𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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❝ Doubts of deliberation. ❝


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It's only days before the ball and the students from all three schools are beginning to increase their levels of stress. Besides many not being able to acquire dates, some settled on not bringing anyone but themselves. It caused a whole lot of bullying from Draco to that people who wants to go alone. One made sure he'd shut up for the rest of his life about it.

Aurora was happy with Fleur. Whenever they'd talk, she seemed to be in a completely different world. One that she can't feel the pain, one that she can't feel the longing she has for her father who must have arrived in England a few days ago. Sirius informed her that he has and would be undercover for a while so he adviced not to write. He promised he would the moment it was safe and she believes him.

Regarding of the Yule ball, Aurora has already acquired a dress of her own when she immediately had one made in a shop at Hogsmeade. It was quite expensive seeing as many students were also having their made in a rush. Though Aurora may or may not have rushed hers with bribery.

As much as Sirius wanted to be the one to send his daughter her own dress from an exquisite shop only for her, he couldn't risk showing his face to the public. Not even muggles, he wasn't safe to. Aurora assured him that it was fine and he would get to see her in the Daily Prophet if ever Rita was allowed to do an article about the ball.

"Uh, hi." Harry says, not particularly used to approaching Slytherins but these was his cousin's friends. "Have either of you seen Rory?"

"As long as you see Fleur, I'm sure she's there." Elias smirks, nudged Daphne as approval who snorts and agrees with a silent nod. The two of them tries their best to distant away from Potter specifically. Seeing as both their families are in favor of the Dark lord, they didn't want to be punished by being friends with Harry like Aurora is. "If you see her, tell her I need to talk to her too!" He calls ahead when the fifth year was walking away.

On the other hand, Aurora is currently at the top of the Astronomy tower as no one held class in it when it was approaching the holidays. It made her wonder if there wasn't a tournament, where could she celebrate her birthday and Christmas altogether having kicked out of her own home. The Weasleys are welcoming, of course, but Aurora would feel like a burden to them.

Besides this, she felt a bit upset to her mother more than usual. The letter made her feel confused. Aurora was suppose to blame her for every misconception in her life, not feel so lost and doubt her behaviors lately.

Top it off, she has the N.E.W.Ts to worry about and Tonks told her — in a letter — to study well because it'll be an important factor whether or not she'll be in auror training in the summer. Nymphadora Tonks believed in her cousin who was too smart for her own good. Too good at duels, sports that includes a broom and quaffle. She didn't expect Aurora's finals to flunk and instead, she'd ace every single one.

𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐲 ; Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now