𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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❝ Godric's Hollow. ❝


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"You're just a charming person in the morning, aren't you?"

Aurora chuckles innocently as the single rose was plucked away from between her hold as she offered it to Fleur who opened the door to let her in. "Just for you, darling." Aurora looks around when the door clicks to close, wondering if Daphne was here.

"Bill and her are on a date at the Square downtown." Fleur informs before approaching the living room, placing the rose down along with the rest of the flowers on a vase that was strictly watered everyday in a reasonable time like she calculated. In order for it not to die out quickly that most flowers intend to do.

"Already then?" Aurora grins, took her shoes off and set it aside along with her jacket that is now hung behind a smaller chair in the living room.

"The petals are already dying." Fleur points out, crouching slightly when she notices the a purple lily dying within the trench of others. The edges began to sadly decay and brought Fleur to frustration with a cause of sadness. Before she could acknowledge the thought of Aurora no longer bringing more when she visits, the Black was now fairly close to her and Fleur steps back by the suddenness.

The back of her knees hitting the sofa, Fleur sits down but not without looking directly in orbiting grey eyes that dulls into hers like a magnifying glass. "I'll keep that in mind." Aurora whispers, voice soft and gentle before her lips connected onto the pale and clear skin on Fleur's jawline.

"Aurora — Aurora, it's too early." Fleur holds her shoulders but didn't push them away. Her head turns to another direction but it only gave Aurora another reason to softly kiss the bottom of her jaw. "Daphne has a key — They left hours ago." Meaning, they should be home any moment now.

Aurora chuckles softly and momentarily stops, hovering Fleur. "Are you denying to spend a moment alone with me after you shunned me from the apartment I helped you find?" She questions in a playful frown.

"I did not shunned you — I offered to sleep with you in the Grimmaulds but you refuse."

"Sleep with me, huh?" Aurora grins as she looks at Fleur, now flushed between a state of emotions.

"You know what I mean." Fleur mumbles, her cheeks coating pink that only made Aurora laugh softly. Then she calms down when the Black holds her hand resting on the couch before she looks up again to meet Aurora's eyes. "You look gorgeous with shorter hair, my love." Fleur compliments sweetly in a mesmerizing smile.

𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐲 ; Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now