bare torso. "Louis grew up like me—dictated by his parents every step of the way, so eager to please his family that when they told us to get engaged, we did it out of duty and not because we're in love."

My apprehension alleviated and I relaxed against her. "If he's your best friend then you must miss him..." I trailed, feeling the weight of her sigh. "Do you plan on reaching out to him?"

"I don't know if he still thinks of me as his best friend after I ran away and left him alone to fix the mess I've left behind," she curled, tucking her chin against her chest. "He must hate me for abandoning him. So, I don't, he's probably too preoccupied with—"

Mariana suddenly pushed up to a sitting position, flashing me a view of her full, rounded tits and causing me to involuntary harden without warning.

"What is it?" I rasped, forcing myself to focus on her face.

"I have an idea," She stood from the mattress and I groaned, the sight of her naked body igniting the fire inside me. If we weren't having such a serious conversation, I would've pulled her back against me. "Louis. He's a lawyer and so is his entire family. If I talk to him and explain our situation, he—"

"Wait, Mariana. Hold on." I stood up, pulling my pants on and grabbing my shirt from the floor. "What exactly are you planning?"

She held my eyes, the palpable determination in her features striking me so hard I wanted to kneel down and do whatever she asks me to.

"I'm going back to Vernazza," she decided. "And you're coming with me."

I didn't even need to think about my answer. I already knew that I would follow her to the ends of the earth.

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