𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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❝ Preparing before storm comes. ❝


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Then by a bone crushing hug, Bill Weasley was almost overthrown on the ground when he met Aurora's embrace so longingly. Even his long and red hair flew backwards, almost close covering their heads as he laughed. "Good to see you too, Rory." He ruffles her hair like a child.

"Hey." She snarls playfully, fixing her perfect hair and turns to Mrs. Weasley the next. "Hiya, Mrs. Weasley. When'd you get here?" Then Bill laughs, fixing his untied hair back.

"Did you do well on your N.E.W.Ts, Dear?" Molly asks and even if she was reluctant of Aurora's decision of becoming an Auror under the guide of Nymphadora Tonks, it was still bearable. As long as Aurora doesn't get herself killed, it'll be alright.

"Fantastic!" Aurora beams happily. Her happiness radiates onto those other families there for the Triwizard champion. Though she couldn't care less for the others, she sent a tiny wink to little Gabrielle holding her mum's hand. Now she was too nervous to even dare to meet Mrs. Delacour's eyes and now instead turns to the Weasleys again.

"I hope you will be staying with us for the summer." Molly always loved Aurora as her own. Like an illegitimate daughter, not bound by blood but only by heart and emotions from the times she's been generous and kind to them despite her own mother defying of it and punishing her if ever caught.

"I'll try." Aurora says seriously. "Though Tonks may not let me."

The entrance to the Chambers opens loudly with the sound of the door creaking. To its appearances, Mr. Diggory exclaims in a happy cheer upon seeing his son — Cedric. It made the boy flush but nonetheless approached his father only to be met with an embrace that squeezed the life out of him.

Seeing Fleur made the better part of Aurora's day ever since the beginning. Their eyes met but it was only brief, enough moment to know they've acknowledged each other. Aurora felt her face heat up when Fleur sent her a joyous wink, leading the former to glance back to the entrance and expected her cousin with pink and flushed cheeks. It made Fleur laugh and then greets her mother with a boisterous endeavour.

Now she shouldn't be here but she wanted to be dramatic and acted like an outsider.

"Surprise!" Mrs. Weasley excitedly exclaimed, seeing Harry's sullen face turn into a positive one, now strutting towards them with a bright smile. "Thought we'd come and watch you, Harry!" She kissed him on the cheek like how a mother would to son.

𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐲 ; Fleur DelacourWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt