what does ghost ace do?

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Ace pov

After i died i met my mom and biologic dad with my dad(whitebeard) and thatch (and the Brothers who i didn't know) they were all happy.
But i was sad because i felt lonely i watch from a far my brothers and my lover who was very lonely  i would always go down to earth.
I some times think animals can see me because they look at me weird like for instinct i went to See my brother luffy and his half-human doctor of him looked at me let me tell you when he did i Thought he saw me.
But thank god he didn't say anything to lu.

I would always visit marco and sit next to him he always has bottles of sake around him.
Which I know isn't good and all those damn unfinished paper work makes me want to live just to Be there and help him.
It's sad to watch as everyone goes away but i know that he isn't alone.
Izo is still there for him and the other commanders.
But this day was different he was in his phoenix form and looked like he was crying.
(but being honest i will never stop laughing at him for sleeping in a nest)
I begin to fly to him and pet his head.
marco pov 

I was sleeping in my bird form because for some reason i felt like it.
But then i felt someone petting me i opened my eyes to see a blurry figure. 

'ace?' i thought 

I saw the blurry figure was shocked and his hand froze....


'wait! no don't go again!' i wanted to tell him but i knew i was in my bird form

I felt him he gave me a kiss on the head and i tried to  hold him but i know i cant.

"goodbye phoenix"

I had tears in my eyes as he said that...

'goodbye my fire'

welp im done soooooooo
i had absolute no idea what to do xD 

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