𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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❝ Aftermath displeasures. ❝


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"Mornin' sleepyheads."

To be honest, Aurora only slept for two hours and felt like her head was getting splinched. For she had to help Harry bring Sirius in the cottage last night, help Ron levitate Bill's body to the living room and to literally promise Daphne she'll have a hot chocolate in the morning so they can get a night's rest.

Aurora forced Harry and Ron to the spare room so they can sleep as it was half past three in the morning while she cleans the table outside. But she did leave it alone and decided to fix it the next day.

Though her morning in the aftermath wasn't pleasant, she was just glad she's standing behind the kitchen counter, stirring a cauldron of hangover cure with absolutely no sign of drowsiness. Unlike Daphne and Bill who recently just woke up, both of them looking like they got hit by the Knight bus.

"Not so loud, Rory." Bill grumbles, grabbing the pillow resting on his head and covers his whole face. Aurora laughs quietly before grabbing two small bottles near her. "Merlin's beard. . . What time is it?" He mumbles through padded sheets.

"Half past ten." Daphne forced herself up, kicking her boyfriend on the shin to wake him up. Bill grumbles. "Get up, love. Your mother will kill you if she sees you now."

"Ooh, listen to your girl William." Aurora winks at Daphne who rolls her eyes, too hangover to fight so she sits on the stool from across her bestfriend. "Here." She places the half filled bottle to Daphne.

"Where on Earth did you have the time to brew the miracle potion?" Daphne winces, grabbing the fragile glass between her fingers and drinking it whole. Though it tastes terrible for her, after three or five seconds, she sighs in relief as the morning dread had gone away with a click.

"I'm a miracle person myself." Aurora grins, "Get that one to Bill, I'll wake my girlfriend up before she gets mad I let her sleep in."

Daphne — thankful as she is — eyes Aurora warily. "You cooked breakfast for Fleur but not us?"

"You're an adult, Daphne, cook your own eggs and toast." Aurora snorts, pouring a bit of the potion in the hot cup of coffee sitting on top of a small tray and besides a plate of small breakfast.

"Aurora's playing favorites again." Daphne kneels down to Bill on the ground — as he slept on it uncomfortably for Daphne to sleep on the couch — pulling the pillow off his face. "Drink already so I can cook waffles." She yawns lightly, ridding the sleepiness.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐲 ; Fleur DelacourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora