Chapter 282: Redoing The DNA Test!

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Lewis comforted her. “It’s mainly because you don’t understand her character.”

A lot of people resorted to unscrupulous means in order to marry into a wealthy family. They feigned purity, acted innocent, and put up all kinds of pretenses. Mrs. Hunt had also been through it all and had seen many like that.

When a stray girl from the countryside suddenly appeared with an illegitimate daughter she had with someone else, how would Mrs. Hunt possibly not have anything against her?

Mrs. Lewis said, “What you care about the most is actually still Mr. Hunt. It’s because you’re indignant on his behalf. After all, he’s so outstanding. There are so many outstanding women from good families who want to marry him, so why did he simply have to choose a woman like that…”

Mrs. Hunt sighed. “Let’s observe her for a while more! If her character is passable, for Justin’s sake, I’ll still show her some courtesy when we’re in front of outsiders, even though I don’t like her! But if she doesn’t have a good character, or if she mistreats Pete, I definitely won’t let her marry into the family! Pete is the Hunts’ future!”

Mrs. Lewis nodded. “You’re right.”

Ian gradually regained consciousness after taking the Zabe Corporation’s Calming Pill.

In order to prevent him from having another emotional breakdown, Joel left in advance and took Ian back to the hospital. After all, the doctors and nurses in the hospital would be able to keep his bodily functions alive for sure.

By the time Justin and Nora went back downstairs, the way everyone looked at Nora had already changed.

All of them were talking about the woman who became Cinderella. She was so lucky! To think she actually turned out to be Ian’s daughter!

No one thought otherwise.

After all, Yvette had been in a relationship with Ian back then. On top of that, he even stayed single for life because of her, so everyone naturally brought Ian into the picture.

They completely didn’t notice that Ian had said just now that she was a daughter of the Smiths.

Nora didn’t know any of this, though. She was still frowning and thinking about what had happened back then.

She hadn’t just been sleeping all this time she was at the Andersons’.

Occasionally, she would look through what her mother had left behind.

Some of the books even contained notes and interpretations that her mother had made.

Through those writings, she had gained a general understanding of Yvette’s character.

The woman was aggressive and stubborn by nature. In the patriarchal environment back then, it was definitely no easy feat to rise to the challenge and become the head of the Andersons.

How would a woman like that possibly get together with Ian’s brother while she was in a relationship with him?

If she had really fallen in love with Ian’s brother… Given her personality, she would have simply gotten together with that man instead, and been as decisive as how she had rejected Justin’s father. Why would she run away from home after she became pregnant and flee New York?

She couldn’t help feeling that her mother didn’t seem like someone who would do that.

When the party came to an end, Nora got Melissa to take Cherry home while she followed Justin to the hospital to visit Ian.

After all, they hadn’t sorted out the issues they were talking about just now. They hadn’t told her which of Ian’s brothers her father was yet.

It was already late when they arrived at the hospital.

Joel sat quietly in the hallway late at night. He seemed to know that the two of them would come over, so he was waiting for them.

Ian was already asleep.

Joel said, “You can just ask me if you have any questions because I was the one who handled everything.”

Nora lowered her head. “I want to know how you got my DNA samples.”

Joel said unhurriedly, “Someone took a few strands of your hair when you were at the medical university the other time. The person I sent to protect you happened to be nearby, so he chased after the person and snatched the hair from him.”

“… Then have you guys ever considered that the hair might have been switched?” asked Nora.

Joel was a little taken aback by her suggestion.

Nora looked at the ward and said slowly but firmly, “I want to redo the DNA test.”

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