Chapter Thirteen

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Axel knocked on my door early in the morning, demanding I get ready to go out. He was in his usual attire, composed and clean. However, I couldn't help but notice the dark circles under his eyes or the hoarseness of his usually polished blonde hair.

"Where are we going?" I didn't recognize the throaty voice that came out of me. Then again, it felt as though my head was being drilled and my mouth was the texture of the Sahara desert.

"The doctor's. We need to get you checked."

That was all Axel said before walking away.

I knew I was hungover from the five—not two, I lied—glasses of wine I had last night. But aside from that, I hadn't known any reason that required a visit to the doctor's.

Scrambling to my feet, I found piles of Prada boxes and paper packagings at the foot of my bed. I had no time to be surprised nor excited. After the much needed hot shower I managed to get done in under ten minutes, I went through one of the bags and found a plain black skirt and a sleeveless cream blouse. I settled for flats before bursting out the door, knowing my headache would not equate to a pair of steady feet for today.

"Why are we going to—"

"Get in the car."

I had no idea why I was receiving a cold treatment. The only reaction I was able to evince was a deep frown before I was shutting the door of Axel's car—or was it Wolff's. I really had no idea anymore. I was as lost as a blind person in a new environment.

It was only when Axel stopped and jumped out of the car did I squinted at the building we stopped by. My heart hammered in my chest as I read the letters at the top right of the bricked wall of the building: Women's Health Medical Center.

"Hold on a sec!" I shouted as my feet met the asphalt road.

Axel barely turned to acknowledge my inquisition, staring straight ahead as if he just wanted to get this over with.

"What is the matter with you?" I didn't try to tone my pitch down. "Why do I need to get checked a women's medical center?"

With one heavy sigh, Axel explained, "After what happened last night, Kurt could fuck you any minute and I won't be there to stop it when it happens out of his control. We need to take precautions."

My face heated up. "Oh. You mean birth control? I—I haven't—"

"Figured as much." Axel grunted, running a hand on his jaw. "You're getting an implant, though. It's more effective. We can't risk anything. I hope you understand that, Mariana."

I gulped. "What implant?"

"It goes in your upper arm. It's supposed to release a steady dose of a progestational hormone to—" He took note of my confused expression. "Let's go inside. I'll let the doctor explain it to you."

My hands grew so clammy as I followed Axel to the clinic. I wanted to ask so much more questions, particularly why it seemed as if he knew his way here so well or why he knew about the procedure as if he had been in this position before—escorting a woman to this very clinic. Then it dawned on me, the truth that he actually had been here before, with another virgin. Possibly multiple virgins before me. I couldn't deny the way my heart wrenched inside my chest. Most of all, confusion. It sipped through the pang in my chest and settled over me like a heavy cloud, making it impossible for me to keep up with Axel's strides.

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