Chapter 1 : Back to School

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Morning had arrived and the sun rose bright in the sky. Its brightness shone over a large boarding school. The staffs were arriving to open it up. The large gates of the school opened wide ready to welcome back all the students. Its building stood tall and wide at its location.

Staffs' cars started to pull into the parking lot of the school. Teachers' along with their luggage were entering the building and towards to where the teachers' dormitories were located. The school consisted of three large buildings connected to each other.

One of the buildings was the dormitories, the other is the main school building and the last one being the building with any extra facilities needed. The school was an all girl school.

The staffs were settling in before the arrival of the other students. The surrounding was quite and peaceful until ... the sounds of several students laughing running around in the building was heard.

These students were the ones who had detention. They goofed around the school corridor. However, as soon as they spotted the arrival of the staffs' they retreated back to their rooms.

Some of the teachers heading to their dormitories spotted these students and only shook their heads. "Here we go again," said one of the teachers who spotted them. "Same thing again. When will they graduate?"

Not long after most of the staffs had settled in, cars of students coming back started to show up. Each of them pulling in front of the gates and dropping the students off with their luggage. Some of the students showed up in their parents expensive car to try and show off to the others. Some of the students showed up and would make a huge drama with their parents to draw in attention.

It was the same thing every time school reopens and welcomed back the students. It was not even the start of the school year but only the start of school after a two week holiday in March. The new schoolyear kicked off in January so most of the extra new students drama was over.

Car after car, students were arriving to the school. From one of the cars, stepped out a young student. She was in her third year at the school. A 9th grader. She wore a plain white t-shirt with a pair of black three quarter pants. Her parents stepped out of the car as well.

The young student unloaded her luggage from the car. She grabbed her backpack from the backseat and bid her parents farewell.

"Have a good time at school, sweetie," said her father as he hugged her tight. "We will miss you at home."

"Will miss you too," said the student. Her mother gave a hug and kissed her forehead.

"Don't do anything stupid, Luna," said her mother.

"Okay~," said the student, Luna. She adjusted the backpack on her shoulder and started to wheel her luggage as she walked pass the school gates. "Here we go."

She was already familiar with the surrounding of the school. As she walked, she saw some of the students in their first year still not confident with where they were going. Some of the other students who were already in their second year and above were pretty much familiar with the system.

Luna made her way to the dormitories. As she entered the building, she had to take the stairs up to the first floor. Luna walked up the stairs and was near the landing when she heard someone call her.

"Hey there Thunderstorm," said a voice from the landing of the stairs. Luna looked up and smiled looking at her best friend who had arrived. The other student stood at the landing with a smile. She had her favorite blue blouse and skirt on.

"Hey~ I didn't know you arrived early," replied Luna as she finally made it to the landing after carrying her luggage up the stairs.

"Yea... arrived like 15 minutes ago," said the other student. The two of them started to walk along the corridor of the dormitories.

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